
Dragon from Winterfell

A soul from our world, in an unknown way, finds itself in a familiar, but at the same time such an stranger world. However, this soul did not get without power...And what's next? You will find out in this work. Disclaimer: I do not own any of George RR Martin's franchises, if I did Jon Snow would be king by now. You can find more chapters and support me at the following link: patreon.com/patreonarcane

Arcane_Eso · Bücher und Literatur
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56 Chs

Chapter 24

After asking around, I learned about a few excellent taverns according to passersby. These included "Marta's Place," "House of the Sea Serpent," and "Seamist Tavern." I decided to start with "Marta's Place," which was the closest to me at the moment.

Approaching the tavern, I saw that it looked like most other buildings in Braavos, made of stone but distinguished by a beautiful sign.

Entering, I was greeted by a substantial bar and the tavern owner who stood behind the counter. She appeared to be a woman in her forties, with either silver or grey hair, and could be described as quite beautiful. However, mindful of my other errands, I approached the counter and asked:

"Hello, I would like to inquire about your rates for a room with meals. How much would that cost for 30 days?"

The owner looked me over and, deciding something, responded:

"It will be two silver coins. If that's not acceptable, you're free to leave."

"Ha, before I decide whether it suits me or not, I'd like to see the sleeping arrangements."

The woman simply nodded and called out:

"Teria, show our guest the rooms!" Then she added, "Follow me."

We went up to the fourth floor where I was met by a corridor of doors with a gleaming floor and a good level of cleanliness for the times. Walking to the very end of the corridor, we stopped at a door on the right, the owner took out a key and, opening it, said:

"Take a look, but make up your mind quickly."

I nodded and entered, finding myself in a decent-sized room, about 4 by 3 meters. After checking everything in the room, I nodded, satisfied with what I saw.

"Here you are, I'll take this room and the meals," I said as I handed her two silver coins.

Marta just nodded, handed me the key to the room, and as she walked away, added:

"Dinner will be in a few hours. Teria will come to notify you when it's ready. Would you like it brought to your room, or will you eat downstairs?"

After a moment's thought, I replied:

"I'd like to rest after the long journey, so please bring it to my room."

The owner simply nodded and moved on. Meanwhile, after unpacking my belongings and finally finding a comfortable bed, I lay down and promptly fell asleep...

Several hours later

I was awakened by knocking on the door, quickly realizing what it must be about.

"I'm coming!" I said loudly as I went to the door.

Opening it, I was greeted by a young woman in her twenties with blue eyes, a straight nose, a beautiful smile, and silky smooth hair, possibly of Lysene descent.

"Good evening, tonight's dinner is 'Sea Delight' soup and wine."

Seeing and smelling the delicious food, I eagerly said:

"That looks appetizing. Thank you." After speaking, I took the tray with the food.

After a hearty meal and feeling satisfied with my choice, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.

Since it was late, I took a blade from my arsenal that resembled the Braavosi style. Called an espada, it was designed for quick strikes.

This blade was chosen because I was eager to spar with the local bravos. I believed this was the quickest way to make a name for myself for future use.

After asking around the tavern about where to find well-known bravos in the city, I heard many names, but most of these renowned fighters were said to frequent the area around the Moon Pool.

As I walked around this area armed, it wasn't long before I was challenged; it happened quite swiftly by three young men in fine clothes and oiled hair. They all had similar blades. The apparent leader stepped forward and declared:

"I am one of the best water dancers in Braavos, Terro Frel, and I challenge you to a duel!"

The excitement for battle radiated from his companions, and it seemed they were also interested in possibly winning some of my money.

Without a word, I drew my blade, signaling my acceptance of the challenge. The bravos, understanding my gesture, formed a circle around us, likely to ensure they could attack me if necessary.

"Any last words, or do you prefer to die in silence?"

"Why would I talk to a dead man?" I replied with a smirk.

Apparently, my equal arrogance displeased Terro, and in a fury, he attacked without waiting for me to strike first. No matter how skilled a swordsman Terro might have been, he was no match for me, especially since my capabilities had improved after my last battle aboard the ship.

Now I was stronger than before, noticeably so, though not overwhelmingly.


Name: Daeron Targaryen

Level 3

Strength: 50

Agility: 65

Endurance: 43

Magic: 125

SP: 10

Talents: Arsenal, Blood of the Kings of Winter, Blood of the Dragonlords, Blessing of War, Ice Mind, Greenseer, Empathy.

Quests: 2

Terro's lunge, while fast for an ordinary person, was slow to someone who could enhance themselves with magic and was accustomed to a certain level of perception.

