
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

The Beginning of the Journey pt5

When Alduin put the mortal soul to sleep, with a part of Dovah inside that had responded to his call, he proceeded to the second part of the ritual.

"Sil Tiid Vo!" Alduin shouted the soul restoration thu'um, awakening the Dovah soul inside the mortal soul. The mortal body arched and convulsed with a terrible scream. And then, the Ancient Scroll caught Alduin's eye.

"Kel?! (Scroll?!)" Alduin exclaimed, grabbing the scroll and the twitching mortal body with his jaws, and flew to Sovngarde.

Upon arriving at Sovngarde, Alduin carried the mortal body, which was currently undergoing a soul transformation, and placed it on a bench in the Hall of Valor.

"I see you've already found one of your kin?" asked Lorkhan, examining the mortal body.

"Her soul responded to my call, but I don't know how her body will behave. Especially since it carries the soul of a Fire Dragon. And there's something else" replied Alduin, handing Lorkhan the Elder Scroll.

"Where did you get this?"

"I found it with her" Alduin nodded towards the mortal body, "Can you read it?"

"I can, but it's a creation of Magnus, and it shows different things to different readers. You can read this scroll too, but it might show you a completely different picture than me. I can only say one thing – it's the Dragon Scroll, the Scroll of Timelessness, the Scroll of the Present."

"Who came up with these idiotic names?"

"Why idiotic? Dragons have always been, blood remembers ancestors, and the sun illuminates the path. That's what Magnus said."

"I remember what that old man said when he created the third scroll. That happened when I was around. And I also remember Sheogorath walking around with a plate of cheese covered in a 2 inches layer of mold."

"Then why do you ask me to read it if you know their peculiarities?"

"Damn it. Then hide it in Sovngarde. It has no place in Tamriel."

"It will be at the Altar of Akatosh, if you're interested. But for now, take care of your sister. I'm curious, though. All Dovah were male, how will they behave in a female body? And it seems she's waking up" said Lorkhan, nodding towards the third person present. She moaned in response and opened her eyes.

Walburga's eyes changed, and instead of mortal violet eyes, two yellow eyes with vertical pupils looked out into the world.

Fear crept into her gaze as she looked around the Hall, but when Walburga's eyes met Alduin's, confusion flickered briefly before recognition and gratitude took over.

"Alduin Thuri!" hissed Walburga. Her voice was still too weak to speak in her native language. She wasn't even the one called Walburga anymore.

"Drem Yol Lok, Kreinzulfen" greeted Alduin.

"Thuri, forgive me. My body is still too weak and it behaves strangely to speak in our language" Walburga spoke with clear notes of fear.

"Take your time to regain strength and organize your memory. Your body needs time to adjust to the new soul. What was your mortal incarnation called?"

"Walburga, Thuri. This isn't Keizaal (Skyrim), Thuri. Where are we?"

"We're in Sovngarde. Lorkhan, watch over her. I'll come back in two days to bring you up to speed, Kreinzulfen. Meanwhile, I suggest you meditate to organize your memory. You'll need it."

After leaving the newly resurrected Dovah to acclimate to her new state in Sovngarde, Alduin returned to Nirn.

The next morning, Issei was once again called for training, while Alduin, having enjoyed sleeping in, printed out several sheets of Spanish metal band lyrics and recorded the songs themselves on his player.

A few years ago, he discovered that attempting to sing metal band lyrics in Spanish or French while staying in rhythm was perfect for training his throat to use the Thu'um.

It's a good thing Dovahkiin didn't have such an opportunity.

At breakfast, they discovered that a new resident had appeared in their home.

"What the hell is this?" exclaimed Alduin, coming across a pile of boxes in the hallway.

"Tatsumi! Watch your language! A girl is now living here!" came the voice of his mother from the living room.

"What kind of madness is this?" exclaimed Alduin, entering the room.

In the room, he was greeted by his parents, older brother, a red-haired Dremora, and a rescued nun. And a suitcase next to the nun.

"We would be happy to take Asia in, but we have our sons...one is the very embodiment of lust, and the other is like a wild animal," said Alduin and Issei's mother.

"Oh, no, Issei-san is a good boy" protested Asia.

"New patients in our madhouse?" asked Alduin as he walked to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Tatsumi, Asia-san will be staying with us" said the family's mother in an authoritative tone.

"Thank you, Shiho-san, and please forgive me for such an unexpected request" said Rias Gremory in a respectful bow.

"No need to apologize. We always wanted a daughter, but we ended up with a rebellious teenager."

"You wanted me to be born a girl and live under the same roof as this enemy of women?" came Alduin's indignant voice from the kitchen. "And by the way, there are no vacant rooms in our madhouse."

"We have a guest room" his mother replied.

"Maybe you can rent an apartment for me?" Alduin suggested.

"Don't even think about it! You'll completely give up on your studies!" Shiho Hyodo warned Alduin, looking at him sternly.

"That's true. Well, then I'm off to skip my studies" Alduin said goodbye to his family.

"You're up early today" his brother's voice caught up to Alduin in the hallway.

"I just don't want to participate in moving those boxes" Alduin explained.