
Dragon Heritage: english version

This is the English version of my novel. As English is not my primary language, I apologize in advance for any errors. Awakening in a silent and forgotten forest, a young man with no memories faces the perplexing task of discovering his past. Abandoned and clueless about his identity, he ventures on a challenging journey.

Ezequiel_Caballero · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Bitter Night.

Quickly covering his "little friend" with a pillow, he asked Sile:

- "D-Do you need anything? I think it's a little late for a chat..." Kael's cheeks tinged slightly red.

-"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't expect you to be naked..." A little nervously, she began to fiddle with her hands.

- "It's okay, but I'd like to know why you came to my room." Although he didn't mind being naked, it made him a little uncomfortable when he was that way with someone present.

- "It's just that... uh..." Sile found it embarrassing to say her reasons. Maybe because she was shy or because Kael was basically naked in front of her. Or a little of both.

- "Whew... Okay..." She mumbled something that Kael failed to hear and moved closer to him, looking into his eyes.

- "When I first saw you, I felt a kind of shock and chills here." She lightly touched the area just below her stomach, almost touching "that" spot.

With a stronger blush than usual, she lowered her gaze slightly and continued:

- "And... when I looked into your eyes, I felt that they caught me, I was almost hypnotized by them." A tender smile adorned her face, and her eyes looked at Kael with a kind of affection.

-"...I appreciate you telling me this, but... We barely met today. We haven't even had a proper conversation."

- "I-I know! But this is the first time I've ever done something like this with someone I barely know! I don't want you to think I'm that kind of woman, but after seeing you I couldn't help this 'urge', as if something was forcing me to do it."



Silence reigned in the room for a few seconds. Kael closed his eyes, as if meditating and Sile stood nervously.

Kael opened his eyes and looked at Sile, a single question came from his lips:

-"... Are you sure?"

Confused, Sile seemed not to understand what Kael was referring to, but after a few seconds, she realized.

- "Yes... I'm sure. There's something about you that attracts me and I have no idea what it is... maybe this will help..."

With nothing more to say, Kael stood up, showing off his still sleeping "little" friend in all his glory.

- "E-EHH!!! A snake...?" A mixture of surprise and fear was heard from Sile's voice, which stared at Kael's "snake".

Though he said nothing, Kael felt a sense of pride and victory. He pulled Sile, pulling her close to him and sealing her lips.

-"!!" Startled, she tried to pull away, but Kael's grip prevented her from moving. A seductive dance began inside their mouths, their tongues like dancers. Wet sounds echoed through the room, as their kisses became increasingly aggressive and saliva lubricated their lips.

Unable to breathe after what seemed like an eternity, Sile broke the kiss, breathing agitatedly.

- "Haa... Haa... That was... Wow..." She said between sighs.

- "I think I got a little carried away, sorry... I'll try to go slower."

- "Mmm, dont worry, I liked it." She couldn't hold back an embarrassed little smile.

- "O-Oh... So, shall we continue?"

- "Yes..."

Once again, their lips met, but unlike before, the kiss was much quieter and sweeter, as if they were taking the time to feel each other's taste.

Slowly, Kael's hand began to explore Sile's body. Her hair, a nice light brown color, complimented her eyes, which were hazel.

Enjoying his caresses, Sile wrapped her arms around Kael's neck. Kael's hand moved provocatively down, leaving no area unexplored.

- "Ahh...!" To Sile's delight, his hand finally descended to "that" spot, sending a small shiver throughout her body. As Kael continued to move his hand, his lips moved away from Sile's, opting to kiss her body. Everywhere he passed, he left little red marks, as if he was tracing a path.

- "Kael... No more... I can no more...!" Immediately after, the strength left Sile's legs, which collapsed on top of him, knocking them both down on the bed.

- "Eh... I'm glad you liked it?" Kael said, unsure if he really did things right.

-"..." With her face in Kael's chest, Sile didn't answer.

- "S-Sile...? Are you okay?"

- "I can't anymore..."

- "Huh...?"

- "I can't hold back anymore! I need to eat you, NOW!"

Sile's innocent and embarrassed expression changed completely to that of a hunter about to eat his prey. His hazel eyes, now glowed faintly a purple color.

With surprising speed, Sile got on top of Kael and held his hand, making him unable to move.

- "How come you have so much strength?!" He tried to get free with all his might, but still couldn't.

- "Fufu, don't worry and just enjoy yourself." Sile licked her lips and slowly lowered her hips-"Bon appetit..." With a simple movement, they became one.

- "Haa...! Haa...! Whew...!" Sile began to move her hips at a great speed, giving Kael both pleasure and pain. Using him as if he were a sex toy, all the sweetness and passion of before disappeared, it seemed that Sile was only looking to satisfy her own needs.

- "Urgg..." It was undeniable that Kael felt pleasure, but the more she moved her hips, the more weakened he felt, as if something was being taken away from him.

With his right hand immobilized and his left arm useless, he had no way to escape.

- "Do you... Uuf... like it? Do you feel like you're slowly... Haa... losing strength?"

Kael didn't answer, just closed his eyes, feeling his body getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, Sile let go of Kael's hand, and slowly began to claw at his body, deep enough that he began to bleed. When her hands reached his head, she gradually increased the strength of her grip, in an attempt to crush him- However:

Kael's eyes snapped open, startling her. In that split second, his left arm, which should be unable to move, pierced Sile's chest, leaving a large hole:

- "Huh...?" Unable to know what happened, Sile's body slumped to Kael's side.

- "Bitch." Said Kael- The Being, actually.

- "I swear, every time I get control of the body, it seems to be in some kind of trouble."

Contrary to what he expected, the black smoke did not "devour" Sile, but instead, began to melt, leaving nothing but a purple flower where her body was.

- "Ha ha! I see! So 'She' is here."

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