
Dragon City: Wind Rise

Sixty years after the global catastrophe, the Little Freeze Period ended, and the governments of the living regions began to collect land in the anarchic areas to be planned on a large scale, reorganize resources, and fully entered the recovery stage, and these two decades are also known as "golden Twenty years". This is a bright era in which new regions are rising one after another, politics is set up, capital is acting, careerists are everywhere, heroes are powerful, villains and grassroots are rising together! A young man rises up in troubled times with a full stomach of strategy, hides a tiger in his chest, and measures the world.

DaoistHBoOZE · Urban
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79 Chs

Wave after wave of attacks


Although Tang Boqing was not handcuffed or locked in an iron cage, all of his personal belongings, such as his cell phone and documents, were taken away from him in the interrogation room of the Inspection Department. The people who interrogated him also installed two sets of law enforcement video cameras in the room and sent recorders, main interviewers and supervisors to interrogate Tang Boqing in strict accordance with the summons regulations.

This is very formal, those who were jerked off the horse cadres, before being imprisoned, almost all face this kind of interrogation.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into.

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the main interrogator looked at Tang Boqing expressionlessly: "From now on, you will say whatever I ask you, answer the questions positively, no evasion, no need to explain, understand?"

"Understood." Tang Boqing nodded his head.

"On the day of the crime, what time did you enter the port?"

"According to the regulations, I entered the port at 4:30 pm."

"Okay, after you entered the harbor, what time did you get on the marine police patrol ship?"

"At eight o'clock in the evening, after the shift handover people came back, I and the rest of the team got on the patrol ship." Tang Boqing returned with a sweaty forehead.

"I looked at your internal roster, the day of the crime, the original captain on duty should be Huang Zhicheng, why did he switch shifts with you that day? Did you take the initiative, or did he?" The inquirer asked again.

Tang Boqing hesitated: "I took the initiative, because I originally had something to do today, so I wanted to string a day shift."

"You are the whole squad made a rotation, that is to say, other than you, the other marine police officers in your squad, also made a shift transfer." The inquirer frowned and continued, "You had something today, and all the members of your squad also had something?"

Tang Boqing clenched his palms: "... marine police team night patrol, need very fine zoning, I and the old Huang's people are not familiar with, and there is little tacit understanding, so that the whole team transferred shifts, so as to facilitate the work, and in the marine police department is not uncommon."

"Are you sure, you are not deliberately transferring shifts and have no other purpose?"


"Why did you patrol an area that repeatedly avoided the No. 4 patrol area? A smuggling fishing boat, visible to the naked eye, entered the harbor from the front, and you didn't notice it even a little bit in advance? How did you do the patrol area division? Did you not consider that your patrol plan was flawed?" The inquirer was aggressive.

Tang Boqing was mentally prepared before he came, but facing the inspector's incessant questioning, his heart was more or less in a panic.

Even the best lies have loopholes, not to mention that Tang Boqing is facing professional inspectors. This group of people may even department-level cadres, detective cadres have cleaned up, and how will Tang Boqing can not do anything about it?

Twenty minutes of questioning down, Tang Boqing body sweat, has soaked through the shirt.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Boqing was temporarily released by the inspection department, but the other side made him sign a notice that he was not allowed to leave Dragon City in the near future, as well as accepting summons at any time.

After leaving the inspection department, Tang Boqing immediately returned to his unit and found the lieutenant of the marine police in his upper level.

Inside the office, Tang Boqing closed the door and said in a low voice to the bald lieutenant, "Mud, the inspector's office dragged me over for questioning and made me sign a notice not to leave Dragon City in the near future. Old Wang, I think it's a bit big."

The lieutenant looked up and swept him, his face grim and did not say anything.

"Here's what I think, can we get the Code Gang to bite the bullet and say that the gold bricks on the ship were put there by another group of bandits, that this is a frame-up, so that they only admit that they smuggled common goods?" Tang Boqing asked.

"You don't have a brain, huh?!" The lieutenant frowned back: "Nearly four hundred kilograms of gold bricks, how did the bandits transport all of them to the fishing boat in just a few minutes? Fingerprints and how to explain? Also, if the bandits left a video image at the scene, we have to say so, they were announced on which platform, the marine police team side will immediately be hammered, and things will become bigger!"

Tang Boqing deliberated for a long time, very impatiently continued: "So will this work, I'll call the people of the code gang, let them push Feng Hai out to take the blame, and say that he is colluding with some of the marine police on our side to smuggle secretly. This will take us out and the case will be over for them."

"You're still thinking of taking yourself out now?" The lieutenant asked incredulously.

"Or what?!" Tang Boqing asked rhetorically.

The squadron leader gritted his teeth and stood up, took out two notices from his desk, shoved them directly into Tang Boqing's arms and yelled, "Still thinking you can be uninvolved, are you sleepwalking?! Fuck, you and I have to stand up and take responsibility, understand?!"

Tang Boqing looked down and saw the two notices in his hand, the suspension review notices ordering him and the lieutenant respectively, this order was directly issued by the Marine Police Department.

Tang Boqing was confused: "What does that mean?"

"Not to mention whether you colluded with the code gang smuggling, calf trafficking, just smuggling ships into the inner harbor and rushed into the mouth of the sea this one, you and I have an inescapable suspicion of dereliction of duty! What do you do for a living? You're a marine police officer! How can you not react to a ship coming in?" The captain also yelled in an exploding state of mind, "Nearly four hundred kilograms of gold bricks, how big a deal is this? You can't even let anything happen to it if something happens to your father!"

Tang Boqing looked at the notice ordering him to suspend his duties, his brain was surging with anger and blood, and the negative emotions in his heart were climbing up.

From the time he accidentally killed that woman, Tang Boqing had never encountered a single smooth thing!


Longkou, inside the main hall entrance of the Code Gang.

Wei Xiangzuo sat next to the old man, who was nearly sixty years old, with his head bowed, not saying a word.

Xu Hu walked in from outside and first offered incense in front of Guan Erji before he shouted respectfully at the old man, "Master!"

"I just got in three hundred kilograms of goods, why did it finally turn out to be nearly four hundred kilograms?" The old man interjected and asked.

Xu Hu lowered his head and did not reply for a while.


It was a little after eight o'clock in the evening, with a gentle breeze and dazzling stars on Guangji Island.

A group of young people were sitting on bunk mats around a campfire that was set to burn, and were having a joint activity.

"Today's climb, I am the last one, I have nothing to say." Bai Hongbo didn't drink much, holding a microphone connected to a computer, waved his hand and shouted, "I'll sing a song for everyone!"

"Stupid as a pig!" Doll pouted and scolded extremely breathlessly, "Everyone else has reached the mountain, and we both just reached the foot of the mountain."

"Please invite Ms. Doll to dance with us!" Su Tianyou shouted with coaxing.

The doll reluctantly stood up, took out a pipe from her small case, immediately adjusted her mood, stood next to Bai Hongbo and said, "I am an average dancer, forget it, I will give a blowjob."

"...!" White Hongbo heard this a little jealous: "I personally suggest you, it is better to give me a solo at night."

"Fuck nimrod!" Doll spat and cursed, waved his small hand and shouted, "Brothers and sisters, get high!"


Somewhere in District One, two SUVs with Warhammer logos on them, after passing through the checkpoint, immediately headed straight for Dragon City.

On the car, a black brother frowned and spat curses: "The code gang is a bunch of stupid, we are close to escorting them with nuclear carriers ... but the goods still something happened ... I simply can not understand. "