
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter -3 (R-18+)

8 years, quite long time isn't it? 8 years can change course of life any human being. A poor broken man can become the Richest man on earth,A rich man can lost everything and become a Commoner, Nations can rise and fall. But everything aside these 8 years were quite Painful for Certain couples. Yes I am talking about Kent family. Everything has changed in this time Gap.

Since that fateful day everything has Changed.

His son went missing, Shuri and Akeno died of course Baraqiel himself told them. Let's not talk about it. After recent incidents

Martha was a Lifeless doll. She didn't showed any emotions, didn't talked with anyone. Only fed Victor and Did locked up herself in her room.

Johnathan was depressed by the Fact he can't do anything. He was useless to help his own son. This fact started to eat him from inside.

As for Victor well, he wasn't happy at all he sure was a Baby. But he can understand emotions if his parents are happy or not.

But it was 8 years ago now they are living a Better life, not like thier previous one but many times better than 8 years ago

it all changed after a Month of that Incident

Flashback 8 years ago

It's been a Month since the Incident. Both John and Martha are depressed as hell. Nothing felt good anymore everything was empty without his son, Baraqiel,shuri and Akeno.

As both where having lunch and Victor was asleep after having his meal.

Martha is serving her husband lunch. Today's lunch is Curry Rice. Martha is serving him while thinking something. Then she said

" It is Clark's favourite isn't it?"

" What? *Sigh* yes curry rice is indeed his favourite " John said

Martha remembering her son's face started to trembling

" What is my baby boy doing now? Where is he? What is he eating? Is he hurt? Scared? I-I-I don't know " Martha started crying.

John stands up and starts consoling his wife.

" Calm down Martha, he isn't alone Ddraig is with him! Nothing will happen to him, he won't let anything happen to our son. He is also a Father" John said consoling his wife. He still remember how helpless she was when Sirzechs gave her the video, he didn't want to live on same nightmare again. But suddenly atmosphere of the Room Changed. A chilly filling filled the room as Both became alert. John brought out his Gun in case anything happens. But something else happens a Hole opened in thin air and a Robotic bird came inside flying.

The bird sat on Dining table. John isn't sure what is that, so for safety purpose he told Martha to safeguard Victor first while he deals with this thing.

But Instead of attacking the bird started to Project a Image in air. What they saw is Ddraig in his Full glory

" Ddraig?" Both said

" Johnathan,Martha I am Ddraig,and I know what you guys are going through."

" Ddraig where is Clark? Where are you guys?" Martha said in hope

" Stop panicking if you're right now because it's just a Recording."

Both stopped on their tracks whatever they were doing

" I don't know how much you guys know, but in short we were Fighting a Really powerful demon who copied our powers. We managed to kill him but in mean time he was able to place a Teleportation spell on us which was supposed to teleport us in vast distance. But it malfunctioned and we ended up in a Different Universe from ours we live. But don't worry Clark is safe, we found out good peoples who are willing to help us on returning to our own universe. But as will know Akeno Chan died as shuri well. We were unable to save them. So in future this doesn't happens again Clark decided to stay in this universe and Train with beings who make Gods look pale in Comparison. We don't know how much time is needed but Let's say we will reunite again after 8 years. I know 8 years is Long time and You guys have to suffer a Lot but trust me when Clark get's Stronger he can revive you guys as Dragon borns. Then you guys will have almost Infinite life to live with your son. For next few thousands of Years I request you for this next valuable 8 years. You guys will miss Clark's growth, but I promise we can live happily after that. So stay strong, healthy and Be Safe until we meet again."

As the recording end the Bird Collapsed on the table, leaving a Confused couple.

Both had mixed fillings as both are happy that their son is perfectly fine, but they won't be able to pamper him for next 8 years! They will miss his growth, they will be separated for a Long time. But it's for greater good and they have to accept that.

" D-D-Dear You heard that?" Martha said while verge of Crying

" Yes Martha, see what I said he is safe! Our son is safe!" John said as he hugged her as both started Crying tears of Joy

Flashback ends

Now they are living a Normal life. Victor is Now 8 years old, now he is also a Smart child not as much as Clark but smart enough. He always asked about his big brother when he will come back. Martha used to tell him his stories. Little Victor seemed to be influenced by his stories even if he isn't present here.

As for Martha well she looked even more prettier than Before. Her breasts increased in Size now she wears I cup Bra. She isn't actually happy by it she liked when it was smaller. But John really happy about it so it didn't bothered her as long it makes her husband happy. Youngsters nearby used to call her perfect Milf. Heck many of them asked her out for date, to bad she had to break their poor hearts. Other neighbours are jealous of her killer body. She is now used to hear questions " what is secret behind your beauty?" " How your breasts are so big?" Etc. Even Models asked about it when she went for shopping in super malls.

