

The Demon army surged forward like an unstoppable tsunami. Long Shen was slaughtering them as fast as the railgun could fire but the sheer number of bodies allowed the horde to rapidly approach. The members of the squad started to call out, "Empty!" One after another.

Fatty Lai called out, "The last can!"

Finally, the big railgun was out of ammo. Squad 48 had managed to kill half the enemy army but that still left another 50,000 demonic soldiers rushing to meet them. Sergeant Xian called out, "Spears!"

The bunker started to shake as the huge Minotaurs began to hack at the wall. The spears managed to kill many of them but the weight and power behind so many of them charging at once made it impossible to get enough kills to stop the inevitable collapse of the concrete bunker wall. Sergeant Xian looked at Long Shen who called out, "Sparta formation!" The entire squad retreated to the passageway that led to the bunker's door at the rear and stood in rows of 4. As the demons started to enter the bunker through the destroyed wall they were only able to get a single minotaur at a time in the narrow passageway. Long Shen and Sergeant Xian stood at the front and were able to overwhelm any demon that entered with their superior cultivation level. The entire squad ended up being hidden by the corpses of the minotaur soldiers that had rushed into the bunker which allowed the squad to have a much-needed breather. Above the bunker, they could hear the sound of the horde turning their attention to the other bunker.

Squad 47 still had plenty of ammo, but they were terrified as they watched the other bunker collapse. One of them cried out, "Game over, game over man, the other squad is toast. They're going to come here next. We need to run now while we still have a chance!"

Sergeant Tang shouted out, "Shut up! Just fire at as many of them as you can. The officers still haven't made their move. We need to do our part and clear as much of this trash as we can."

Cheng was on the railgun firing away at the weakest demons as he had been taught in basic training. He couldn't help wonder how Long Shen's squad managed to kill so many when they had only barely killed a tenth of that many. They were following procedures by the book. The huge minotaurs started to charge from the other bunker in their direction but Cheng used the massive railgun to mow down the pig-like soldiers instead. His squad was also only firing on the pig-like men. In training, they were taught that the rifles and guns were most effective against these pig demons and that the other types of demons were a low priority since they were tougher to kill and would cost too much ammunition to kill.

The officers watched as the first bunker fell and then the second was being overrun. They knew that there were only a few more bunkers before they would be faced with the leftovers in that army. Major Jenkins frowned and said, "Something's off here. That army took too many losses at the first bunker. Why hasn't Dahak acted himself yet?" He started to scan the field and that's when he noticed it. A litter being carried by four origin stage Minotaurs. He found it difficult to even look at the litter. The minotaurs gently set it on the ground and then a beautiful Demon woman stepped out. She unfurled two giant batlike wings behind her and stretched out. She saw him looking at her and winked at him. Major Jenkins turned to his officers and said one word that caused them all to feel as if they had no more hope, "Lilith."

At that moment the sound of trumpets played out over the battlefield and the once gloomy atmosphere turned bright as the clouds parted and a man with giant dove-like wings on his back descended from the clouds. He wore shiny golden armor and carried a long golden sword in his hands. His face was beautiful rather than handsome. He had a slight smile on his face. Above his head, a golden circlet was hanging in the air. He looked over at the Demonic Amry and said in a soft voice that was still audible for everyone within range, "Lilith my dear, it's been too long. How about after I wrap this up, the two of us spend some time alone together?"

A charming laugh sounded and then a seductive silky voice replied, "Lucifer, how nice to see you again. Are you managing this toilet of a planet?"

He chuckled and then replied in the Demonic language, "I am afraid so, they sent me here to wrap up those pesky Fae. Do you like my new pets? I taught them cultivation so I could have my own private army."

She chuckled and said, "They are as pathetic as the orcs. I was tasked by Baal to take this world, Lucifer. I can't ignore his order. Can you let me have it this once? I can let you have a victory against a core world in return."

He frowned and said, "My situation is the same. Michael sent me here himself. He needs them eradicated but I sensed there was something else he was interested in here as well. With you being here and hearing that Baal has an interest in this backwater planet it seems to me, that you and I should be looking for the real prize, don't you think?"

She licked her lips and flapped her wings gently floating up to Lucifer where they hugged each other. She giggled, "What about this?" She motioned to the battle raging underneath of them.

"Oh, right." He waved his hand and a destructive wave of energy lashed out and killed the Demonic army below them killing the remaining bunkers with it. The officers were hit by the energy wave as well Major Jenkins used his full strength to protect them losing his life in the process. The captains and lieutenants that survived were shocked at what they saw. A single wave of his hand had ended the battle. A couple of the demons survived on the other side. "Oh, a few of them survived! How interesting. Well, let's get going. We have wasted enough time here. My pets are self-sufficient, they can deal with the wrap up here."

She chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Oh you naughty man, alright. I'll send my people back to Mars. They are more comfortable there anyway. As long as we find the real prize, nothing else here matters anyway." She waved her hand and the last remaining demon officers vanished.

The couple then lifted back into the air with a flap of their wings and vanished into the clouds. Captain Hanaka suddenly looked at the ruined bunkers. With a shaky voice, she turned to the lieutenants, "Get me a report on losses."

Lieutenant Dan spoke on his com channel, "Squad leaders check-in."

Long Shen spoke up, "Squad 48, four casualties, we lost Sergeant Xian. I have command, Sir."

A moment later a coughing voice sounded, "Squad 47, I am the sole survivor, Private Cheng, Sir."

Lieutenant Dan spoke up, "I lost squad 47 save one, squad 48 minus four including the Sergeant. Corporal Long commanding." He then spoke over his com channel, "Regroup at Zulu camp."

