
Ch-8 Mysterious group of people part 2

Ch 8

Mysterious group of people part 2

"Why not"

William tilted his head in confusion as Kyle looked him up and down. "Your clothes are too nice. It's like you're asking to be attacked. There aren't many people around this early, but you're still asking for trouble. It's not a place for someone like you," he informed her politely. William's eyes widened in surprise. "He sure speaks well for an orphan," the other smaller figure who has stayed silent till now muttered. "Ah, I see. It must really be a dangerous place," William said, looking at his outfit with a strained smile.

"This was a plaine rob too," he mumbled to himself. If Kyle didn't have his previous life memories and personality within him, he probably wouldn't have shared that information with William. He specially wouldn't have bothered with the warning if it had just been Alice and other three little figures.

They could wander off and die in the slums for all he cared. That's what he supposed to feel in the bottom of his heart, yet the Kyle from earth was kind. Kind enough to stop a little boy who spoke to him with the minimal level of respect from wandering into the slums. "Umm... what kind of clothes do men and women in the slums wear?" "What do they wear? Just your commoner clothes, worn down to the rags. There are people in nice clothes too, but they are usually the types that run wild in the slums."

"I see. That's very helpful ," William nodded cutely in contemplation. "By the way, you speak very politely for an orphan. Do all orphans talk like you do "? " Who knows? My mother told me to speak this way before she died," Kyle answered rather stiffly. At just seven years old Kyle didn't have a very extensive vocabulary. But he knew would just make men hit him,so he learned to speak while judging other people's moods. With his mother's orignal influence and his previous life experience returning to him, Kyle's mentality had grown and changed his speech into that of an adult's. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that," William apologized in a fluster. "No it's fine " Kyle answered rather listlessly.

". "

William eyes widened by a fraction, as through he had seen a glimpse of an unknown emotion within Kyle's eyes. "William let's return after we change our clothes," Alice interrupted. She had been quietly watching on. "What are you saying ! We'll have to hurry or she'll—" " That's right!" "Yes".

The two small girls and boy frantically protested. "If our information is correct we still have some time. Don't forget — we're moving against protocol. We cannot afford to make a wrong move and mess up the offical search part's efforts. Don't you agree, Annora ?

" Then let's hurry and buy the clothes, " the little girl named Annora said frowning unhappily at Alice's explanation. "William are there any suspicious sources of energy nearby ?" "Umm give me a moment. Abra zenovoro!" William took a deep breath and chanted some words that Kyle didn't recognise. A geometric circle of light began to rise from beneath her feet. Hm? A strange sensation immediately washed over Kyle it almost felt some kind of pulse. At the same time, he could see a faint wave of light being released from William himself. Was he hallucinating? Kyle rubbed his eyes to chech when—

"Oh. You"

William inspected Kyle's face up close. "What about the child ?" asked Alice." My area search reacted to him. I've adjusted my magic to react to a certain level of magic essence, which means this child has a fair amount of it flowing through him. He has the potential to use sorcerery. "

"Ah, right even an orphan can have the potential" said Alice. "This kid has essence?" Whereas Alice accepted the situation easily, Annora tilted her head doubtfully. "There are some humans outside of nobility with enough magic essence to use magic. Their parents might not have much essence, but they may had an ancestor up the line that once did. Even so none of that matters if they don't receive any training, since they won't be able to detect it otherwise. Most people go their whole lives unaware," William explained simply. "Huh guess you can't judge everything by appearances," the still unnamed little girl said.

Hmm makes sense but he's still an orphan essence is irrelevant." Alice shot a pointed look at Kyle. Magic essence? Was essence the strange pulse of light just now? I definitely felt something but they said I shouldn't be able to detect it without training? What does that mean? Kyle listened their conversation with confusion. "So were there any suspicious essence reactions?" "Nothing within radius of 50 meters at least. The only one caught by my search was this child," William explained. "I see," Alice said. "Sorry for making you come out here, but you've been a great help. Abra zenovoro users are rare and no one can compare to your search range. The two continued their puzzling conversation, leaving Kyle completely lost, until William broke off and turned to him again.

"Thank you. Will you except this in exchange for the information you gave us?" He asked and handed five large silver coins to Kyle. He accepted the coins and looked at them in shock. Five large silver coins was worth way more than the information he told them. Perhaps this boy didn't have a sense of money? He looked at the boy in wonder but "Oh, is it not enough?" "No." After a beat, Kyle shook his head. He would accept whatever money he was given — he didn't have freedom to refuse out of politeness in his current situation. "Thank you very much," he said, bowing his head at William in gratitude. "Just to be clear, this also serves as hush money. Forget what you saw and heard here," William warned in a slightly cold tone.

