
Chapter 795:- Give and Take

"Now and then, master wakes me up to fulfill his Orders. And this time, I was awakened to Bring the Dragon Monarch to my master, dead or alive."

"Since 99% of my time, I am sleeping in a container, I have no idea how much the world has changed."

"Besides, I don't have a strong connection to my clan." 

"Once I became a Hero, I stopped caring about my clan. I just spent my days fighting Demons. Even in this new Era, I am still the same. For me, there is nothing else to enjoy other than fighting."

"I did not even bother to look for my clan or any of the fellow Heroes I was friends with. I just lived my life. Besides, Boss had told me to keep my identity a secret. So even if I did go out, I never revealed my identity."

"So what happened to my clan?" Robert asked in a calm tone. 

"After you died, a few other Heroes from your clan also died. I heard there was a Demon General that was specifically targeting your clan."