Dodging his attack, I counterattacked with a direct strike to his throat. Now, not understanding what had happened, Terro lay lifeless, and the ground began to stain crimson.

"Damn it! He killed Terro! Kill him!" one of Terro's friends shouted.

But the bravos, even without his urging, began to attack me. Still wielding the same weapon and dodging a blow from behind, I started to fight back, with magical enhancement aiding me.

After about ten minutes, a dozen bodies lay around me. After looting them, I had made a decent sum of money, and the onlookers who had witnessed the fight would spread the word.

"Ah, now to clean my clothes..." I muttered as I walked back to the tavern.

Three months later

During this time, I visited many of Braavos's landmarks, one of which was the Isle of the Gods.

Most of Braavos's temples are grouped on the so-called Isle of the Gods, far from the harbor. Braavosians, descendants of slaves from various nations and cultures, naturally follow a multitude of religions.

Not all temples are on the Isle of the Gods; for example, the Temple of the Lord of Waters is demolished and rebuilt each time the god takes a new wife. The Temple of the Moon Singers, on the way to the Isle of the Gods, is the city's largest. This gleaming white marble edifice is topped with a silvered dome, with windows of frosted glass depicting all phases of the moon. Two marble maidens at the temple gates support a lintel in the shape of a crescent moon. The Jogos Nhai moon singers are particularly revered in Braavos—it is believed they led the rebellious slaves to the secluded lagoon where the city now stands.

The other temples on the Isle of the Gods include:

The Temple of the Lord of Light: This red stone building resembles a fortress; on its tower is a massive twenty-foot brazier, where fire burns day and night; two smaller braziers stand by the bronze gates.

House of the Black and White, the temple of the Many-Faced God of death. This dark gray windowless building with gates made of white weirwood and black ebony is served by the mysterious assassins—the Faceless Men. People come to the House of Black and White seeking to end their lives or to request the Faceless Men to take someone else's life. The servants of the Many-Faced God keep statues of death gods from other religions—from the Qohorik Black Goat to the Westerosi Stranger—considering these deities to be manifestations of the Many-Faced God.

The Sept Beyond the Sea, the temple of the Seven. There are few followers of this faith in the city, and it is usually visited only by Westerosi sailors.

The Temple of the Great Shepherd, the god of the Lhazareen.

The Temple of the Lord of Harmony, the god of the Naathi, a wooden building with stained glass windows depicting various butterflies.

The Temple of the Weeping Lady, the patroness of the city of Lys. Outside this sanctuary is a statue of the goddess with silver tears on her cheeks.

Stones of the Silent God.

The Labyrinth of the Pattern Maker. Only those who navigate this labyrinth can find the path to wisdom.

The Temple of Aquan the Red Bull. Every thirteenth day, its priests slit the throat of a snow-white calf and offer bowls of its blood to the poor crowding the staircase at the entrance.

The Temple of Trios. In front of this temple stands a massive statue of Trios with three gaping mouths.

The Temples of Semosh and Selloso, two identical temples on opposite sides of a canal, dedicated to god-brothers. The temples are connected by a stone bridge.

The Holy Refuge, popularly known as the Warren, a brick, dilapidated building resembling a storeroom. This is a pantheon dedicated to forgotten gods, none of whom are worshiped—yet each has its own altar in the Warren. The Warren is so large that the canal leading to other temples runs under it through a tunnel.

Moreover, the air here was thick with magic, and many individuals in the city bore magic within them. The most astonishing aspect was that their magic seemed uniform, or perhaps that was just my perception...

In my view, those with the same type of magic are the Faceless Men. Yes, the very same Faceless Men, a secret society of assassins in Braavos who worship the Many-Faced God—the god of death. The hub of the Faceless Men's activities in Braavos is the House of Black and White—a temple of the Many-Faced God. The Faceless Men are renowned as skilled, albeit expensive, hired assassins. Indeed, they can change their appearance and take on the guise of others, using some form of magic.

It seems that this magic was the power that allows these individuals to alter their appearance. Thanks to my observations of people with identical magic, I was able to detect the flavor of the Faceless Men's magic. In the future, if I encounter them, I will be able to distinguish a Faceless Man from others.

I also managed to visit the House of Black and White, a place quite unique. Some residents of Braavos come to the House of Black and White to end their lives by drinking from a pool of poisoned water. I was allowed to enter under the pretext that I wanted to die, although I refrained from drinking the poison at the last moment.

The temple stands on a rocky outcrop, connected by a bridge to the Isle of the Gods. It's a somber gray building without windows, topped with a pointed black roof. It has its own dock, and the steps of a staircase descend from the doors to the water itself.

