
Dragon in Marvel

A Human Soul absorbs his universe, evolving into a dragon, after eons of traveling the void between Multiverses he finds the Marvel multiverse, where he is sent to a special universe (AU) by the One Above All, to act as its keeper (A test of sorts). Our dragon is morally grey but with a friendly disposition. Heavily Comedy Orientated. Not a Power Trip. Magic. Fluff. Kingdom Building. Beats Girls. Not an alpha protagonist. [I don't own Marvel, only the main character.] [I don't own the cover picture.] Word count as of Chapter 40: 325.14K I usually aim for 8k-word chapters, but you'll find some longer and some shorter.

ExistentialVoid · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Xandar, Seals and Phoenix, Part 1.

It's a new day! If everything works out, today we will free Jean's potential. Once her potential is released the training for her to handle the Phoenix Avatar powers should begin. Since her powers are so "powerful" and since she didn't train correctly while under the care of Xavier, I predict that it will take about 7-10 years for her to adapt to the 100% of her cosmic patron's powers. I'm just a little afraid of releasing her potential on Earth or Halo, since there's a chance that some cosmic fire might leak out. So I woke up really early and I have been using my eyes to find a planet with a breathable atmosphere but lifeless biosphere, I also have to make sure that the planet is not close to any of the galactic empires out there, I don't want to start a war or some stupid conflict because I destroyed an owned planet.

But... my eyes can't see political borders... so I don't know what to do. After some consulting with my trusty Spark we determine that it's best to go to Xandar and buy a planet that we could destroy. Even if Jean doesn't pulverize the planet we could mine and sell back the resources or use them ourselves, we could even use the planet as a training planet. Spark predicted that for the bigger galactic powers out there, planetary trade was a very profitable reality. Spark also said that they would most likely be happy to trade with a "friendly" cosmic entity. I have no doubts on Spark so we will visit Xandar before unsealing my time-bomb padawan.

I learned my lesson last time, so today I went to pick Jean and Kitty via portal, RIP my dear Bike. I arrived at the front door and waited a few minutes before Jean and Kitty came out.- Why is kitty bringing a camping backpack with her?

"Hello Jean! Hi Kitty!"-Aragorn. 

"Hi Aragorn!"-Kitty, with a beaming smile.

"... Hello Aragorn, Good morning!"- Jean looking slightly uncomfortable. 

"... So Kitty... Why the backpack?"- Clearly confused.

"Well it's some of my stuff, wall posters, my sleeping pillow, toiletries, stuff like that. I might need it on the Halo. Do I also get a room like Jean? Right?"- More stars could be found on her eyes than mine and that is saying a lot!- She is moving in right?

"I don't know what stuff you think you need, but I guess that's fine. About the room, Spark is the one that knows..."- Really what is her plan?- Jean tapped on her P-Link and asked:

"Spark did you get a room ready for Kitty, like I asked?"

"Affirmative, Ms. Grey."- I feel like somehow Spark is taking ownership of my house... But I guess I gave him control so it's okay... Right?

"Yes!"- Kitty.

"Well there you have it. Let's go! Today we will visit one of the neighboring galactic empires to buy a planet."- I have no... credits?... But Spark has it covered somehow, he said so.

"...What? Why would we need a planet?"-Jean, while Kitty's eyes leveled up from stars to galaxies.

"At the moment when we release your powers there's a chance that you'll vaporize a portion of a planet, worst case scenario, so it is better to buy a planet that we can afford to destroy."- Based on my calculations, in comics most of said energy is directed to Jean's resurrection; since I'm not killing Jean I better work based on the assumption that the overfill will spill. 

"...Mr. Abner, is it going to be safe?"-Kitty.

"Yes Kitty don't worry I will take care of it. You can call me Aragorn as well Kitty."- I can feel the Culture coming from her, I'm sure of it, we will be great friends in the future! I guess it doesn't matter if she is moving in now.

After crossing the portal we appeared on one of the living rooms in my House onboard the Halo. Waiting for me in the room I found my head maid and butler.

"James, Emma, We will go to Xandar, from the Nova Empire, to buy a planet for training. Do you want to come with us?"

"So visiting galactic empires is a thing now?... Sure, I don't see why not."- Emma.

"I might as well. I guess is not good to be cooped up in my room all day."- It look's like Bucky got his first "package" of memories pertaining the missions under Hydra. But he is doing better than expected.