John on Other hand hasn't changed a bit he was young he is Young his ageing has slowed down. His body is still in his prime maybe even Stronger, he doesn't necessarily does farming job now he is now just Chilling in house and staying close to his family. What about money? It's simple They already where Millionaire from the Stock market investment Clark did on past, now Clark's Super Dragon Emperor right owned by Sirzechs and the money he earned from the Rights are directly transferred to their account. So yeah they are Billionaire now.

They are now preparing themselves because 8 years are Finnally gonna complete and Clark can Spawn out of nowhere any time. Concidering he is man of his words. Which is gonna become reality in few moments.


" Sensai so we are going to your home right?" Anny asked Clark.

" Yes, Anny we are" Clark replied

" Are we gonna use drop ship?" Anny asked

" Yeah but we have to use the stealth one since JSDF is wary about Americans and F-15 s patrol the Area" Clark said as he is wearing his Kryptonian suit since he didn't had any Earth's clothing with him. As both appeared in Fortress's launch pad they found the Drop ship is Already prepared

" Listen Anny, The moment your going step on the planet, loads of Shit storm is going to rain on us in future. There can be many situations that can lead us to many hard decisions, are you prepared for that" Clark asked

Without a second thought he replied

" Yes I am, I have been in worse situation. And I highly Doubt as long as we are together there is anyone who can stop us.Let them do their worst" with a Smile in his face

Clark smiled back and said

" That's the spirit! Now let's go, Home sweet Home" as both entered the dropship .

The dropship can accelerate upto twice of Light Speed necessary but they were only Operating at 75% speed of light.

{ Clark I have a Request} Ddraig said as they entered Earth's atmosphere

" What dad?" Clark said

{ Let Go to Wales, I need to confirm something first} Ddraig said with a Serious tone.

Clark and Anny didn't asked any questions since both understand there's something serious about this.

Within 10 seconds all of them are now above Britain. Ddraig is now scanning lands of Wales with his Senses. After scanning a While he said

{ That's very strange!} Ddraig said with a little confused tone.

" What happened dad?" Clark asked

{ The thing is Wales was a Ideal place for Dragons to stay, but what happened that it became almost unhabitable for Dragon?} Ddraig said

" You mean the matter about Dragons living in Under world?"

{ Exactly! Tannin sacrifice his Pride and Status for our own kind, since we used to live on Dragon Apples. And Wales produced higest quality and quantity of Those apples, but it's really strange for lands of Wales to went almost dead} Ddraig said sadly

" What is Dragon Apples?" Anny asked

"Dragon apples are a special kind of Apple that is only meant for dragon and Toxic for Other Races. It has so much nutrition that a Dragon can Go without eating for a Week after Consuming a Single apple. Since Dragons are extremely big in size they can't be depend on Live stock. So those are only their life support" Clark said shocking anny

" Sounds delicious " Anny said

{ Of course they are! But only Dragons can consume and taste those, but Concidering your physiology you can enjoy those} Ddraig said

" So in short means you are implying that everything is Plotted?" Clark asked

{ I can't say for sure, but... Anny later your coming with me for a Investigation} Ddraig said

" Yes sure Great Sensai, it will be fun" Anny replied happily

" So let's return to home" Clark said as he Accelerated the ship.


" Should we go in?" Clark and anny are standing outside of Kent residence

" You should go in I would like to meet them" Anny said

{Go in they waited for too long} Ddraig said

But for Clark it wasn't easy. He isn't home for around 8 years and this isn't short time. He felt like he is meeting his family for first time, even though they are his parents.

With a final Sigh he pressed the door bell. After that moments felt like hours, world has slowed down. His heart is pounding fast thinking what he will do first after reuniting with his family. Should be hug them first? Or should he say hello? What he will say to victor? What if he didn't accept him as his big brother? This kind of questions ran wild in his mind.

After a while a child opened the door. He seemed visibly shaken by their appearance. They are wearing their Kryptonian suits after all. He almost Thought aliens invaded his house

" U-um H-How can I help you?" The boy asked

Clark knows that he is none other than his little brother. Even for conformation he scanned his DNA strain and it matches 50 percent of his DNA meaning he is his brother.

Clark lowered himself and rubbed his head gently

" You have grown bigger Victor, it's nice to see you again" Clark said

" D-Did we met before because I don't remember you" Victor said nervously.

" Of course we met a long time ago, and I of course know you. I am your big brother after all" Clark said

On other hand Victor is Shocked beyond belief. So the man in front of him is his Super strong brother? Who beat huge Monsters? And it made sense since what he was wearing.

His face lit up and he started to screaming

" MAAAAA, BIG BROTHER IS HOMEEEE!!!" Victor went running inside.

{Prepared your self son} Ddraig said with smirk

" I am really!"

On other hand John Choked his drink and Martha threw the plate in shock what Victor was saying

" What are you saying so-" John rushed outside seeing Clark he stopped dead on his track.

