
Dragon of Space and Cocaine

Well Starting in Wh40K With the new and improved Dragon of Space and cocaine. This is more of a crack with leads. Having writer's block on my other books. None of my books are dropped unless I write them and say it is. This is more of a fun-and-done kind of story I have been playing with for a while seeing how it will go. Also own nothing but the OC's , Everything else is owned by others.

resistingsea · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


"Boss?" Looking over at the mass of inky blackness sitting in an office chair. Wondering why he even needed me to do his paperwork. Remembering Sweat's innocent Peter Parker smile as he looked at the tattoo he stamped on my womb before sending me off to be the fuck pet of an Eldritch Horror. At least it wasn't like the videos on the internet. Instead of mind-breaking grape, it was paperwork with a little rough sex.

"Yes, Gwen?" I hear the voice of the Eldritch horror coming from behind the oak desk reminding me of nails crawling down a chalkboard while being pushed into a blender. Watching the mass of tendrils as it turned toward me. Loosing more of my sanity as I continue to stare at it.

"You fucked up." cringing at the statement slipping passed my lips, hoping I don't get another 'session' or am I hoping. I don't know anymore. The stamp has molded me into the being's perfect lover stretchy in all the right places. Watching as it paused looking? at me. I know it can read my mind, but he acts like he doesn't.

"If this is about me getting your mother pregnant ag..."

"No, you accepted this dumbasses Catalog Selection. Dragon of space? Sure. Dragon of COCAINE?" Taking a few calming breaths I re-center myself.

"What's the big deal?"

"Well, let's just add someone who can summon and create COCAINE IN FUCKING WARHAMMER!? No not regular cocaine, but magic reality-breaking fucking cocaine! Not only that you handed Slaanesh over to him on a silver platter. Then you have him a T8 contractor with Wanda Fucking Maximoff a T9 Waifu who can manipulate Fate, Luck, and the mind. Those two monsters are fighting " Rubbing my eyes realizing my boss is trying to fuck over all the pussies who went with To Love-Ru, Pokémon, Scooby Doo, and My Little Pony. "Dam it boss. What is the point of the fights?"

"Well fuck those little bitches that is the point. Think they are hot shit. A few of them were talking trash to middle management. One of the fuckers tried to steal a Panacea clone from the hospital after getting his dirty dick cleaned from brothels in Naruto. Fucking neckbeards." Shuddering at the thought of the punishment. The Punishment for even attempting to steal another's property is harsh because that is what we are.

"So you are going to have this guy clean out all the trash from the lower ranks because he went balls to the wall from the get-go?" When was the last time a T10 World was entered from the get-go? Looking over the blacked-out spaces for the entire roster from Warhammer.

"Well everyone who took went to a T4 world thought they were hot shit after taking over went to that world got bent over by that fem-boy Slaanesh and their souls devoured. Seriously the defenses only block all compulsions when you have double-layered protections." Shaking my head realizing that the bounty on the four chaos gods is too tempting for idiots to leave alone. Since the last Harem wars took place there is only a few cloning facilities left for the TX Waifus.

"Plus one of them low-tiered bitches had to just go and try to force himself on Dexter's sister. He was then stopped and 'convinced' to tell all about us. We could have stopped it. Didn't though what is a little Chaos in the Multiverse now and then. Now all the lower Tier Agents have to fight and survive in the real Multiverse. No more sitting and hiding unless you have a Pocket dimension. Glad they are not safe. Well if they try to hide that is when we give the coordinates to Dexter." Yea the company fucks everyone. Dexter who? Looking at the screen of the tiny redheaded boy/ mad scientist.

"Now the man is going from Verse to Verse picking up other cucked Heros and Villians. Which lead to the formation of the League of the Cucked. Seriously the Lower the Tier the dumber they get. One guy tried to fuck a Lopunny. Turned out it was a male who then turned around and took his ass. Fucker had the gall to call for help. Left his ass there been selling the videos of primo bunny bitch videos they sell well enough." Rubbing my eyes as the boss will keep on going for hours about the lower tiers' fuck ups. Guess that's what you get for being in Troubleshooting.