The other officers shook their heads negatively. Captain Hooper spoke up, "It's a miracle any of us are left."

Captain Bol cleared his throat, "As the senior officer here, I'll take command." He touched his com channel, "HQ this is Viper." He waited for a while but heard nothing, "HQ this is Viper."

A moment later a reply came, "Viper, HQ, go ahead."

"Enemy force repelled, less than a squad remaining. I have five officers with me for a total of twenty survivors. We need immediate evac from Zulu LZ as we have no supplies remaining." Captain Bol calmly reported.

There was a long silence and then a reply came, "Viper, HQ, ETE for transport at Zulu LZ is one five minutes."

Lieutenant Dan's remaining platoon members quickly assembled at the meeting spot. Captain Hanaka was shocked to see that Long Shen and his men looked as if they were as fresh as she last saw them. He saluted and the squad followed his lead, "Squad 48 reporting for duty, Sir!" He stood at attention with the rest of his squad.

Cheng Han limped into the camp shortly after and collapsed on the ground. Long Shen motioned to two of his squad who rushed over and started first aid on him. Lieutenant Dan smiled and then turned to Captain Hanaka and saluted himself, "Company assembled and ready for Duty, Sir."

"At ease, tend to the wounded, have your men prep the LZ. Transport will be down in ten." She sighed and then half-heartedly returned the salute. She turned to Captain Bol, "We're all set."


"Are you trying to tell me that a single squad killed over fifty thousand demons? Were they all pigs?" The Colonel frowned as he spoke to Captain Bol.

"Negative, Colonel. That squad was able to kill several trolls, some officers, Snakes, and Minotaurs. They didn't even target the pigs." Captain Bol politely explained.

"They must have one hell of a sergeant." The Colonel shook his head. He looked over the report and the video of the battle, "Wait. This corporal, Long Shen, he had higher cultivation than his sergeant. How many kills did he get?"

Captain Bol licked his lips and then cleared his throat, "Forty-nine thousand and eighty-nine. Including the officers."

"Get his CO in here." The Colonel sat back in his chair.

Captain Bol nodded and then opened the door and called for Lieutenant Dan and Captain Hanaka. They both walked in looking nervous. The Colonel was looking at something on his tablet not making eye contact with either of them, "Lieutenant, I see that your former CO, Captain Pepperwood suggested waiting for Corporal Long to reach the ninth level of the foundation stage before sending him to officer school and yet all the battlefield reports I have here indicate that he is outperforming every officer and soldier in the Battalion. His merits in his first two battles both call for Lord's medal. I put in the recommendation for those awards you should know. Captain Hanaka. I see here that you called Lieutenant Dan's platoon 'unwanted baggage' in your initial review of them. 'A hindrance to the smooth operation of your company'. Yet, his platoon was not only the only survivors they earned the most merits. Would you like to change that assessment now?"

Captain Hanaka blushed bright red and replied in a shaken voice, "Yes, Sir, I will amend the record and include their merits. Lieutenant Dan and his men are the reason so many of us survived what should have been a one-sided slaughter."

"Thank you, Captain. You're dismissed. Lieutenant Dan, I am sending Long to officer school immediately. You'll replace him in that squad with Cheng Han. We'll send you a fresh squad and a sergeant to replace your losses. We will be sending you to a different company. You and your men have become useful in the propaganda department. You'll be doing a tour signing autograph and shaking hands with important figures in the elite families. Make sure they present themselves as war heroes. You're dismissed." The Colonel never looked up at him and just continued with his reports.

Lieutenant Dan walked out in a daze. Captain Hanaka was waiting for him just outside of the office. "I was just notified that your platoon will be joining the war hero company, lucky you. I just wanted to say, thank you. It was an honor having you and your men under my command. I looked down on you and underestimated you. I thought you would freeze up and we'd lose your platoon. I was wrong. Anyway, enjoy the honor and respect you've earned." She shook his hand and then started to walk away. She stopped and turned around, "Long Shen... He's special. I think he might be someone we end up serving under."

Lieutenant Dan nodded and looked over to the area that Squad 48 was staying, "If he had been born in a different era, he would probably become a king. He's a natural leader and a brilliant strategist." Lieutenant Dan smiled at Captain Hanaka and then said, "Captain." He saluted her and stood at attention.

"Dismissed, go tell him the good news." She sighed and walked away.

Lieutenant Dan casually walked over to the barracks housing his squad and snuck up behind them as they were goofing around. Long Shen caught sight of the Lieutenant first and saluted saying, "Attention!" The entire squad stood up and saluted.

Lieutenant Dan smiled and said, "At ease everyone, Long, come walk with me."

They walked out of the barracks and away from prying ears, "You're being transferred, Long. You earned enough battlefield merits to qualify for command school. You won't graduate until you break through the energy gathering stage, but you'll have more resources and training to help you. I just wanted to say, it was an honor serving with you, and I hope that someday when you are my superior officer, you don't kick my ass for that little sparring session." He laughed and shook Long Shen's hand.

Long Shen was shocked, "Thank you, Sir, I learned a lot from you and the Sergeant. I'll do my best to be a good officer."

Lieutenant Dan nodded and then said, "You won't ship out for a couple of days, see if you can get Cheng comfortable with the squad. He's being promoted to Corporal for 48. Don't tell him yet, just work him in. Delegate some tasks for him to do let the guys get comfortable with him." The Lieutenant laughed and then said, "Don't worry, they plan to send us on a glad-handing tour. We won't be facing any danger."