"Alright! Spark are you bringing your real body for the negotiations or should we use my P-Link?"- My P-Link is a clear colorless trilliant cut gem. 

"Just the P-Link is enough, Master Chief."

After Spark confirmed, I encased us in a barrier and portal us outside of the planet's space. You could see Xandar in front of us, a very nature aligned planet. With my eyes I could see the almost perfect relationship between technological advancement and environmental care. It was a Planet with a lot of Blue and Green. I can only assume that this was either the result of very hard learned lessons of very smart leaders with great vision. 

"Wow! It looks beautiful!"- Kitty.

"It does indeed!"- Emma. 

While we were appreciating the view, I felt one of their scanners inspect us.-It won't be long now until a delegation comes for us.- Indeed we didn't have to wait for long, we saw a 15 fighter fleet approach us.- Their fighters were star shaped. Once the fleet took position surrounding us, a team of 5 centurions and the Centurion Nova Prime came up close.- Well we better get this going, unless these guys are telepaths I don't think we will ever be able to buy a planet.- I lifted my hand and pulled the 6 individuals to us and let them phased through the barrier, so that we could communicate.- I'm pretty sure that the Nova Corp has already scanned my and Jean's level of power, given that their fleet didn't open fire the moment I pulled their corpsmen in.

"Hello! Nice to meet you members of the Nova Corp. My name is Aragorn."- I spoke in fluent Xandarian, one of the languages I learned when I was borrowing tech in Earth-Z. I know that space-faring civilizations have translation tech, but this way is easier. I also sent the translation to my companions telepathically. 

"...Nice to meet you as well my lord. I'm the Centurion Nova Prime. How can Xandar be of assistance today?"- That confirms it. They know that I'm on the cosmic scale of power. That tone of voice and the trembling that he tries to hide from us is a clear sign, also his eyes keep darting between me and Jean.

"No need to be so tense. I came for a matter of trade. Do you mind if I bring my AI for the negotiations?"- I could see him relax when he heard something that made at least a little sense within his world view.

"No problem my lord."- He said showing his left hand vambrace where his communication device was stored.- I tapped on my P-Link and we both could see a holographic screen where negotiations where handled between Spark and Worldmind, their world wide AI.- After a minute Spark said:

"Master Chief, we have the planet that suits our needs. The price is the relocation of 7 planets to different systems under their control."- That's suspiciously cheap. 

"Is that all? Just some system-reforming?... Just to be sure these planets are not disputed with other empires right?"- Just moving some planets to solar systems of their control is easy enough for me, I just need to swallow a planet with a portal and warp it to the desired location. 

"Yes Master Chief. The Nova Empire currently is not able to move planets safely. These 7 planets are under their full control but they are further away from Nova Empire's area of influence than they would like them to be, these are particularly valuable planets to the Nova Empire, whether because of their inhabitants or because of their resources. The other option is relocating 3 planets and stablishing an embassy under an area of your control, either planet Earth or Halo, while co-signing with Ms. Grey on the contract."- So the 7 relocations is the monetary cost and the embassy is the political move to get a connection with me and the Phoenix Avatar. I could possibly use the connection in the future but I don't totally need it. I believe that even if I don't ever use the connection it is best to make friends. One more friend equals one more less possible enemy. Given my status it is also highly unlikely that they would attempt to make a suicidal move. This will also help Jean in the future if she has to deal with the Shi'ar. 

"The 3 planetary moves and the embassy on the Halo are fine Spark, just let them know about the situation on Earth. I'm sure that they already know about the connection between the Phoenix' Avatars and the Shi'ar"- I don't want these guys to show up on Earth and to poke that hornet nest.- We waited for one more minute and then Spark said: 

"Transaction formalized. Agreement reached between the Nova Empire and the Cosmic Presence, Aragorn the Shine Dragon and Jean Grey, avatar of the Phoenix Force."- Nice one Spark! Now my title will gain the fame it deserves! 

"Excellent Spark! Thank you for the assistance Centurion Prime! We will be on our way!"- After finalizing our trade and scheduling a meeting for the construction of the embassy on Halo and the planetary relocation, I opened a portal to the coordinates of our new planet.

This planet was about the size of Mars, it had a fully breathable atmosphere along with a single massive shallow ocean, max depth about 1mile (1.609km), that covered 90% of it's surface, but it's biosphere was lifeless, just like we needed it. The ground was black with purple rock formations and the sky was of a darker blue than Earth's.- I can't see any resource of importance for a galactic empire on the planet, this must be why it was so cheap. 

