
Chapter 689:- Melody of Fate

"Aditya, also known as the Dragon Monarch. The Alpha of All Dragons in the whole World and Universe."

"The King of all Dragons."

"The Crimson Monarch."

"The Alpha of All Monsters."

Aditya kept hearing an angelic female voice. The voice was very melodic and sweet. The voice sounded really pleasant to the ears. Better than any music or song that he has heard back on earth. Aditya could tell that she wasn't purposely making her voice melodic or anything like that. Her voice was naturally very melodic. Aditya felt that he could keep listening to her voice forever.

The way this sweet, angelic voice kept praising him with his different nicknames with such a strong passion really touched his heart.

'What a beautiful voice!' Aditya couldn't help but think.