

After Celina finished telling her story, the throne room was enveloped in an endless silence, to the extent that a drop of needle could be heard, close to five minutes have gradually craws pass but the tranquility still linger on, every man with his own thought, after what seem like infinity, the king forced himself to say something, but was unable to voice out any word

""""" ok miss Celina, we are sorry for every thing you passed through, honestly you are one strong woman, for your beauty to be radiating even after going through such rough childhood, but truth be told I don't know where to start analyzing this story but if I may ask, why do you want to leave the palace??"" prince Richard step in to save the day, as he usually do in their youthful days

""""" they are many reason behind it, first I can't be a slave to any man, my freedom, I will fight for even if my bones crack up and my blood dry up, I won't stop till my last breath,

again even if I wish to stay I have to avenge my grandmother and beside I don't know why I can't bring myself to hate you now am seeing face to face, after carrying all those hatred toward you ...… """""

Cutting her speech half way, the king finally found his voice """"" sorry miss, but what is my take in this issue...…. Am confused, as far as I know I don't order any red lotus to raid any village, I don't .......""""""

""""" you want to know??.... oh don't worry dear king, for your loyal and humble subject will tell you where you did wrong """""" anger burning inside of her, because the sole person she think is the culprit still denial and avoid the blame, pushing the responsibility away from himself """" yes we all know, the kind king have abolished slave trade, it has even been written down in the book of law and recorded as your deed, for your next generation to study it in the future, but if I may ask my king, what measure did you take to ensure that your orders were actually being followed, slave trade is a major source of income and will be hard for the slave traders to stop; you just sit here all day and let all those old moron control you, you ...…""""""

""" watch your words, kid you don't know how hard it is for me to...""" Unable to endure the bitter truth anymore, the king tried to quiet the enraged girl but was stopped by his brother

"""" let her finish ray...… sorry for the interruption my pretty damsel, please continue"""""

"""""you are the king and one of the role of the king to its people is, security, but that is far from true in kingdom of crimson valley, everyday your subject are sold off in slavery or sent off as tribute and you sit here to tell me that is not your fault??.......... even if it is not your fault, it is still your responsibility to contain and eradicate such thing """"""""""""

""""""" ok once again we are sorry for everyth...…."""""" Prince Richard trying to create a peaceful dialogue between both parties, before being cut off by the still angry Celina, who just remember a point against the king

"""" the royal house lack nothing, everything in excess but the masses are dying of hunger, some children are killed because they caught them stealing ordinary coarse bread, now tell me how is that not your fault, when you buy off all the food the farmers produce"""""" breathing down, a clear expression that she have exhausted all her point and so is her anger """ am sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude"""

"""" is all right my dear, ever since the passing of our parent and my wife, nobody have yelled and scolded me, I guess you are feeling fine, empting your head""" prince Richard asked Celina, who due to the embarrassment, couldn't say anything but only nod her head in agreement

"""""" am sorry, miss Celina for everything happening out there in the streets of crimson valley, am sorry for yelling at you also, but truth be told, I can't be everywhere at the same time, so ministers addressing all this issues were created, the system allow them to handle all this issue, some they seek permission for some they don't, they just carry out the task and report back to me, but if everything you said is true, that means, they are not doing any word and they give me fake reports....never will I know my people are suffering and I will sit down here lavishing what I know will change their lives""""" the king now thinking with his head, start off politely ( the way she see me is the way every average commoner out there also see me, if I must change that perspective, I must be able to convince her first that I know nothing about all this )

""""" if the system is not working, then you have to change the system, all those ministers, you have so much faith on, do nothing but exploit the lack of communication between you and your people to enrich themselves"""""

""""" ray she is right, have you notice that anybody have must assume that post must be in good tidings with the current occupant, and that means this shameful trend will continue, you have to change the system""""" Richard chipped in, not wanting to be left behind in the conservation

""""how do I change the system, Richie, am confused.....i don't even know if they will agree to it"""""" ( if my brother is with her, then certainly the system need to be change, but how on earth will I be able to change the system)

"""""" don't worry ray, something will come up.... So tell me miss Celina, why did Fredrick bring you here, against your wish"""""( she looks just like my dead wife, a younger version actually, it seem my boy had found love just like me, there is only one way to find out) Richard changed the topic, tying to verify his hypothesis

""""" I don't know, maybe you should ask him yourself when he comes back from border to...…"""""

"""""wait he told you about he journey to border town???"""" the king asked trying to hid his surprise

"""" yes, he said him and his friend, will be going to border town to neutralize the effect of some bandit but he did not tell me when he will be coming back""""" Celina humbly replied wondering why the king is sounding like that

"""" I said it!!, my boy is in love hahahaha"""" laughing out real hard not minding the staring eyes of his brother and the Celina ( he finally found the things he has been looking for, I hope she reciprocate the feeling, let wait and see)

""" sorry to burst your bubble sir, but am not interested in this love stuff...…. The sole purpose of my existence is to find the leader of the red lotus, I must avenge my grand mother death..... so if you don't mind, your majesty and your highness, I will like to take my leave """" with that said she stood up to take her leave

"""" sorry my dear, but I can't let you leave, you...….."""" Richard let the cat out of the bag making Celina to look like a drench cat who is in search of fire

"""" oh please don't tell me, he got the habit of holding somebody against their""""

"""that not the case miss...… but you see, your are more like his guest, even if it wasn't a proper invitation but you have to wait for him to come back before leaving, if he still refuse you to leave, then I will personally intervene in the case...… don't worry dear, he will be back today or tomorrow""""" prince Richard voiced out clearing the air before she get the wrong impression ( I have to hold her back for as long as possible )

""""I will be in my room...…. Send words to him to bring his fat ass back here, else I will skin him alive""" after passing out an empty threat, Celina leaves the throne room

"""" they will make a fine couple...….what do you think ray??"" the still laughing Richard asked him

"""" I don't know bro, they council will not agree, immediately he comes back a princess selection contest will be held and you know what that means""""" Raymond looking confused sat down like a rejected man

""""" you need to stop worrying about those bunch of old fools who are only in a quest for more power and think about yourself and your son dude """" Richard already pissed off almost shouted at his brother

"""" even if we were able to get the ministers out of the way, how are we going to make her love him"""" still sounding worried

""""" all we need do is buy him a little time for him to play his game well, I will delay her, while you find a way to delay the princess selection contest""" getting up to leave the throne room

""" I can't think of anyway to shift it, Richie my brain is blank, I can't ...…..""""

Angrily cutting him off """"you still haven't change bro, all these years, you still haven't learn how to work under pressure "" breathing down """ something have to come up, if not you will lose him again, the dead of his mother created a void in his heart, you never can tell if she is the only one to fill that void, we just have to try ray, we have to do something, remember her dying wish"""""

""""" promise me that you will protect our son, that fragile little boy, you will guide him to the light, for if he is swallowed by darkness that lure around, he will end up being your worst nightmare, my demise will cause a huge vacuum in his heart, promise me that you will guide him in finding that thing that will fill that vacuum """""""" Richard have long left the throne room, and the queen last speech keep echoing in Raymond's ear