" BIG BROTHER WH-" Martha came outside almost screaming she also stopped dead on her track

What they saw is a Handsome man with Blue eyes and Black hair and had a Tall built like John but he oddly felt familiar. Both started to sweat in confusion that this man oddly looked familiar, and Victor called him big brother.

Their all confusion went away until a he spoke

" Hello Ma, Hello Pa long time no see" Clark said smiling

Then Ddraig spawned and greeted them

{ Hello Love birds} Ddraig said smiling

Hearing them and Seeing Ddraig their Confusion went away.

" C-Clark?" Martha had tears in her eyes not of Sadness but of Happyness

" You cheeky Basterd" John said to himself in disbelief

Without any wasting anytime Martha rushed towards him and Threw herself on his arms

"OH CLARK MY BABY BOY! HOW BIG HAVE YOU GOTTEN MY BOY!" Martha saying wailing loudly.

" I am here mom now don't worry, don't worry" Clark said while crying.

{ Come here why are you waiting for?} Ddraig invited John for a Hug which he gladly accepted. As four of them started crying. While Little victor didn't understand what is happening.

" Ma! Pa! Why are you crying? If you guys will cry I will too" Victor Said as he also started crying

Clark also Hugged victor as Anny was left out. He didn't know what to do so he also started to Cry 😭 because he had nothing to do

Clark also offered him a Hug, which he accepted and he is now also part of Kent residence.


It took a Whole two hours to explain mere 1% of his 8 years of life to his family.

Martha had mixed fillings about it, she was happy about that he is a Hero but she didn't liked the fact he had to go through all of risky situations.

Johnathan is really proud for his son. Because of what he have become, that little kid he knew before is now a Complete man. No father can be happier than this. But he still regretted the fact he can't see his progress. He can't make his son a man for himself. But he swore himself that he will make Victor a man with his proper teachings.

Meanwhile Victor should be happiest person out there. His Big brother is a Full fledged super hero! A real one. He has Draconic powers that Surpasses that of a God, he has a Friend who is a million years old alien dragon. He has his own Space ship robots and everything else. Heck he is concidered as a Nobel in 100+ planets and 30+ Galaxies. Shouldn't be be Luckiest kid in Universe. Well he is Luckiest kid in this Universe. His big brother promised him to take out him in Deep space in search of Aliens of this Universe. All he can do is wait patiently.

" Pa, how about we go for shopping? Well I don't have any kind of clothings you know" Clark said to his father

" Yeah sure! Wait let me give you some of my clothes, Anny let's go you need to shop for daily necessities for you two" John said

" Thanks I would love too! But uhhh what should I call you?" Anny asked

" Hmmmm. Call me uncle then" John suggested

"Pa! Your literally suggesting a millions of years old Being to call you Uncle!" Clark said in disbelief

" Well I don't mind sensai he is your father after all!" Anny said

" It doesn't matters, your still so young feel free to call me Aunty" Martha suggested

" But-" " It's OK" Martha said smiling

{ Hmph Women ☕} Ddraig said inside his gear while Clark sweat dropped.


After a While both men ready in John's spare Clothes. It perfectly fitted Anny who had a Lean athletic physique but for Clark it looked like his T Shirt is barely holding. Since he is even More Muscular than his father and taller to it made sense.

" Wait let me bring out my Car" John said

" Nahhh, drive my car" Clark said as he activated His hash tube and Two super cars came out one is Ford Mustang and other one is Ford Raptor.

" WOW IT'S SO COOL!" Victor Said

" Damn Son just how many cars do you have?" John asked

" More than enough" Clark said with a Grin 😏

Assuring John that he had more than Enough!

" I am taking this Big beauty " John said as he got up in Ford Raptor

" Fine by me! Come with me victor " Clark said as he and Victor entered in Mustang.

And both drives out for Market.


In busy Supermall of course Kent family will attract most attraction. Three Handsome men with a Cuts boy and a Smoking milf who is drawing attention of both men and women.

" Damn look at that babe man is she a Mother?" A boy asked

" Yeah it seems so! Wow look at dat ass man! My girlfriend doesn't even comes close to her." His friend said In disbelief.

" Her husband is lucky as shit. Wondering how wild she will be in bed" another guy said.

" Go ask her out!" His friend said

" You crazy man? Look at those guys! They looks like they can Speed run entire army! I don't want to die early" he said

" Should I break their jaws sensai?" Anny said irritated.

" Oh Trust me, I personally would have. But don't worry for now just suck it up until shit becomes real." Clark replied. They did had super hearings it's normal to hear ever single conversation these people are having. But it's not just the Guys they are attracting most female attention.

" Look at them! Are they actors?" One female said

" It doesn't seems like, but WOW just look at those damn muscles, hmmm~ I won't mind being either with them" her friend said

" Are you crazy? They already have multiple sluts in their arsenal. And look at her figure! My god are those breasts even real?" Another woman said in disbelief.

" Uhhhh. Is this natural for people to get this kind of attention?" Anny said.

