

Mira is apart of the cursed Zodiac family known as the Solmas. Whenever someone in her family gets hugged by the opposite sex or if they are exhausted, they temporarily turn into their respective animals. In Mira's case, she turns into a medium sized dragon. The Solma's live in an estate to help hide their secret but Mira has gotten tired of all of Akito's the heads, and ran away when she was ten and stayed with her uncle. It's been six years then. One day, she bumps into a familiar looking stranger and doesn't turn. Mira decided to ignore that situation and moves to Kabara and meets that familiar stranger and some familiar strangers.

TravisLaRowe23am · Teenager
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3 Chs

(After playing hide and seek. )

Chapter two:

Mira was really sad whenever Kyo found her because she couldn't play till the next round. She decided to observe everyone and watched them giggle. She pouted, Hmph. She zoned for a bit when she heard a shriek.

She ran over to see Yuki in his rat form. Oh no. A girl must've bumped into them. She thought . She ran over to him as quickly as she could but since she was wearing a yukata, she was forced to run slower than she actually could. When she got to Yuki. She bent down and covered him with her yukata sleeves and made eye contact with Hatsuharu to notify Akito or Hatori of the situation. Then she put her head down and looked at Yuki.

It's going to be okay. She whispered.

When Hatori came with Akito, Hatori pushed all the outsider kids inside and prepared fo erase their memories of this event. Akito walked up to Mira and Mira looked up, she was emotionless. Mira slowly lifted up her arms to reveal Yuki. She turned back and looked away. When they turn back into humans, they are fully nude just FYI.) Akito grabbed Yuki's white yukata and placed it on him. His bangs were covering his eyes and Mira could tell he was frustrated.

Akito looked at her. Mira nodded. She helped Yuki back to his room while securing his yukata so she didn't see him while he was nude.