
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 3

A booming laugh came from Ladon as Arian gazed at him in annoyance. At first Clay thought Ladon was laughing at him however his next words proved that wrong.

"Truly we dragons haven't not been abandoned by the world" Ladon said in hysteria.

Clay could only watch the dragon kings cheerful domineer in confusion. Finally when his fet ended Ladon explained why he was happy. First off the castle is actually called the dragon king's temple. It is a place that can only be accessed dragon kings or a new born dragon. The reason why is because this is the place newborns go to awaken their bloodlines.

Second due to some circumstances over the years dragon birth rates have declined. As a matter of fact Clay was the first one in the past five hundred years. Clay could pickup something from his voice that conveyed sadness. Arian also looked like she was trying to hols back her tears. The young dragon felt a slight painting seeing the two of them like this.

Seeing how quiet Clay got Ladon spoke up again, "sorry about that brat I guess old age really does make you sentimental. No matter, as I was saying the birth rate decline is because only females were being born. Which is the main reason for my excitement. My wish is for you go out and make sure we do not go extinct".

Hearing his request Clay sunk into a deep thought considering his options. While he wants to help apart of him doesn't want trouble right now. Normally in a story this kind of setting means he will have to fight some overpowered enemies. Probably some evil God bent on destroying the world.

"Young one there is no need to worry. We are not asking you to raise up as the king of dragon kind and defeat our enemies. It is just even if you take one we want you to have a dragon bride" ,Ariana revealed.

Receiving that piece of news Clay quickly relaxed, "if that is the case then I agree, just don't expect it go be quickly".

The two eldet dragons immediately assured him to take as long as he may need. With that out of the way Clay felt it was time for him to leave. Of course Ariana and Ladon did not want him to leave empty handed.

"Brat since you were willing to listen to us old fault talk how about I awaken your bloodline" Ladon offer.

"We will also give you our inherentences on top of that" Ariana added.

Before he could agree both of them turned into a stream of light. Once the lights entered his body a massive surge of power started to coursing through his veins. A slight pain also joined the fun. Soon that slight pain slowly reached to the point of unbearable. The whole time however not a peap left his mouth as he endured. Not longer later his body stopped hurting and now it was his head's turn. Not able to take it anymore Clay finally passed out.

Elsewhere, while Clay laid on the ground a computer displayed his current situation. Watching the screen was a beautiful woman with flawless pale skin, silver hair and blood ruby red eyes. She wore an expression of concern watching Clay twitch on the ground. Her eyes never left the screen for even a moment.

"Darling I am sorry you have to go through this pain but it is necessary for you future" ,she said in a sad tone.

Clearly she cared for him deeply however why that was the case is unclear. Regardless of the reason it can not be denied she will do anything in her power to help him. As she currrssed Clay's face on the screen another figure appeared in the room.

"Little girl I told you that there is no need for you to interfere" the figure said in exhaustion.

"You have no rights to say that to me",the replied coldly "besides is it not a wife's duty to support her husband".

Her cold words caused the figure to sink into a deep thought. The woman simply glared at him as of waiting for an answer. Soon the figure let out a sigh filled with annoyance.

"I don't care what you say my choice were correct whether you like them or not" saying that the figure vanished.

Once again alone our newly introduced ice queen looked backed at the screen. Her mind fully focused on events past. What if I did this or what if I was there, were the main focus. Regret was the weakest way to describe her feelings. Her fists clenched she prayed things would be different this time.

Back at Clay who awoke after an unknown amount of time. His heavy eyelids opened slowly as he tried to get up. First thing he noticed was his body felt like it was bursting with power. Another thing was his scales became black with a mixture of gold and silver. Curious he took a look at his status page and was shocked.

[Name: Clay

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 1

Racial level(s): Dragon-1/10. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 1

Health points: 710

mana points: 100





Status points-0

Skill points-0


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 1)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 1)]

Wanting to know more Clay selected each one of his skills.

[Dragon's endurance(max level): As a dragon when it comes to either Stamina or vitality you stand at the top. As a result you receive a boost to both strength and vitality.Effect is based on current evolution. ]

Reading that over he realized why there were number in parenthesis next to his stat. Another interesting fact is that he can get greater boosts as he grows. Even better yet maybe the skill can evolve. Next he checked out his other skills.

[Golden dragon body technique(Level 1): A skill that was created by the legendary Golden dragon king Ladon. Due to his inability to manipulate Mana external he invented this technique. By infusing elemental Mana into the body you can grant that elements traits onto the body.]

Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 1): A skill that was created by the legendary silver dragon queen. Thanks to being born with a high affinity for external Mana manipulation she invented this technique. With it you can easily fuse different elemental Mana together. You can even transform connected types into each other as you will.]