The doors of the House of Black and White are three meters high, the left made of pale weirwood, the right of gleaming ebony. In the middle, a full moon is carved—black on the light side and white on the dark side.

Inside the temple, there are about thirty altars to death gods of various peoples. At the center of the temple is a pool of poisoned water for those who decide to end their lives. Those who drink the water go to die in special niches in the walls. Other visitors pray and light candles at the altar of their chosen manifestation of the god. There are no special services, rituals, or ceremonies practiced in the temple. At sunset before supper, the temple servants pray to the god, kneeling around the pool.

One week ago

Today was the day I finally decided to visit the House of Black and White, the abode of the Faceless Men and a place of worship for Death. My last visit to the Isle of the Gods was permeated with an immense amount of magic. Then, I was too apprehensive to enter the temple, but now I had resolved to go, just in case, I brought along my companion, Tun, who had also settled in Braavos. We had discussed our visit to the abode of Death in advance.

"Tun, if you sense danger, be ready to unleash your most powerful attack."

"Alright, but it will take at least 3 hours to gather the storm clouds."

"Understood." After this exchange, I began to prepare quietly.

Four hours later

Dark clouds with occasional lightning had gathered in the sky. I sensed Tun up there, thankful that it wasn't raining.

With these thoughts, I began to ascend the steps to the House of Black and White, feeling a peculiar magic in them that likely only operates under certain conditions. Having established my own spy network in the city and overhearing various conversations, I managed to learn how to enter the building.

Standing before the doors, I said:

"Valar Morghulis."

The door seemed to open by itself, and a man imbued with a particular magic responded:

"Valar Dohaeris," and gestured for me to enter.

As I stepped inside, the door closed behind me, and I was presented with a scene that many might call beautiful, but unfortunately, not for me because the type of magic here was slightly suffocating. However, overcoming my discomfort, I decided to emulate those who come here seeking death but then change their minds.

Walking around statues and altars to various gods, I suddenly felt a desire to establish a mental connection with me. Sensing no evil intentions but not benevolent ones either, I allowed the connection to form. Suddenly, I heard:

"Welcome, Son of Destiny, Daeron Targaryen."

I had already realized that I was likely communicating with the Keeper of This Place, and I confidently responded:

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?"

"Tun, be ready."


"You need not worry about your fate, for it is not in my power to harm you. For if I do something to you, a response from someone will not be long in coming... And tell your partner to relax, as I have not been informed about ensuring your partner's safety," he replied. Sensing no deception from him, I relayed this to my partner.

"Tun, hold off on attacking for now, and you can stop gathering magic."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm not under any threat here."

"Alright," Tun replied, somewhat reluctantly.

"And now, what do you want from me?"

After a moment, the Keeper said:

"Do you know how this temple was erected? The history of this place?"

Sensing my confusion, the entity continued:

"The cult of the Faceless Men originated in Valyria, in the sinister volcanic mines of the Fourteen Fires, where Valyrians forced captured slaves to mine gold and silver. The slaves ceaselessly prayed to different gods for freedom and an end to their suffering. The first Faceless Man—variously described as a slave, a noble Valyrian, or an overseer—watching these prayers, had an epiphany: the slaves were actually praying to one god with many faces, the god of death, and he himself was an instrument of this god. That very night, the first Faceless Man killed a slave who had prayed more fervently than the others. It was then that something unprecedented occurred— all known death gods across these continents felt a significant drain on their power. Soon after, the Many-Faced God was born, and shortly thereafter, so was I." After saying this, the entity briefly allowed me to see itself.

This being more resembled an unnatural, eerie doll with a similarly horrifying smile and soulless gaze. It held a candle that flickered out in a moment, and I could no longer see the being with my eyes, but I could feel its presence through magic. The entity changed its location every instant, managing to do so in the blink of an eye.

"At first, the gift was given only to those who requested it for themselves, but later the Faceless Man heard a slave fervently praying for his master's death, promising to give everything he owned to the god. The Faceless Man decided such a sacrifice was pleasing to the Many-Faced God, and killed the master. He then told the slave that he must give everything he owned—his life—to become the second servant of the Many-Faced. From then on, there were two of them," the entity continued after a moment.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"It's necessary for you to understand the situation that will soon arise."

"Are you referring to the advent of the Dark God, the so-called Great Other?"

For the first time, some emotion came from the entity—satisfaction.

"Exactly, you're probably wondering why the Many-Faced God is so concerned about this?"

"Yes, why is it of interest to him? Death will occur regardless, so offerings to him will continue."


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