{ Of course, betas always watches when Alpha's walks in, and we are Alpha of Alphas just enjoy} Ddraig said

Without wasting any time kent family went to male Clothing section, Martha took Anny and started to Grab biggest pieces of Clothing they can Find. Reason was really simple the Shirt Clark was wearing Ripped off from Constant Muscle movement of Clark. It was already Tight fitting but it didn't lasted long. So Clark is standing half naked in entire store. Which unnecessarily increased woman's crowd in Men's clothing department. Those women never saw such a Handsome man with such perfect Masculine figure. Many of them can't hold their inner slut and took pictures of Clark and rushed towards bath room, of course for their needs.

" Look at that guy! Oh my god he is so Sexy" A Girl said while licking her lips.

" Yes mom, he really is!" Her daughter said who just stepped on her teen ages.

"If you ever bring a Man in my house only take MAN like him. I am not allowing any weaklings in my house" The Mother said

" But MOM look at his biseps, if he slaps my ass with such Arm I won't be able to walk for Weeks." The Girl said as the conversation went on

Clark is hearing them and knows how they looks without even Needing to look at them. Because he can create 3D models of Person's objects just by hearing their sounds. It's one of basic abilities of Kryptonians. The Mother is considerably Hot judging by her figure and D cub breasts, while her daughter can be Concidered Hot? Well it didn't Mattered to him just being hot isn't enough for Clark. Only if Elsha was here he would have shown them What kind of woman he prefers.

Clark didn't necessarily have to go all through this. He can simply create clothes from Kryptonian fabric maker from sunlight, which is almost Invulnerable no fire arm or bombs can make a Dent on it. But he wanted to spent quality time with his family. To create memories which he missed he can go through as many as he can it's really small price to Pay.

" Pa? Can I ask a question?" Clark asked

" Yes sure go ahead"

" What you did when I went missing that night?" Clark asked

John hearing that question, John dived in deep thoughts. Remembering every last on of his memories what seemed like Nightmare. But he didn't have to worry for now because his son is standing with him.

"Let's say it didn't went well. I was depressed, your mother was Ill. It was pure Nightmare losing you, shuri and Akeno was too much for us. Especially after watching that video." John said

" Video?"

" Yes,when fight took place on shrine many deities from different pantheon were present there. Sirzechs Lucifer also. He recorded the whole Incident, when I went searching for you I met him. He gave me the Video, I watched your mother did, until that bird came in we were in hell. Sirzechs is way nicer than I thought actually. He helped our family when needed and even Granted Us Protection." John said Shocking Clark

" Damn then I own him I guess."

{ It's surprising that he granted you protection! Either way he is a Good person I can guarantee that. My previous hosts have encountered him.} Ddraig said again Shocking Clark he doesn't sees his Dad to Praise Devils.

" Do you know that you're really Famous now after that Incident " John said

" Really? I would I guess after what I have done" Clark replied

"Your popular is Understatement! Entire supernatural world is Terrified of you. You know when you wasn't there you got some cool names?" John said

" Really?" { It isn't surprising, even my previous hosts Recieved titles such Belzard who was called Unstoppable}

" That's way Cooler than that, Your most popular Name is Super Dragon Emperor. " John said surprising Clark

" Super Dragon Emperor? Damn! Sounds really Cool, Concidering I wear House of El's crest" Clark said in Amusement.

" That doesn't ends there, you are literally hero of Under World Childrens really love you, they Give you the Name of BADASS Dragon Emperor, you have your own rights which is owned by Us and Devils are now making Films and web series on you and we get the Money from it. And exception being your balance breaker. You have your own Nick Name the Dragon Of Apocalypse "

This time Both Ddraig and Clark shocked . He was hero of childrens without even Trying anything he had his own rights and he earned from it without even doing anything.

{ Dragon of Apocalypse son of Dragon of Domination this sounds too good to be true. You have created your own legacy now don't disappoint me} Ddraig said

" Come to think of it where's uncle Baraqiel now?" Clark asked

" He came met us in future years ago now he is on Grigori I guess we haven't met in long time. I hope he is barely doing alright after he lost everything" John said with a Sad tone which made them sad

{ I will pay him a Visit after shopping so don't worry. Clark I will be going after this shopping Incident} Ddraig said.

" For Investigation I guess? Ok you can " Clark said

" CLARK COME ON TRY THIS ON" Martha screamed

" Here we Go"


It's 8PM now Johnathan and Martha returned home with Victor. Ddraig went out on a Mission with Anny no guarantee when he will come back. Now he is all alone by himself. He needed it because tomorrow is his Birthday the very day he lost Akeno. He needed sometime for himself.

He is walking down shopping district in search of Refreshments. He came across to a Extremely Rich bar.

He went inside it seeing very less people than he expected. There's a Bartender who is cleaning glass as he saw him.

" Welcome please come inside" he greeted.

