

Myths aren't supposed to be real. Reality never dealt with fantasy. And nothing would decipher the fact that such tales as werewolves, vampires, banshees, maybe a dirty fae were said to exist. They hid down in the murky shadows, silently, waiting for the appointed hour. Where man and the unholy would live on the same plane.

      Vampires did exist according to a mage's tale. They lived in this very Earth. And yet till today, no one has claimed the sight of such creatures. Even though some folks claim to see them but proof had to be admitted.

Vampires ; being termed as mythological undead creatures said to feed on blood of the living. Bore a strong sense of smell. Had inhumane strength. Fast reflexes and wits. Some had the ability to bear the sunlight. While some would crisp down to nothing from the harsh light. They lived from the dawn of time, existing between mortal men and challenging our intelligence as to whether they'd trample over our whole form. They were said to rule over us. Being ministers in the high court, ruling in patriarchal system. The high judiciary harboured the likes of such vile beings. Unaware to the fact that darkness had the while of the system within their control. The only time to demonstrate prowess was to come. And who'd tampered with their own ways were close.

    Born from underneath, carved from the unknown, Werewolves. They also lived among mortal men. In shapes and various forms. Bear, wolf. Told from myths to be transmitted along the full moon. They are lycans, werewolves, man wolf and more. It was said if a mortal man harboured the spirit of the wolf. During a full moon, their spirits would shift from the mortal plane and enter into the realm of the spirits co-hosting with the souls of men. The change could be drastic and painful but the results were beyond marvelous. But times went by they advanced and now they could change in the open without the need for a full moon.

   Other mythology beasts were told, creatures vile and wasted. Unspoken in ways to prevent dynamic chaos. Things would ring back to the unearthly occurring transpired in the local towns forest reserve.

     A few clicks there. A snap here. Humans mashed up together like potatoes. Trying to get a piece of info. And then a black car pulled in over at town hall. A man dressed in an expensive tuxedo, slowly came out. Bodyguards forming a shield against the advancing crowd of tourists and journalists.

      "Mr mayor, a moment please"

      "The mayor should speak up"

    An arm was raised to silence the commotion.

    " Citizens of all varies of life. Welcome to this humble city. I know you're probably wondering about the sudden peculiar earthquake that happen a few hours ago.....--"

    Silence rested. Pictures, tape records, videos being taken of his every word. The mayor had to say something to quite down the ruckus. No one likes a dirty trail. His record so far was smooth, one to be reckoned with. And he planned on keeping it that way.

      " Do not worry. This is the new era. Where old times are being casted under and new traditions open. The massive power surge was an ongoing experiment that'd plunge global warming into the unknown. Electricity would be eternal and many more aspirations I do plan creating for this lovely times. Man is involved in the old ways for far too long and now it's time to brush all negativity aside and induce peace, hope and tranquility. Ladies, gents, boy, girl and more I welcome you to the Dawn of a new era - INFINITY"

   Cut. Time seemed to alter its pace. Everything slowed down. The mayor simply shut. Reasoning came. His eyes popped, to the bucket load of bullshit he fed to the media. Now he was sure he was gonna lose any chance of getting a seat in the campaign for Governor.

And then another made his mind spin. His ego rose and his spirit brightened. The crowd had gone wild. They praised and worshipped him the more.

    " Long live the Mayor"

    " Finally....."

 And there on it went. The man in power bowed and waved. Things were just extraordinary. He walked through the large crowd. The front opening being opened by a tall looking male. The telecom at the side of his left ear beeped.

  " Daren? Come in Daren? Oh I'd love to hear the shitty crap you made me spit out there??....."

    " Don't tell me it's a new plan or whatever the likes of ya useless mind has to offer....."

  " This isn't some paranormal sci-fi comedic about apes dominating humanity. Dawn of a New era my foot..."

  " Don't gimme that nonsense about the existence of the unknown. But yes, you do have a point there, we need to find and acquire the source of that power surge. By any means boy, find me that thing".


After the massive explosion. A fierce gale appeared from no where, twirling and wrecking havoc. It simmered down moments later suddenly vanished. The foggy dusty cloud slowly dispersed.

Shawn was the first to regain consciousness. His head ached but then right at the middle laid a huge Crater. Big enough to get a broken ankle if anyone had the misfortune of falling into it.

At the very center, a glowing object seemed to hover in mid air. A gentle radiated from its glow spreading across and strangely the teenager felt his body tense and soften. His injuries were gone. No pain. No blood. Dumbfounded? He sure was.

    The glow brightened, with an object in the middle, a beam reaching out to the sky. He looked down to see. His eyes widening in shock. Tyler?

    How'd he get down there?

  Just then, the glow brightened even more. He saw his friend stretching out an arm, bewildered by such unearthly wonder. It was truly beautiful Tyler wanted to touch the profound object. And just as his touch came in contact with the object that glowed, everything just vanished into thin air. It was precipitous. Shawn couldn't think. Tyler gone. And his vision began to daze, as he slumped to the ground below...