"Any way we started a pool and gave a choice. If someone had the balls enough and the forward-thinking to not go into that shit hole unprepared we would see what he is made of. Looked at his file. The guy is Chaotic and Neutral at best when he was on his meds. So we gave him the Catalog and some free points all he has to do is kill his rivals then boom he is free. He also bought Exit stage left so even if all he has to do is catch a Chaos god then he is free to do what he wants. " Yea should be 'easy'.

"Oh, boss the fights are on looks like he is going against... why the fuck is his name the Grapiest?" Look over the file of the short fat diaper-wearing 'hero'. "Wow, this guy has done nothing but play with his new toys. Three captures of the parents of the main cast Inko Mydoriya, Rei Todoroki, and Mitsuki Bakugo. The only one with a good fighting Quirk I Rei, but as she is it's not going to be pretty. Hmmm Wow, no protections at all." What the hell is wrong with this guy? The only purchase is... Hypnosis apps. Well ok.

"What are the rules again?" Looking over as he sent me a file as the question left my mouth. Rules PVP to the death. The winner takes all. Including but not limited to Waifus, access to the world, and Points "Feed the beast as it was." Looking back at the boss shaking my head. Well, at least now that someone picked PVP they can get rid of all the rule-breakers. Wonder why they don't just kill them and be done with it.

"We could but this is also a reward for the new players for not being the problem but more of becoming the solution and it helps that they make great entertainment."

Looking at the holographic screens showing two separate teams one with a short purple ball-headed boy attempting to pull his pants up and looking around and screaming. The three dead-eyed women with him not reacting at all just staring at the wall. On the other, you can see a pissed-off dragon with a speck next to its claw. The Woman wearing a Red Crown with a matching coat and leather pants. She is looking up at the dragon with wide wonder-filled eyes.

The area rumbled opening up both sides. The first out is the midget pushing along the three women as he hides behind him. "Let the Games Begin."

------(POV Change)------

Punishment? What Punishment? It was just a shitty clone unstamped all I tried to do was 'borrow' it now I have to beat some no named loser who just started. Hope he enjoys getting cucked. Looking over at Rei slapping her in the face. "When it starts freeze the guy from the neck down."

Hearing the gears whirl as dust falls from the ceiling grabbing my property and pushing them out. I can always buy a new one if these die. But I am not replaceable. Looking around the empty coliseum toward the opposite side of the arena.

Squinting my eyes I watched as there was movement as a lone figure walked out. Looking over at her leering at her mostly exposed tits, milky white skin, and red hair framed by a red crown. Why does she look familiar? I wonder how long this one would take to break as Inko did. Poor Deku had to watch as I violated his mother before selling him. Same with King Murder whatever. Next will...

Falling to the ground as the land itself twisted like a pretzel looking opening my eyes I see the area has been pulled like dough. Looking for my Slaves I feel something fall onto my arm. Looking down. "Slime?" I mutter as more fell onto me following the trail up looking into the mouth filled with car-sized teeth. "Fuu..." Feeling the teeth slam into me as everything goes black.

-----(POV Change)-----

Chewing midgets is rough, especially the stringy meat a mix between chicken and pork. Bones have a nice crunch to them. Getting them stuck in my teeth is worse. Still gnawing on the mangled corpse of... Grapiest well at least he is honest. Looking over at the floating form of Wanda Maximoff as she hovers around my face.

I would probably be freaking out if not for the Stress defense maxed out. Something inside of me changed I feel free. no not free, more along the lines of the shift of my perspective. I was human now I am a big fuck off Dragon. Dragons don't care about anything but their hoard. Right now my Hoard is one woman. Finished my snack with a few more crunches from my maw.

Why oh why did I buy an unstable mutant? Looking over a said mutant, witch, and speedster. Tall creamy white thighs, a thin red leather coat. Looking into the red glowing eyes of the beautiful Villian.

"You can sit on my head you know?" watching as space contorted as I spoke. A thin mist of black and white vapor poured out of my mouth. Looking at my wings I focus on turning them into different forms from tendrils, swords, shields, and a multitude of others.