Clark went inside he can clearly sense that he isn't a Human.

Either way he sat on a Chair as the Tender came nearby.

" What- you... Aren't human right?" He asked

" Well yes I am Dragon" Clark said shocking him

" Dragon! Damn it's first time in my life that a Dragon is my Customer, I am asguardian by the way, it's nice to meet you" He said

" Nice to meet you too. What you have for dragon like me? Since Alcohol won't affect me" Clark said

" Your challenging me? I have Something for you, what do want Whisky or Wine?" He said

" Wine" " Okay, but you have to pay me first" he said

" How much? " He thought for a bit

" A few of your Dragon scales would be enough " he said

Clark is now in a Trouble since if he actually gave him his leftover Dragon scale it will raise suspicious. Since his scales are currently hardest scales on this earth. Even Harder than grendel. People will try to fuck with him at this rate.

So he used his creative Chakra to manifest 5 dragon scales. He used a Iguana's DNA and Rewrote it as a Dragon's DNA. The colour of the scale is Bright Blue 🔵 so he doesn't raise suspicious. And it was done with Milliseconds Precision. After a second the scales are ready as typical High class Dragon scales.

He gave it to him who amused by seeing it.

" Ice Dragon? That's amazing" He said

' Oh shit I forgot to add some Ice attribute ' Clark screamed inside. But the tender didn't noticed it.

After a while he brought a Big 25 liter jar with a Tap fixed in it which is filled with water. Then He brought out a Dropper with some condensed red mixture inside it. He used only a single drop of it and the water turned Cherry red 🍒 in colour.

" Your drink is ready now enjoy, it's all yours" he said

Clark Poured a Glass of wine on his glass and give it a Sip.

" WOW, what is this? It's amazing and refreshing!" Clark said with amusement.

" It's made of Dragon apples now enjoy" As he went to tend other people

Without any wasting time Clark started heavy drinking as his memories of past started to resurface


"Stupid, hic, Sirzechs." A slightly slurred female voice was heard. Even while slurred, the voice held an elegant air to it that would be found in a princess or someone high in society.

The men walking by couldn't help but stop and stare at the woman, ignoring their females on their arms for the woman in front of them. She was in her early twenties with long silver hair that was tied in a ponytail with a braid hanging off her shoulder. She wore no make-up, showing off her natural breathtaking beauty. The woman wore clothes that looked like it was made of the finest silk known to man. She was outfitted with a black shirt with yellow trims on each side that hugged her body perfectly and parted aside at the lower part, exposing a little bit of her midriff, making her sexy yet elegant at the same time. Around her neck and shoulder was a long, light green scarf made from light material, which reached down to her womanly hips. The way her jeans hugged her perfect child bearing hips, showing off her sexy mile long legs, made all those drool at the sight.

The woman was known as Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil and EX to the current Lucifer, Sirzechs. She loved her Ex drearily, As a friend right now but sometimes his childish personality could get on her nerves. So, taking her day off, she decided to go to the human world and explore a little. That was when she went into a bar and had a few glasses. Not able to hold alcohol, she left with a light stumble and continued to complain about her husband to herself.

When she finally got a little of her mind back, she noticed she was in the local park and something else was peaking her interest. It was a Man sitting on the bench with a depressed expression.

While she was usually a stoic woman, she couldn't help but want to help the younger male. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked, making the man look up so she could see his blue eyes that widened. She giggled in her mind when she saw the large blush appear on his face.

This Man is None other than Clark Kent. He was having a Good time while drinking a few moments ago. But after a while his old memories started to resurface as he is now siting in park alone and remembering Akeno. Until he heard a Voice Calling for him. Clark looked up at her and a Huge blush appear. The woman standing front of him is easily as pretty as Elsha or Ellen with Same size of Bust and Hips

" Damn!" Clark thought in his mind

" Hello?" Grafiya called for him again and shaked her hand in front of him in response Clark shook his head out of Thoughts " Are you alright?" She asked again.

What Clark sensed she is a Devil, A Little unused to talking to a person who belongs to a Race that he didn't quite liked is quite disturbing for him. At least for now. But if he started a scene it will be called Racism. So remembering his teachings he started his conversation

" Well not quite, what do you want devil?" He asked

Hearing upon she is Visibly shaken, but regardless of that she said

" That's a Bit rude you know? I was kind of worry about you. But there's no value in kindness now days is it?" Grafiya Said while pouting.

Remembering his teachings he realised that he is being rude to the Woman. He should treat and respect womans equally. Until she stops acting like one.

" S-S-Sorry my mind is a mess you see, ahhh please sit here" Clark apologised and offered her sit

She sat besides him and asked

" So what's with that Gloomy face? I am here so why don't you tell me about it? Sometimes saying your minds feelings to someone can lighten your heart you know " she said with a Gentle tone

" Thanks, um..."

