
Dragon Prince Writes: The First Release

Inspiration has never been easy. But writing has always been, take a short walk down the road, and find out that anything can be inspiration. Just like Emotions, which is the focus on this book. EMOTIONS come in different forms. From great pain to great happiness, depression, comfort, love, hate, trust, heartbreak, death, life, cries, laughs and many more From the moment a child is born emotions are released, and from that emotion, comes their current state of mind. Each volume is focused on a certain point on each of this volumes Thank you Miss HERTY for the inspirations and the cheers you gave me. You made me have the courage to release my art. Your words gave me that strength. I dedicate his release to you..

Prince_Edward_Boat · realistisch
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Mirror To The Soul

Been through the 12 seasons,

Hercules couldnt complete,

Tragic battles that made men mad,

Cant tell what sanity is anymore,

atleast still breathing,

Weaker than weakness,

Achilles testifies,

A hill or field,

Bear the same pains,

A mistake is all it takes,

To have the walls crumble down,

Maybe like the battle of troy,

We are all pretending to be what we are not,

Maybe this is Rome,

Where everything is allowed,

Maybe this is the collusiem,

Cuz my blood keeps rushing,

But noone aids,

Wars are fought with swords and guns,

While law is fought with words and actions,

Maybe we need neither,

Embrassing chaos,

Watching my problems turn to stone,

With a gaze so intense,

My hair seems alive,


Maybe i just walked out of medusa's lair,

Dare to play a scare,

Never care cuz life draw near,

Crystal clear, picture purr,

I dont back down tho,

maybe thats why nothing goes right,

Maybe its in my blood,

To stand up after a fall,

Like the spartans,

Confidence in myself,

Boosted like a reflection on a moonlite clear night,

Stare out onto the ocean,

Guess everything is just mirror to my soul..