"...ermmmh Aragorn. Why could Spark sign on my behalf?"- Jean.

"That's because they could tell that you are an avatar "in-training" so I'm considered your legal guardian in galactic empire terms, and Spark is my representative. Normally the government of the planet of birth of an Avatar is considered it's legal guardian until you are ready to assume your cosmic duties or you are stronger than said government. But that only applies to a planetary government. Earth has none and Earth is considered my planet, because I have more standing than Earth as a cosmic entity, hence why I and Spark are considered your "handlers"."- She look at me with a deadpan stare, like saying, "Spark is fine, but why you?". 

"Don't think too much about it. This planet is now ours. Co-ownership. So you can portal here whenever you want to train, just ask Spark."- Obviously Spark won't let her come here without protection. 

"Wow Jean! You own a Planet now... Heheheheh! Aragorn can I use my lightsaber here?"- This girl definitely has her priorities right. She is looking at the rock formations in the distance with shinning eyes. 

"Sure Kitty you can go on that direction to play. I'll call you when I need your help."- I said while pointing south, you could see a group of vertical rock formations over there.

"What do you two want to do?"- I asked Emma and Bucky.

"I'll go... train the girl with my own lightsaber."- Said Bucky with a smile, while his left arm technomorphed a red lightsaber. A smile that was reciprocated by Kitty with her own laugh.

"Hehehehehehehe!"- Kitty.

"I can fix any injury as long as you don't kill each other. But be careful I don't think she is use to pain."- I said to Bucky. Who obviously would wipe the floor with Kitty.

"I will be careful."- Bucky.

"Sure! We will be careful!"- Kitty.

"I want to see how you will remove the seals. If that's okay with you Jean."- Stated Emma.

"... Yes that's fine Emma."-Jean.- She must be really scared right now, we are about to find out what was what the professor hid from her after all.

"Emma just stay on my side, in case Jean's powers go out of control, I will redirect them either upwards or around her."- I said while Jean and I sat in front of each other. Emma on my left and Bucky and Kitty farther away on my back.

"Ok Jean. The first seal is a fake memory, to convince you that nothing is missing, to cover the blanks. That one is an easy seal so I will remove it and then we will see if it doesn't tire you too much."- I looked at her eyes and grabbed her hands to calm her down and assure her that everything was going to be alright.

"I'm ready Aragorn. I trust you!"- Jean

I pushed our foreheads together, same as the last time, and I sent a piece of my mind through the telepathic link, then made some distance, just a few feet away, in case her powers overreact. Inside her mindscape we found the three of us looking at the area that looked obscured. That was the way that Jean's mind represented location where the sealed memories could be found.

Jean and Emma were appeared in their regular physical forms, but I was represented by a human size draconic eye. Last time when we fixed Bucky's mind I could only exert my intent on his mind without collapsing it, so Emma and Jean only experienced my actions, they never "saw" me; and when I closed the back door left in Jean's the link wasn't strong enough to hold a representation of me for long, so I just removed the door as fast as I could and left while reinforcing the link for this particular occasion. 

"Why do you look like this?"- Emma.

"My mind is too... "big" so I can only send a piece of it, or my intent in case of a weaker mind."

"Is that why you reinforced our connection last time?"- Jean.

"It will make my job easier and you will be better protected in the future in case that you need to use my psionic energy."- I don't think that I will be able to spend 100% of my time safeguarding her, after all, I still need to find the other world ending red themed teen. 

"I will start. You will find some blanks but try not to mind them too much at the moment."- I did just as I said. I shed "light" on the first level of the sealing, enough for Jean's mind to automatically pick up the new available area. I slowly removed my "light" and let Jean's take over. I then pulled Emma and I out. I needed to make sure that Jean was stable.

As soon as we came out I had to set a barrier protecting my "side" of the planet from the imminent telekinetic blast. 


It started like a vibration, a shockwave, and then an explosion. And explosion that I had to redirect to the sky and around Jean, to protect her as well from the outburst.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

After the explosion settled we found Jean breathing hard on the ground. She was tired but not in pain, which was a good sign. The placed where we sat before was now a 1 yard (0,91m) deep crater. Even Kitty and Bucky were startled by the bang but after confirming that everyone was ok they went back to their training. 