" Grafiya " she said

Even her name is beautiful like she is Clark thought

" I am Clark nice to meet you" he greeted

As he said his short version of story without spoiling much that how he lost the woman he loved in his birthday and the day after tomorrow is his Birthday. Grafiya's heart sadden by hearing this. She also said her short story about her EX.

Both became quite friendly in a While

Suddenly, something within the woman stirred, something...primal as she looked at Clark closer. He was cute for his age, with his Black plain hair and huge built. A blush on her face appeared before turning away, ashamed of herself. 'W-Wh-What am I thinking?! he so much younger than me!' Grayfia yelled at herself.

As for Clark it was worse than he looks. His felt that his skill Bonding has triggered showing that she is perfect for being his mate. His dragon hormones are triggering and even worse he is drunk

' What the fuck! You have pretty girl named Elsha Clark' Clark said to himself

Both can feel the Feeling was mutual

'Well...maybe a little tease wouldn't hurt.' She thought to herself, looking at Clark with the corner of her hooded eyes. "Hey," Trailing off a little, she scooted herself closer to the boy. "Maybe I can help you feel better." She winked at him

" Come with me~" she said seductively as she got off from bence and started walking with extra sways on her hips of course it was intentional

Clark felt like his body is hypnotized by her seductiveness, Clark had a feeling where this can lead even if he didn't wanted to. But

his Dragon hormones said a Big fuck you.

Clark didn't even realised when he started walking behind her.

She is taking her to end of the park as she entered behinds trees. While doing she made sure to give him seductive wink and use her fingers to give him signal 'Follow me'.

Clark enters behind trees but next thing he knew is he got pushed by Grafiya pinning him on ground and Grafiya is now top on his

Now next thing what happened made his pant extremely tight. Grafiya now exposed her H cup breasts in front of him and made sure to Jiggle them erotically to tease the teen.

She is now looking at the Buffed teen who had a blushed face. 'Hehe, he is so cute for a Dragon, maybe Rias or Akeno can turn him into a devil' she thought to her self while giving him bedroom eyes.

" Well" she spoke with her alluring voice as she presented her boobs in front of him. " Go on, they are all yours~" she said sexiest way possible.

Clark didn't needed to be tell twice. His Instincts guided him towards her breasts

Practically jumping the woman, which shocked her, Clark pushed Grayfia against ground and his hands gripped her chest tightly, making the silver haired maid moan softly. Twisting, his hands molded her orbs and he fell in love with the soft texture.

Grayfia's breath hitched the moment she was pinned to ground as Clark's big hands groped her body with such intensity. A large blush appeared on her face and she knew it was not due to the alcohol still in her system. "Y-You lo-love breasts...don't you?" The silver haired beauty asked, breathing a little harder with each twist of her hard nipples.

" Yes I love them" Clark said without any hesitation. It's also not because of Wine he drank earlier. Not even stopping for a moment in his groping, his face and lips latched onto her left teat and licked and sucked on the nub vigorously. Clark felt that they are as Amazing as Elsha's breasts and Clark can't stop himself from devouring her breasts.

She moaned and groaned even harder at the hard suction and rough hands against her sensitive body. 'E-Even Sirzechs...doesn't make me feel...this good.' The Woman/maid compared to pleasure she felt having Clark touch her against her Ex. "I-It's too much!" Grayfia let out a yell of pleasure, thrusting her chest into Clark's twirling tongue.

He was too into sucking and lightly biting the woman's teat to even answer. His body had given into sucking and licking the Horny woman in front of him. Suddenly, the loud shriek of Grayfia, after five minutes of groping and sucking her melons, the woman held Clark's head into her chest, almost suffocating him, and her body shook like an earthquake.

Pulling back, after her tight grip was released, Clark looked at the slightly limp and huffing beauty in front of him with wide eyes. He licked his lips at the light sweat that dripped between her cleavage. "G-Gr-Grayfia-san...?" He asked, worried if the woman was alright.

Taking several deep breaths, Grayfia continued to feel the amazing climax given to her by a man so much younger than her. 'I-I can't believe it. I came from someone other than Sirzechs.' While she thought that, inside her mind, she was not really bothered by that fact. The pleasure he inflicted was so much more that what the crimson haired man had even given her since they have been together.

' I was wrong, this horny dragon is too much for Rias and Akeno to handel. Looks like I have to order my own pieces to revive him.' she said while staring at his blue eyes.

She hugged him and pushed him back wards making Clark sat on his butt.

" Your amazing! No one has ever made me Cum soo hard~" Grafiya mewled in pleasure

It was easy for Clark since he is used to play with Elsha's breasts.

' I made her cum' Clark thought to himself.

She opened his few buttons of his shirt he brought from market which exposed his chest and abdomen making her blush madly.

' My Satan's he is so perfect!' She said while feeding on his body with her lustful eyes until she stopped on a Certain point.

