
Dragon Slayers

Ryu was coming back from town when he saw that his family has has been murdered, the only surviving person which was his sister was badly wounded and was dieing already. He then ran to a nearby healer house and kept his sister there, the marking in his sister body was strange. The healer then told him that his sister has been poisoned by the black dragon and was going to transform into a hybrid and if the transformation didn't workout she'll die. He learnt about the dragons and the dragon slayer guild. He then promised himself that he was going to kill the dragons and turn his sister to human Will he make it__

Keepright_X · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Evil World

"Mom I'll be right back just going to town to grab some evening stuff" Ryu said to his mother. The temperature was hot so he was already sweating.

"Ok Ryu, don't stay late, you wouldn't want people to know about you being the child in the myth" Ryu mother said being concerned about her child.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be right back" Ryu said and turned to leave when suddenly he felt a soft and warm hand warped around him

"Brother be careful and buy me some sweets when coming back" Ryu younger sister Mia said. "Ok Mia, I will" Ryu said, ruffled her hair and start walking away.


"FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!!" Ryu here the people screamed while he was going back home. He started running when his mind was troubling him that it could be his house which was on fire

"How can this be, how can this happened, which human could have done this" Ryu started thinking when he saw that the entire forest is on Fire. He knew that his family would still suffer the same fate the the houses and forest suffered.

"The fire fighters have arrived" Ryu heard someone shouted. The fire fighters were terrified, they can't do anything to put down the fire and they can't get in the forest either.

Ryu then ran inside the forest, forgetting about the fire and started screaming "Mom, Dad, Mia". On getting to their burnt house he saw a man who have wings and a masked face and the person flew but his vision was blurring and he couldn't see the person well.

He then see that his parents has been burnt and the fire wasn't affecting his sister rather his sister was bleeding so without any reasoning he grabbed his sister and started running out of the Forest.

He noticed that the people have left the place, some people has already been burnt including up to three fire fighters and the fire in the forest was beginning to die down, but he noticed someone standing afar, holding a sword and a shield attached to his back. His cape was dancing to the wind

"Help! Help!! Help me" Ryu shouted know that the unknown person would here his voice, "my sister is dieing"

"Drop her, run and save yourself" Ryu heard the unknown person said, 'is this guy crazy' Ryu said to himself

"Your sister is not dieing, instead she is transforming to a hybrid, a human and a dragon, she was giving the dragon blood to drink and it will only take a matter of time for she to transform completely and start killing humans, so before that happened..." Masaru drew his sword out and was about to attack when suddenly Mia got up and started attacking him.

Ryu was astonished at his sister fighting skills and wanted to help her, so he brought out a carved wood like a boomerang that he always take to wherever he went to, he took stone and tied it with the stick and started running toward Masaru.

Masaru was amazed, 'is a hybrid dragon trying to help her human brother' he could not believe it, so In order not to kill the hybrid girl he just simply cut her finger with his sword and allowed the poison in his sword to mix with her blood.

He saw Ryu running towards him with a stick and just simply gave him a kick that sent him flying backwards.

"Don't do anything to my sister, I'll kill you if you touch her" Ryu said, he knows that it was just an empty threat.

Masaru looked around and noticed that they lived in the forest and their house and parents suffered the same fate as the forest and they had no where to live.

"Come, follow me I'll take show you a place where you can stay, and you better get something on least you want someone to know you are the child in the myth" Masaru said to him and started walking away

Ryu groaned in pain and stood up, he saw that Masaru had tossed a piece of cloth to him and he wore it, carried his sister and started walking towards Masaru.

After what seemed like eternity Ryu spotted a cottage, "here go to the house in front of you and tell the man about your condition" Masaru said and disappeared

Ryu and his sister was left alone, he started trekking to the cottage with his sister sleeping on his back.

"Anyone home" Ryu said and started knocking on the door.

"Come in boy" a strange man answered. "I'm Ryu and this is my sister Mia my house was bur..." Ryu said wanting to explain himself and what brought him here

"I already know about you Ryu, and your sister a hybrid, you can't excape and run away from your destiny boy, bring your sister down let me see what I can do" Akagami said

Ryu dropped his sister on the floor while Akagami went outside the house, brought some leaves and add it to the soup he was already preparing.

"Ryu, you should already know about the existence of the Dragons leaving with us in our world and killing humans right" Akagami asked while serving them the soup he has prepared

"Ryu yes master..." Ryu paused not knowing the name to call him

"Akagami for that's my name, finish the soup and give to your sister too for I added a special medicine to it" once you are done you meet me outside"

"Ok Master Akagami" Ryu said as Akagami turned to leave. Finding out that the soup is bitter he force himself to finish eating the soup and waked his sister to drink. To his surprised his sister finished the soup and demanded for more. He noticed that all his sister injuries started to heal and he was good as well

When his sister was done eating she went back to sleep while he went outside to meet Akagami.

"Sit down Ryu let me tell you an ancient story" Akagami said, cleared his throat and started talking.

"Back then in the centuries dragons and humans are friends and closed, the human helped the Dragons and the dragon helped the human"

"So where did all the enemity between the humans and the dragons came from" Ryu asked

"Listen Ryu don't be in a hurry, I haven't even gone halfway through the story"

"Sorry master" Ryu apologized.

"So the Dragons lived way longer then the humans, an average dragon can live up to 700 years without dieing. In a distant town there lived a prince, he owns the one dragon who comes from the trinity, the trinity Dragons are the most powerful dragon breed to ever exist, the prince was a very greedy person and his greed overcome him. He wanted to lived long like the dragons so he had his doctor extract the blood of each dragon from the trinity".

"That was a hard work to do so the doctor had his trusted servants go with him on this dangerous journey..." Akagami paused he noticed the sky changing so he said" this is all I can say for now

"Why did something happened" Ryu asked wanting to know more about what happened and how was he connected with the story

"This is all I can say, you will learn more about it in the future, let's get inside" Akagami hurried inside.

"It looks like the child in the myth is born" an unknown man said" my suffering is about to come to an end.