Jean took an hour to recover but eventually she was ready. This meant that it was time to move to the next stage, the dangerous stage. We sat outside of the crater and got back to our original positions. And once again we found ourselves in Jean's mindscape. You could already see the changes that releasing the first seal did. Everything was brighter now, except for a dark scalding orb found where before it was darkened.

I could tell that inside that orb was the link between the Phoenix and Jean, as well as some of her memories and a bunch of feelings, if I had to give this a name I would call it a Dark Phoenix seed.- This is going to be a problem, I don't think that Jean alone will be able to overcome the Dark Phoenix, at least it hasn't develop a personality of it's own, but as soon as those feeling are released she will become the Dark Phoenix herself... *SIIIIGH* I guess that this is why the Phoenix linked us.

"Emma, stand behind of my eye at all times. Jean... What do you feel from that orb?"- My empath powers won't work inside her mindscape.

"... It feels wrong Aragorn, there's sadness, rage, despair and something else."- Jean was clearly afraid of the orb, who wouldn't?- The fact that she can feel from the orb means that at least there's some semblance of a personality to it. What a Shitfest! 

"Jean I will remove the remaining seal, you will first get the stream of memories and then the connection with the Phoenix will be reestablished and fortified. We will stay with you until just before your connection with the Phoenix is strengthened. As soon as the Phoenix influence spreads through you, Emma and I will be kicked out."

"...I understand... But what will happen to the feelings? Isn't the orb made of memories, feelings and my nexus with the Phoenix?"- *Tch* she is smarter than I gave her credit for. 

"You won't be able to hold those without loosing your sense of self, until all that's left is the Dark Phoenix... So I will siphon the feelings."- She looked at me terrified and I could see the worry on her eyes and mindscape.

"...Will you be okay?..."- Jean asked, barely audible, as if it was a question which answer she didn't want to know. 

"Yes Jean! Worst case, in which I loose control of my powers, I will just fly off planet and Spark will portal you all away."- There was a possibility in which the Dark Phoenix and I would have to fight to the death. So Spark suggested that in the scenario in which Jean or I loose control it would portal everybody else out of the way. 

"Are you ready?" 



After I prepared myself, Aragorn's eye shifted to the dark orb and got ready to open the seal. I know that Aragorn won't allow me to become the Dark Phoenix because then he would have to kill me. That much I was able to infer from our link. But I'm not sure that I want him to take the burden of my feelings... those are my feelings after all... Yet I know that this is the best option, I will just have to take on the memories and the Phoenix as fast as possible to help Aragorn.

"Here we go!"-Aragorn said, and as soon as he did everything shook and I started to remember.

I had a friend, a friend that I loved like a sister, a friend that I lost, we were playing in front of my old house when a car driving by lost control... it looks like it was never known why... but we will never know now... the car swerved over to the walkway where Annie and I were playing, we froze, we were only kids and we couldn't move out of the way fast enough, we were going to day... but then at the last second the car swerved back to the road, missed me, but hit Annie. In the distress of the situation my powers awakened and I unconsciously connected to Annie, I felt her pain, her fear and then her death... I cried and shouted for help... I just wanted it to stop, for everything to stop... without realizing... I pulled all the cars in the vicinity into a ball in the air... and compressed it while I shouted... There was only one victim... the driver of the car that cause the accident, but the problem was that my mother came out of my house at the moment when all the cars were compressed. 

After that, a week went by, and my mother thought of me as a monster, I could hear her in my mind, my father hated me because of what I did to my mother, I could hear him in my mind, and, due to the death of the driver and the way that the cars were found the police kept questioning my mother and father, which aggravated the mental state of my mother. When my father was making plans of dropping me somewhere, the professor arrived and asked my father for my custody. 

He then came to me, sealed my powers, memories, feelings and a part of my personality; and built a beautiful lie, a lie in which he was an old friend of my father's, a lie in which my parents chose what was best for me, which was for me to study under Xavier's, a lie in which I would gradually stop minding the absence of my parents, a lie in which I would find assurance within the X-Men. 

It looks like the piece of my personality that was seal, was starting to develop a sense of awareness, surrounded by only sadness, rage and despair, and that's how the Dark Phoenix was going to come to be. I can see why Aragorn said that I would be overwhelmed by the feelings... I'm starting to feel the same as the orb after remembering. If had to mix my current feelings with those of the orb I would have lost myself.


Meanwhile I was remembering I heard a voice that had a striking similarity to mine, the connection with the Phoenix was "opened" and I could now see it and feel it. A bird of fire, or fire shaped like a bird, scalding hot, made of yellow, red and orange flames... Exuding a pressure similar to the one that Aragorn once exuded. '


'Similar? Similar how?'