Looking down, her face lit up in a darker blush. 'W-Wow! He's erect!' Still feeling hot from cumming, she took charge and pushed him on ground making Clark lay on the grass.

" G-Grafiya? What are you doing?" Clark asked in moment of heat

" Nothing big boy, just returning the favour. He made me cum so hard in ages now it's my turn for do so" she said as she unzipped his pants and pulled it down leaving him only in his Red Underwear, which contained his Dragon that is creating the huge tent on his pant.

'Just how huge he is?' She asked herself.

" Good boys like you deserve a Good reward, and today is your lucky day" She said as she pulled down the underwear. His penis flung in her face. "W-Wh-What the hell!?" Grayfia whispered, astounded at the thing pulsing in front of her. 'I-I-It-It's twice bigger than Sirzechs!' She said inside her mind.

"It's 14 inches if you want to know, but it can adjust accordingly to your needs" Clark said with a cocky smile, shocking Grafiya

Silver eyes widened before drooping in lust. He can adjust his size? Maybe because he is a Dragon after all. She could smell his erection this close and it was sending her mind in a haze. Just before Clark could move his member into Grayfia's delicious looking lips, a shiver ran down his spine.

He watched the silver haired beauties tongue emerge and caress his pole, gliding over the head and shaft with swift strokes. 'T-This is a mature woman's tongue!' This was his first Blowjob in his entire life. Heck he never even Masturbate. Because of GigaChad. There's a Teachnique called Semen Rehabilitation, which is basically No fap at its extrem level. In this method you will have to follow strict rule of No fap for rest of your life if necessary or only if you're going to have actual sex. This method is Used by GigaChad to attain his perfect Physique when Clark asked him that he also wanted to have this kind of physique GigaChad suggested him to follow this Teachnique of course if he can. Clark followed this for 8 years to attain his Physique and now it was going to break today.

Clark Groaned in pleasure as she did her job. Moaning lightly, Grayfia pulled her head back until she just had his purple pulsing head against her cherry lips before sinking back down, taking all of his dick with slight problems. 'It's even more delicious than his!' Grayfia admitted to herself, loving this boys cock more than her Ex's own. Looking up, she saw his heavily red face and it made her own gain a few shades, matching his own.

The pleasure was incredible and was becoming too much for the woman, bobbing her head up and down his shaft at a quick pace. Her tongue sucking and licking at his head, licking up the pre-jizz that leaked out.

*Schlupp..schlupp....schlupp...schlupp..schlupp!* Hmmm.~" she sucked with all vigor she can muster. She can't believe herself that there's a man that can survive her onslaught. She belonged from Extra Demon group. The thing people didn't knew that Women/ Devils from Extra Demon group are semi Succubus. Devils and Succubuses are both demons but their genus is different. But She had Ability of that of a Ultimate Class Succubus if not the succubus queen's.

As for her previous sex experience, well let's say it wasn't satisfying for her. When she was dating with Sirzechs he never lasted more than 30 minutes in bed.Always leaving a unsatisfied Grafiya behind. He had amazing stamina but it was only for battle field. His endurance isn't poor but Grafiya's sex drive is way too high for Sirzechs to handle. With the passion she is sucking Sirzechs would have busted his nuts within a Minute but it's already more than 5 minutes of Intense blow job.

"*mmmmmmhmmmmm*~ ♥️" she mewled happily as Clark threw his head back from the amazing fellato he was receiving.

Even though her intense sex drive is reason for her break up with Sirzechs, because if he continued he should have died from having too much sex. Sirzechs married serafall for political reasons and they became lovey dovey couples . But Sirzechs is unsatisfied with his sex life. Serafall didn't have any experience with men and their sex was just pure vanilla. Serafall is satisfied with her sex life but It's way too painful for Sirzechs so sometimes he asked Grafiya for sex which she had to obey since he is her master even though he can't satisfy her. And it's also the reason for today's anger. Of course it's a secret which is only them and some of their male Peerage members knew. Even though They treated her with respect and without any lust in their intentions they can't help but to wonder how it would feel to spent a Night with strongest queen of Underworld.

Due to being a virgin, he couldn't take more than 7 minutes of being blown. "I-I'm close." He announced, running a hand through her silken sweaty hair. Purring a little, sending vibrations along his shaft, she pulled her mouth to the tip and stroked the rest of the shaft in her soft hands.

Her other hand began to play with his heavy cum-filled sack. "Go ahead." Grayfia spoke, her voice hot and shaky with lust. "Spray my mouth with your cum." Stroking and sucking his dick faster, Clark could only shake and moan loudly as the devil got him closer to the end.

" AHHH" with a Roar he pulled Grayfia all the way down his prick, her nose tickling his pubic hair.

* Sprt.. sprt.. sprt.... Sprt* Thick ropes of fresh semen flew inside her mouth

Slightly wide eyed, Grayfia soon accepted the delicious cum she was becoming addicted to as it continued to explode and pulse inside her tight mouth. 'I'm such a...whore. I won't be able to face my family if someone sees me' Grafiya thought while Clark continued having his orgasm.

