
Dragon Prince Writes: The First Release

Inspiration has never been easy. But writing has always been, take a short walk down the road, and find out that anything can be inspiration. Just like Emotions, which is the focus on this book. EMOTIONS come in different forms. From great pain to great happiness, depression, comfort, love, hate, trust, heartbreak, death, life, cries, laughs and many more From the moment a child is born emotions are released, and from that emotion, comes their current state of mind. Each volume is focused on a certain point on each of this volumes Thank you Miss HERTY for the inspirations and the cheers you gave me. You made me have the courage to release my art. Your words gave me that strength. I dedicate his release to you..

Prince_Edward_Boat · realistisch
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3 Chs


Yh love is a losing game,

All those nights standing in the rain,

All for your touch and your care,

We've been through hell and back,

But all this couldnt prevent the fall,

We left like lightning,

And our words came like thunder,

Honesty couldnt render,

What was hidden in our hearts,

We focused on our arts,

To divert the pain from our minds,

But little did we know,

In the quiet of the night,

The pain made its way to our beds,

Infecting our dreams,

And keeping us up all night,

Thinking about what if,

You stole my heart,

And i yours,

But what if,

What if we never met,

Would we never had felt this pain,

But wouldnt we miss those moments in time,

Like that time,

Much like many others...

Can you hold my hand one more time,

Can i hear you say those words i love,

Could you cheer me on,

If even for a moment,

And then i promise to try to get stronger.

What happens when you meet mr or miss right, you click off, fall inlove and at the end have to admit you have to go your seperate ways, caused by family, work, distance or simply fear, you feel an intense emotion called LONGING, and wish to have them back in your life. Tho its easier said than done. Pride, fear, inferiority or superiority complex, class and many others end up getting in your way of professing that love

Prince_Edward_Boatcreators' thoughts