Turning my head I look around and see a similar mist flowing off of me curling down my sides and curling back around my dark blue body unknown glowing runes spread along my body and wings, a pair of antlers twisting and turning from the back of my head.

Watching her eyes sparkle as she teleported onto my head. Focusing back onto the three dead-eyed forms of three Milfs. Yea not keeping them better off somewhere else. Twisting space sending them back to the room they exited from I look back to Wanda. Feeling Wanda rubbing against my scales as I continue playing with my Void Shroud making constructs and twisting the very space around making the world twist and turn to my whims.

Focusing harder on my shroud I hear the ticking of a clock as the world around me slows down watching motes of dust floating around. Reaching down I grab a claw full of sand from the arena floor. Tossing the sand around I watch as it doesn't seem to move while I watch it.

With a thought, the time returned to normal. While space righted itself after I pulled my will back. "Wanda, hide us." Feeling her tap my head watching the area around my form shimmer as I feel the space around and inside of us down to atoms around us.

Gripping menially commanding the space around us fold. There was no resistance to the space as I folded it around us. Now that we have protections that are hiding us from anything non-magical.

"Next Round START!" Hearing another gate being opened seeing movement coming from the open gate I see two forms sprinting out of the gate heading to a small crater where I stepped. Hearing the buzzing of a radio. Looking closer I see both of them wearing black body suits, black body armor, and helmets covering from their necks up.

"Ghost one, you copy?" static coming from the other end I catch a muttered conversation. "Where is your team, Val?"

"Don't know just us and the boss." Hearing the word boss coming out of her mouth with a hint of loathing "I mean if he had used the stamp on the rest of our teams we would have killed the opposition and this would have been over and done with. Haven't seen him this terrified since he stamped you and me before running away."

"Keep your eyes peeled Chiq."

"Don't worry about me Al, I am the best." Looking closer as they both lie prone facing away from each other scanning the area around them.

Looking at where they came from I see a gut hanging from the side of the door as a stubby leg wobbling back and forth. Neckbeard, or Discord mod I care about neither of them. Him peaking from the side now and then while his gut poked out from the bottom of his tiny grey shirt.

"Can you control him?" Looking over at the sexy redheaded manipulator. She looked up at me giving me a smile and a nod. "End him." Watching his eyes go blank as he opened his mouth chin jiggling as he shoved the gun inside of his mouth. Sweat flows down his body as I see a spark of fear in his eyes. He is trying to fight but with such a weak will there is nothing to be done.

"Do it." Turning back to the neckbeard watching as he did not hesitate to squeeze the trigger ending his life in a shower of gray matter.

Pausing a moment going through my Heritage coming across Dragon cabin. With the Dragon cabin, I have a pocket space inside of me where I can store enemy Waifus until I can sell them. Looking over at the two composed soldiers who look around in confusion. Guess the guy did not explain the wider multiverse to them. Mind control is a major threat stupid fucker. They both started standing back to back looking around for any threat.

Locking space around them freezing them in place as I swallow them both storing them in the cabin. Doing the same with the three Milfs who haven't moved from their spot poor broken dolls. Shaking my head as I started storing them all in the same place.

While waiting for the next round wondering what is next. First was My Hero Academia which I think was a Tier 4? or Tier 3. Focusing my mind on the dimension in my chest I pull off the masks from the two I captured. Startling both of them the first is a tall muscular black haired woman. One of her eyes is missing. The other is a black and green-haired average lady not very impressive.

Thinking back to the names they mentioned the only place I can place them is from a Military Anime about weapons dealers. So they are from Jormungand Chiquita, and Valmet just two above-average physical strength, without guns they are not a threat. Maybe if I feed them my blood they will grow but it is not worth it in the short term. Due to some rules, I can't chain them up force-feeding them blood or semen to raise their tiers. So no Point farms for me.

Letting out a sigh "So Wanda I know some versions of you which Marvel-verse are you from." She looked up at me her face getting red as she poked her fingers together. Well, at least she is not a Madwoman tearing apart anything around her. She looks like a love-struck fool which is good she is less likely to kill me or attempt to.