'That makes some sense... I think.'


'So that's why you can manipulate other people's mind and why some mutants can do psionic constructs, I understand now!... But... Is he okay?'


'Yes, please!'

*FLAP*- With a flap of her wings I could now "see" the outside. I was enveloped in a cocoon of red, orange, yellow and white flames. I could "see" Emma, Bucky and Kitty inside a bubble made of orange, yellow and red flames. They were wide-eyed, mouth opened, shaking and trembling while looking at the sky. Up in the sky I "see" a gigantic dragon made of crystal; wings larger than the horizon covered the star on this system while refracting the light through them. In its chest you could see a warm light shaped like a heart, while its horns and dorsal blades shone with an intensity that eclipsed the star of this planet. But the most striking aspect were its crimson red eyes with white pupils. The surface and the atmosphere was covered with a haze that distorted and shimmered chaotically obstructing the view.

'What's happening? Where is Aragorn?'


So he really was a dragon?... I thought it was one of his quirks.

'But what's going on with the air?'


This looks like a different thing altogether. I'm not feeling it and even I'm afraid.

'Is the barrier your doing?'


'What do you mean?'


'Like his abilities?'



One flap was enough the release the fatigue that she was keeping at bay for the sake of our conversation. Like the wave of a broken dam, it hit me, and I started to loose consciousness before falling into a deep sleep. 


Well this is shit! I'm in the upper atmosphere waiting for Jean's feelings to dissipate after having to shift back to my dragon form...

After unsealing the black orb Emma and I saw all of Jean's forgotten memories, fucking shit stain of a family, fucking arrogant shit that thought he knew better, mental therapy with telepathy is a piece of cake, specially in a child, but that fucker was afraid of what he felt inside of Jean so he chose the easy way out, that fucker!... Breath in... Breath out... I'm letting her emotions affect me... Once the memories ended I got to work and pulled all of the emotions in the orb to me. I looked at Emma and said:

"Get ready, once I'm done "eating" her emotions the impact from the link with the Phoenix will kick us out. If you fight it you will have a psionic backlash."

"FUCK!... I'm ready!"- My head maid is obviously loosing her shit in anger about Xavier as well, she is a telepath after all, she knows how easy it would have been for him to properly help Jean. 


With the sound of a mighty flap Emma and I found ourselves back with the living. Jean was lit on fire and wrapped in a cocoon of flames. I could even start to feel some of me moving to Jean through our link, and once done I could see new white flames. But enough about that... I felt a part of me loosing my hold in rage, despair and destruction. I looked back at Emma, who jumped away when she saw my already red eyes, and ordered:

"Emma! Bring Kitty, James and yourself close to Jean! I am loosing my hold! I will try to avoid the area around Jean!"- Some of my presence was leaking already. Which Emma was starting to feel. The good news was that I could already sense the Phoenix in Jean. She is most likely to protect them since they are her host's friends.- Shit! Looks like I will have to shift!- I arduously started to remove my clothes, my marbles and my P-Link and said:

"Spark! I can't open portals in this state of mind! I will leave my P-Link with my stuff, if you judge their lives to be in danger, portal all but Jean back to the Halo."- I placed my marbles next to my clothes with my P-Link on top, because I don't know if I will be able to hold the barriers from popping. 


Kitty and Bucky came running, no doubt after Emma telepathically called them. Kitty and Emma were staring at my... dragon in hea-... a daze.- This is definitely not the time for that! I'm having a crisis here! 

"What's is happening?! Why is he Naked?!"- Shouted Bucky, who was confused by the situation. 

""Don't question it!""- Emma and Kitty.- Really? They are definitely in heat!

I began to have a harder time holding my presence in. 

"I'm loosing my hold! Stay close to Jean no matter what! But don't touch the cocoon!"- I could see that Kitty was trembling in fear now, instead of in... a daze. 

"OK!"- Shouted the three at the same time, jaws clenched and bodies shaking.

Leaving a print in the solid ground and cracks expanding on my wake. I jumped to the upper atmosphere as soon as I felt the push from inside to go back to my true form. 


