

Swearing to himself to allow himself to be the weak link when he goes back to help his father and their friends, Gochi secludes himself into the barren wastelands so as to not damage any of the city. Thankfully for him, Bulma's genius once again showed itself in turning the gravity room into a capsule allowing him to bring it with him.

With the effectiveness of his ki arrows being shown in the last fight, Gochi decides to delve further into weapon creation curious if he may have found a new path to power. Closing his eyes, Gochi delves into his mindspace before flipping through the [manual of the heavens chosen] to see if there might be some techniques that complement his new path. While he did not want to wield them personally once they get up close at medium and long range they seemed superior to his normal attacks.

After flipping through it he found a few that could be useful. One called {Sword control technique}. The ultimate goal for this technique was to allow us he controlled sword to act almost independently and support you in your fights by flying around and striking at any openings made. The others he found where for up close and personal, which he made a note of in case he ever decided to go that route over hand to hand.

And while he could control one sword with minimal thought any more than 1 at the moment proved to be a challenge.

He also frequently visited Trunks now that he had completed his ritual. For reasons unknown to Gochi, every visit he made to him he progressively could sense his ki less and less with him finally asking after the second year.

"Trunks what is going on with your I can't sense you at all anymore?" Gochi asked

"Hehehe I was wondering when you would ask. One of the perks of the job is that I have obtained something called God ki. Originally we had mortal ki and now I have God ki as well" Trunks said with a bragging tone

"Interesting. Is this god ki any stronger than your normal ki?" Gochi

"Im gonna assume since it has the name god in it. The only downside is that I really can't control it to do anything with it at the moment other than using it to mask my presence to people who can sense ki, which in of itself could be useful" Trunks says

"Well either way let's spare I want to try out a technique I came up with and I feel like I have reached a plateau in my training by myself" Gochi says

As the 2 reach the wasteland that Gochi has been training at they both assume their fighting stance before they begin their fight. Summoning a ki sword Gochi sends it flying towards Trunks before using his rudimentary {sword control technique} to keep it hovering around Trunks in hope to catch him off guard.

Closing the distance the two begin to exchange blows with his ki said occasionally throwing out attack into Trunk's blind spot. As the fight waged on Gochi's grasp of the technique was slowly getting better and better with the swords movements becoming more and more erratic and unpredictable.

"What the hell is that technique you've created Gochi, it's like it has a mind of its own" Trunks asks finally hitting the ki sword with a strong enough ki blast to disperse it

"I came up with it after seeing how effective my ki arrow was. While it as destructive as the ki arrows getting stabbed by it while all your focus is on a fist coming towards your face is going to do some damage. How goes your training to become a super saiyan?" Gochi asks as the two sit down to take a breather

"I feel like I am close. I talked with Mr. Popo and he said he saw you transform and that you were under a state of intense emotion but I don't have anything that could trigger it nor do I honestly want anything to trigger it" Trunks says

"Fair enough on that one. I have a idea on that, go visit Bulma she says she needed you for something after our spar was finished today I'll meet you at the lookout" Gochi says flying away

Landing at the lookout Gochi flags down Mr. Popo and just like he thought Popo was a slightly magical like a genie.

"So do you think you would be able to subtly hypnotize him into thinking he was seeing something that could cause intense emotion. Hopefully that will trigger him into transforming into a super saiyan" Gochi explains

"I can try but no promises that it will work" Mr.Popo replies.

As Trunks lands on the watchtower he instantly can tell something wasn't right. Walking into the main corridor he finds the dead body of Gochi laying there with the creature matching the description of Cooler holding a heart in his hand.

"Look at hat wand have here another monkey has come to play" Cooler says with a maniacal laugh

"Gochi... no. How could you do this you monster" Trunks says as he finally ascends to the super saiyan state

As soon as the Trunks ascends the area around him distorts revealing that everything he just saw was a illusion.

"I'm sorry about that Trunks I just wasn't sure of any other way to help you obtain the ability to transform. I hope you can forgive me?" Gochi asks

"I'll forgive you this time but please never do that again

"I'd say thank god but technically your now the god for earth so I'm not sure what I should say" Gochi says with a laugh

"Har har very funny. Don't you only have like 7 months left until you go back to help our fathers with the androids. Time to use this new super saiyan power of mine to help kick your ass into shape" Trunks says powering back up

"In your dreams" Gochi says powering up as-well colliding with Trunks as they continue their training.

Nothing like webnovel not saving it when you press save and losing 800 words amiright?

Also if the dialogue seems awkward I apologize I am trying to get better at writing conversations

As always let me know if I messed up anywhere or if you have any ideas for techniques for Gochi!

(Finally beat tears of the kingdom 10/10 game highly recommend)

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts