
Chapter 537:- Romantic Interest

"Since we are letting the Deep Sea Palace Empire join our Alliance, on that note, why not let The Storm Isle Dynasty and The Thera Kingdom join the Alliance? I mean way before The Triumvirate Alliance was even made, I had formed an Alliance with them. It wasn't just a simple Alliance rather we signed an FTA between our borders to facilitate trade and eliminate trade barriers."

"The Triumvirate Alliance was made between the Empires of the Northwest region. It's about time we changed that status. The Triumvirate Alliance won't be just an alliance between the Northwest region but would also include other Kingdoms and Empires from other regions and continents." Aditya suggested this change.

"Then we would need to change the name of our Alliance as well." Daxton and Aidan were with Aditya in this change. Letting more members join the Alliance wasn't going to harm their Empires in any way.