'What's this? He isn't stop cuming! And what's with this force? And this strong taste? I will get really addicted to it!' she thought again.

Clark continued to have orgasm for next 2 minutes and that's when he was able to calm down

Grafiya still sucked the very last drop of semen his dick have to offer. Like a professional born whore she is. Her inner slut has now kicked in.

After a good minute of Sucking she let his cock go.

Again finding out his cock is as hard as new.

'He is just sooo amazing ~ Sirzechs would have out cold for next 10 minutes ' She thought again.

" Just how can you cum soo much~ I need more~" Grafiya begged for it. As she spreads her legs

" Fuck me right here~ I don't care if someone sees me, I need that big fat Cock of your to Claim me" Grafiya begged like a Whore to his Astonishment.

Clark can clearly see that she had hearts in her eyes.

Clark wanted to continue but something different happened. Flash images of Elsha started to Floating in his eyes.

"Come on sweetie~, give me everything you got~" Clark heard her voice seductively making shake him out from his dazed stated.

Even Worse now he can see Akeno's flash images in front of his eyes. He can see the 10 years old Akeno again he lost the very day.

" Ufufu Darling~are you thinking of something perverted again? Want me to punish you~" she said

Clark can't take it anymore. Now he realised what he was doing till now! Unknown to him he was betraying Elsha and Akeno for some reason till now. He Started to hyperventilate in fear of what he had done.

Grafiya has now back to normal from her lust crazed state and realised that he is in Troble.

"A-are you okay Clark?" She asked

" I-I-I a-am sorry Grafiya I can't do this anymore!" Clark said in verge of Crying and he went straight flying from the spot.

His flying speed broke sound barrier making nearby people scared of that.

While a Extremely shocked Grafiya was left on the Ground.


It's now 7 'o' Clock in morning and Clark was lying in the bed

He is now feeling like Biggest piece of shit this universe has to offer. Closing his eyes while resting his right hand on his eyes. He can remember everything he did on that night due to his perfect memory.

" Ellen you know what I did right?" Clark asked Elsha

Yes Elsha knew everything what he did. Even though she knows Grafiya, she was actually shocked that she will behave like a Common street whore. The Cold, stonic, serious person was a total whore at previous night. She tried to stop Clark that night but he Unconsciously blocked her from doing so. Even at Drunked state she was surprised by his strong will which was intact there. While she was giving Clark his first blow job she felt like she is burning in Jealousy and she was Crying tears of Blood, if she had body she could have punched her face. If she had a body she could have given him way more pleasure that she can offer. If she had a body she could have taken his first time. If she had. In first time in her entire life she regretted Dying. But she wasn't angry on him. She knew Clark won't do this kind of thing on his own will. He was distracted by the alcohol and her succubi powers. She is now hurt to see him hurting so she tried to console him.

" Yes I know sweetie, But I am not mad at you. I know you will never do something like this on free will." Elsha said

" But I did! I betrayed your trust, I hurted you more way than you can think." Clark said while Regretting. And biting his lips out of frustration.

" No yo-" " I DID WRONG! IT'S OK IF YOU HATE ME. I BETRAYED YOUR TRUST, I BETRAYED AKENO! I AM A FAILURE AS A MAN" Clark screamed telepathycally feeling absolutely Trash.

Elsha was hurting way more to see her beloved suffering. He is still very much innocent and kind hearted.

Then suddenly she Spawned from Boosted gear in her Naked glory. Clark was shocked to see her.

Then she said.

" You wanted apology right? Then pleasure me! Way more than you did with that whore." Elsha said with a Commanding voice

Upon hearing that Clark's face lit up. He knew he should have been punished worse but Elsha is giving him a chance to make up. He isn't going to lose this chance.

Clark jumped from his bed and picked her from ground while princess carrying her.

He gently laid her down on bed. And he started to grope her breasts gently.

" Clark it's morning wake uup-" before Clark can even Continue Martha opened the door to call Clark for breakfast. What she saw is Clark is with a Naked woman who can be Concidered a Goddess with her sheer beauty alone.

Both parties are staring each other and Elsha decided to spoke

" Good morning mother" She said

" Um.m G-Good morning, and wear some Clothes -" her brain stopped functioning as she stormed outside room

" DEAR, DON'T GO TO CLARK'S ROOM HE IS WITH A NAKED GIRL IN HIS ROOM" Martha screamed so loud that maybe entire town can hear.

Poor Johnathan who was having his bread almost Choked his food

"AYO WHAT THE FUCK? CLARK WITH A GIRL? WHO? WHY? WHEN?" John also screamed in surprised

" ONI CHAN IS DOING ECCHI WITHOUT TELLING US!" Victor also screamed in Excitement.

" Ah Shit!" Clark said in disbelief.

" Ufufufu"

To be Continued