
Dragon World: Awakening

The journey of a low class humanoid dragon variant in a world of dragons beyond powerful. Seeking to ascend in his own way without seeking help from higher of his kind in hopes of shattering the dystopian world inbetween realities to free himself. To create and choose his own path. Live a life he chooses with no one to control or dictate him.

Luis_Arrecis_9478 · Fantasie
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Conscious and Ready

This world. Ugh. So gloomy, so dark and mysterious. Yet it would be inherently beautiful if not for this city, this society. Mythic obsidian metal buildings, walkways, and walls. Strange reinforced glass for every window and most doors. A dictatorship with a hierarchy for those chosen to ascend but never close to the ancient. While they sit atop the almighty tower of gleaming crystals and white gold. Damn I hate it all. I refuse to submit wholly being forced barely to exist as just above the most lesser but never to go further. He invaded this world, took it by force, creating all of us in its aftermath, then using us to do his bidding of scouting new worlds once we built what was needed to traverse the universe without creating noise or suspicion. I do what I must, play the game, for I see a path to overthrow this system and free myself for good. One day… it will happen. No matter what it takes, no matter what it costs, even if it's everything.

I am code B-XIII, or also Atrayel, as that is my given name after ascending into a Draconid. I live in a world of only dragons and lesser variants of the kind. 'The Ancient' was the one that created all of us in one form or another. His right hand is none other than his spawn, Krazelu',  and the council that serves them are Dragonoids. Big, strong, powerful, but can stand and walk while also having wings, horns, and a tail. Basically over the top and aggressive. Just under them are the city enforcers. Lesser Dragonoids, aka Dragonae'd, and force anything less than that to serve the purpose of the ancient and his son without question or resistance. 

I am a Draconid, also called Draconian, most of us in this category lack the overwhelming physical power of the Dragonoids and Dragonae'd but are still stronger than 'non' dragons or lesser variants and can wield powerful magic close to the level of elemental breaths. It is my strange connection to this… force around the worlds and inbetween that allows me to sense the truth and understand what most of these imbeciles lack. This will allow me to become so much more. I basically look like a dragon humanoid with light blonde skin and scales. Tail but no wings as I am 'not chosen or worthy'.

I stand on the tip of the communication tower on top of the 'Travelers Agency' overlooking a good chunk of this bleak city in a world of torn and rippled energy across the skies. "B-XIII it's time to work. Council demands we retrieve more artifacts." I look over my shoulder to the wannabe enforcer. My 'supervisor' who is brown like shit. "Loryian. Kiss any harder and you'll be right in the council's ass." He looks at me with anger and yells, "I don't have time for your shit today Atrayel! Get down here and do your damn job! Before I report you to enforcement!" This prick never stops being somebody's bootlicking punk. "Whatever." I jump down and make my way to my locker inside the station. Changing out of my sweater, joggers, and shoes. I grab the uniform I was assigned. Black tech pants, almost knee high black boots, a white long sleeve formal shirt, and my black tech coat with the high collar. B-XIII on the back as a label. Another punk. Another day of the same boring shit.

I turn and see my handler/ partner. "Hey Atrayel how are you today?" I sear she asks the same damn questions ever single day. Like we have any freedom. She's one of us, muted purple skin and scales. Same uniform except she gets a fancy black trenchcoat. No label though but her designation is C-VII, support and logistics. "Literally the same as yesterday Finri'. I don't know why you have to always ask." She looks at me all puffed. "We're partners remember. I ask because I care and we should trust each other since we assist each other with field work." Believe whatever you want. "The only thing I need is to get this done so Loryian isn't up my friggin ass." "That's just gross." "Have you told him that? Anyway I'm ready. Let's do this shit." She rolls her eyes. "Ok fine but your paying for lunch since you wanna be an ass today." Before I can even protest she storms off huffing to grab our gear. She tries. But I don't have time for patsies who accept this world as it is.

I walk down to the 'Rift Gate' and sit on a bench as the 'drones' start the process. Finri' comes around the door way and hands me my wand, communicator, and provisions. "Wait… is this food and not rations?" "Yes Atti I made you food to take with you because you barely eat." "This isn't authorized and I eat fine. You're gonna get us in trouble. Also what the fuck is Atti?" She glares. "Just shut up and take the food. I spent time on that and you owe me lunch. I'll call you what I want." Sheesh. "Ok ok. Relax I'll take it. But if I owe you lunch then why eat now?" "Because you don't eat breakfast." She's too observant. I hate it. "Were ready!" One of the 'drones' yells as the energy opens a rift into the unknown. "Well damn. Here I go again. Finri' I'll make contact once I'm through." I stand and walk over to the rift after concealing my supplies. The energy… calls to me. No one senses it but me. I reach out as I walk through and into the realm inbetween worlds feeling all the energy around me as I try to connect to it but before I can I emerge into another world. Right in front of a unit of big green warriors in fur. Just my damn luck. It is what it is I suppose. Let's go.