With the sound of The Ultimate Roar - Godzilla ~ Interpreted By Shine Dragon; I shifted back in the upper atmosphere, eclipsing the "sun" on the planet.- FUCKING SHIT!- No wonder the different Jeans eventually go Dark Phoenix! The only reason I'm holding on is because The Shine Dragon DOESN'T.DO.DAAAARK!- FUCK!- Alright! Keep it in!- Well looks like the Phoenix is doing me a solid protecting them from my presence.- As expected from one that follows the DAO OF SHINE.- She is The Senior Sister of the Path of Shine.- While thanking Senior Sister I let go a little more of my presence. And now... Now I just have to wait.

I've been here for 2 hours, I underestimated this shit and now it looks like neither Jean nor I are able to continue training...*Siiiiiigh* I just felt the hold on my presence come back, but it looks like it will take a while for my form to be able to shift. While fully retracting my presence I felt the barrier around my staff and Kitty disappear.- Perfect timing! Sasuga! {as one would expect} Senior Sister!- I was able to reduce my size to the level of a school bus, so I flew down to my friends who were looking at me with some remnant fear. 

'I can't shift back to my humanoid form for the moment and it looks like Jean is adapting to her new old powers. So we wait! Are you guys okay?'

"Yeah, just scared shitless for the past 2 hours!"-Bucky.

'Hahahahahah! Sorry! Sorry! There were some feelings sealed in Jean, I absorb them to protect Jean. I swear it's not that I personally was angry. You can ask Emma if you don't believe me.'- Both of them looked at Emma for confirmation. Emma was looking down but she lifted her head to answer and we saw as much rage as was present in me. She said:

"THAT PIECE OF SHIT XAVIER! THAT ARROGANT SHIT! FU-"- Shit she was affected as well, just a little though. 

'Hey! Hey! Emma! Calm down! You were slightly affected as well. Just take a deep breath Emma.'- She did just that.

*SIGH* *Breath in* *SIGh* *Breath in* *SIgh* *Breath in* *Sigh*

"I'm better now. I felt her feelings resonate with my own, I think that's why I lost it."

'Well... as you can see... I took the brunt of the load but even Emma was a little affected.'- She probably saw herself in a familiar situation as Jean.

"... Aragorn... Did the professor do something to Jean?"- Said Kitty, very startled by Emma's outburst. 

'Yes, but it's more that he handled a very delicate situation in a very precarious way. So Emma and I can't help but blame him a little.'- I don't want to pit the students against him, sadly at the moment, he is the best option for a newly awaken mutant. I can't just selfishly act because I have a valid reason to take out the man without taking responsibility for the downfall.

The truth is that, at the moment, I can't offer the mutants a place where they can realistically grow on their own and have a shot at a brighter future. Based on the plans that Spark and I drew, the most peaceful approach is to locate Krakoa and start a mutant country there, wait for them to grow as a country and then declare it as such in the United Nations. I felt it's psychic presence in the Pacific so it's just a matter of time before we find it. Genosha is the fast approach, but I would either have to covertly kill and manipulate a bunch of the human garbage that live there or I would have to make myself an enemy of the UN and just take over the country. 

"It's something that you better talk to Jean about, it's not something that Aragorn or me should discuss behind her back."- Said Emma after finally setting down. 

"I will talk to her later then. What are we doing then?"-Said Kitty after taking Emma's advice.

'Well you three can do whatever you want, I will stay over here with Jean, I'll call you when we are ready to depart, since I don't think we will have it in us to do any sort of training after this experience... Emma... Do you want a lightsaber as well?'- I feel bad leaving her out.

"... Sure! Why not! Can you guys teach me how to use it?"- She said to Kitty and Bucky.

"Yes! The more the merrier. Bucky is teaching me how to use it correctly."- Yes Kitty, I'm sure that under the tutelage of the ex-assassin you will improve! Soon you will be the deadliest mutant in CQC out there!

I looked back to where I left my marbles, and it looks like I was able to hold the barriers.- I pulled the marble with my personal collection of lightsabers and popped it.

'You can pick one!'- She observed the different options available and after some time, she picked one that looked like the handle of a platinum baton with a white blade, like Jeans. The trio went back to where they were practicing.

I moved to Jean's and coiled myself protectively around the shiny cocoon. Time for a well deserved nap!


Hello! This chapter was a little about setting a presence for Aragorn in space and releasing the seal. There's also a bit of the possible paths for the mutants as a community. 

Next chapter will be about Jean, what she will do for the future and going back to Earth.}

Hello friend!

I personally enjoy writing my possible version of this multiverse, but I also find myself enjoying your comments!

ExistentialVoidcreators' thoughts