
Dragon in Harry Potter

(The cover isn’t my photo.) It’s the classic, mc dies and gets reincarnated. Now here’s the twist, he’s a dragon born in the time of the founders of Hogwarts and Merlin. What will he do, will he become a servant or will he become the master. Or will he control the world from behind a veil of shadows. It’s up to you to find out…

Sloth_god · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs


(Btw this is during the time the mc is playing)

"Hi," Said the boy with scruffy blond hair "my name is Alex and this is Zack."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Merlin Emrys."

"Well mr Emrys, what house do you think you will be placed into?" The white haired boy now known to be Zack asked." Interesting question but I don't know. What about you, you got any ideas where your going to end up in?" Merlin responded quickly but still managed to keep his voice level.

"we both think we're going to end up in Griffindoor or slitherin." Alex replied this time also quite fast but the difference was that you could clearly hear the excitement in his voice. "Really, quite the contrast of choice there. May I ask why you believe that to be the case?" Merlin actually interested now asks. "Simple really we're both smart but usually use our intelligence at the expense of others, which is where the Griffindoor part comes in, we love pranking people but normally it's a bit more sinister than dropping a bucket of water on someone's head." Zack explained.

Now Merlin wasn't a stranger to pranks himself, and due to the influence of his uncle he was pretty good at pulling them off himself. He was planning on being quiet and staying out of everyone's way but now these two are here, it might be a little different. "I think we'll be great friends." He said with a creepy Cheshire grin, to which the boys returned in kind.

Suddenly remembering something pretty important Merlin asked "Wait how do you guys know about the sorting and houses?" The boys looked at each other for a second in confusion then Zack had a look of enlightenment. "We asked one of the seniors on the way up and he was kind enough to explain." Zack said calmly.

"That makes sense." Said Merlin. At that moment an aged wizard with a pure white beard down to his chest walked out in front of the group of students who instantly noticed his presence and quieted down. "I am professor zadok I am your duelling teacher. In a moment I will lead you into the great hall where you will be sorted into houses by the sorting hat. Once you have been told your house you will walk over to the house table and sit down, no dawdling." At this he turned around and waved his had causing the massive doors to open.

(mc's pov)

As me and Falkor were about to attack each other again there was a resounding boom to which stole our attention. Realising that it was just the great hall opening we were about to go back to fighting when Zack picked Falkor up and Merlin picked me up. To say I was annoyed was an understatement, but I realised arguing would probably get me no where considering the situation.

So while calming myself down I inspected the great hall and god it was huge, think about what they showed in the movies and scale it up by 5. And the ceiling was already enchanted to look like the night sky, but the difference was that the stars moved around to create different magical constructs. There was even a dragon! I swear I just saw him wink at me, damn I bet this is the founders doing. This really shows just how much stronger the founders were in comparison to Dumbledore.

Another thing I noticed is that there seems to be more than double the amount of teachers there were in the movie's. I guess a lot of magics got banned for being 'dark/black magic. Well I call this a bonus, the more Merlin knows the more I know, the more we know the more powerful we can become, the more powerful we become the more we can do without restriction, I could go on. Anyway it's a good thing.

Looking to the front just bellow the teacher's table I saw a nicely furnished wooden chair that was Probably worth more than most houses in modern times, magically speaking at least. The shear amount of magic I could see rolling off of it was blinding, I couldn't even begin to imagine how many charms and wards were placed on it, it was like a beacon in a dark room. That's not to say the wasn't more magical artefacts in the room, in fact just about everything in the hall was magical in one way or another. And all the students mana cores were quite bright as well it's just this chair out shined the everything else by a mile.

I was about to mention this to Merlin when suddenly 4 lights comparable to the sun appeared, not wanting to be blinded i willed my eyes to stop seeing magic. Which if you hadn't picked up yet was a nifty trick I came into contact with when playi ehem fighting With Falkor. As soon as the blaring light left my vision in the place the 4 suns used to be were the 4 founders. On the far left stood Godrick Griffindoor, next to him on his right was Helga Huffelpuff, next to her was Rowena Ravenclaw, and on the far right was Salazar Slitherin. all standing in front of their respective tables proudly before walking to the teachers table.

Once they sat down and the last of the first years finally reached the front of the hall Godrick, without even bothering to stand up lazily said. "let the sorting begin." And with that prof zadok started calling out names of students who would then scurry up to the chair where an eloquent wizards hat would be placed on their head before it calls out their house. After which the respective house table would clap while said person walks to the table.

Finaly after a couple of minutes prof Zadok spoke "Merlin Emrys." And with that Merlin confidentiality strode up to the chair and sat down while prof Zadok placed the hat on his head, and in less than a second the hat screamed "slitherin!"


You happy now Ukido I added a line, it's there. But on another note I didn't make this chapter a cliff hanger, surprise surprise. Anyway I need ideas for magic concepts for the new teachers, as well as teacher names you know since I can't exactly use the ones from the books. So give me names and their lessons, if i like it I'll use it if I don't then sorry the name was either bad or too long. If you couldn't tell im really lazy and writing out a long complicated name every time I have to mention them or use dialogue im going to kill myself soooo. Another thing I was planning on maybe making Zack and Alex secret super high ranking Nobels, you know the ones that are like most ancient or something, so tell me your thoughts on that. Can't think of anything else to say except I hope you'll all continue reading. Btw I'll try to update this again tomorrow/today as it is currently 18 minutes past midnight.