After a moment she squared her shoulders as she looked up at me. "Well, we did not have the avengers. Instead, we had the Squadron Supreme. From the information that was given to me, I am from Earth-TRN852."

Watching her eyes blaze with loathing when she mentions the Squadron Supreme. "When I and my brother were fighting the one known as Blur killed my brother. He was a speedster. My brother was not quite as fast as him." tears now flowed as her eyes dulled.

Bringing herself back to reality before she lost herself completely to the memories. "One moment we were running from a robbery we didn't want to steal to live but it was that or go to the concentration camps. Then he showed up with no words for surrender just a blur and the next moment he had his arm through my brother's chest. I reacted too fast for him to finish me off and used my magic to devour my brother's mutation gaining his super speed. The mutation and my magic mixed." Reaching forward wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

"I was trained by the Masters of Doom and offered a place to stay hoping for anything to replace the hole in my heart. It lasted until I was trained up to their standards. I had my revenge on Blur. I ripped a part of his soul out. He withered day by day knowing he would not go to heaven or hell just the empty void of nothing." Watching her eyes glow bright red as a thin red mist flowed off of her she gave me a half-mad smile.

"It lasted for a while Until Blur went back in time. He failed in stopping me, but his intervention allowed me to be captured. I was shoved into a Ravencroft magical prison. Time didn't make sense there a day felt like a year. A year felt like a moment. When I was finally weakened I overheard the guards talking about it being my time to be 'played' with. I prayed and prayed for help. Once I heard the door being unlocked time stopped. I hear a voice and was offered freedom from the Ravencroft Institute in exchange for serving a new master since the Masters of Doom left me to die. You answered my master" She kneeled as she looked up at me with reverence I was the only light in her dark world. I was now holding her leash so to speak.

Nodding my head along not knowing what the hell she was talking about except she now belongs to me and she is depressed... nice. Now all I need is a big-breasted goth girl. Peeling back my lips letting a low rumble ripple through my chest shaking the ground around us and gaining her attention. Using the shroud around me takes the form of a black mist forms of the night sky that appears inside my cloak. Reaching forward covering her inside of it feeling her grip and covering herself inside of my cloak of the void cuddling and hugging back.

She closed her eyes reaching forward until I press them to her lips gently. No resistance as she parted them taking a deep breath. Watching the Shroud turn into a mist entering her completing the connection between the two of us.

She shuddered for a few moments collapsing further into my cloak twisting and gripping shaking throwing her head back in a silent scream of pleasure. Watching her shake and quiver leaving a wet spot in her pants. Chuckling as I watch her panting form, she squirms feeling the whole process while the shroud connects the two of us.

She passed out... huh. Placing her inside my cabin I undo all the damage to the arena closing my eyes and hiding inside the folded space. Still can't believe this is all real. On answered email then boom waking up in a dark room with a crazy witch who is head over heels for me.

Palming my face reaching out to my second element Cocaine I pull up a pile of powder. 'Health Cocaine'. Fucking Healing cocaine... I can imbue cocaine with different properties from heath to paralyzing cocaine. I can't do conceptual elements. Add that to space I can place it into the national cavities forcing people to take drugs. what the hell?

Playing around with space is weird, to begin with, I can fold, twist, pull, push, shrink, expand, freeze and crush it so far. Some more practice should give me more options like travel which will be big for when I enter Warhammer.

Cocaine spears, Cocaine snowmen that attack dams that would be funny to attack with a giant snowman made from paralyzing Cocaine. Shaking my head hoping this will all be over soon. Making some healthy cocaine I smack my face inside the pile before inhaling the entire pile. Feeling my body become supercharged my scales started to shine with unseen runes appearing all along my body throwing my head back and letting loose a roar as space is stripped back reveling a lower form of reality.

Feeling supercharged "Send more, Lets GOOO!"

A/N: Didn't mean to post the chapter yesterday been trying to make larger chapters working my way up to 6-10k words per chapter. Thanks for reading. This is just to help me get over writer's block do not take this seriously. Should be only 2 max chapters of him fighting plebs. Thanks for reading.