
The fruits of training and returning to the past

The date of Gochi's departure was swiftly approaching with only 1 week left until he was to return to the past to help fight the androids. Gochi and Trunk's power had risen tremendously since they both had attained super saiyan. After the two played around with the transformation for a few months they discovered that there were a few different sub branches of the form each with their own pros and cons.

The biggest boon from their training was they discovered what Trunks decided was the correct path and that was making super saiyan become almost their base state. By being able to mitigate as much stamina and ki consumption as possible when transforming their fighting ability would skyrocket due to them being able to fight for much longer.

Gochi on the other hand found a different path. While playing around with the super saiyan state he found different variations of the super saiyan state. They found a few different ones, however due to it inflating his muscles and giving them a massive physical power boost which he dubbed ssj mk2 and while there was a mk3 that Trunks had discovered the sheer size of the users body became a detriment excluding the times that Gochi used it and his {dark origin state} activated.

Gochi had made a lot of headway with his {dark origin state} and while he still wasn't able to do it every time on command as a side effect of him constantly powering up in a attempt to find the minimum amount of ki needed to transform was he had finally managed to get a grasp of what it was causing him to activate the {dark origin state}.

When used in his base for he would turn into what looked like a cosmic purple super saiyan and when used in any of the super saiyan variants his yellow aura would start where the purple fire like aura ended around his body. Now as long as he focused on the feeling he could activate the state 75% of the time and he guesstimated that within the next few months he would be able to do it on command every time.

With the {dark origin state} and {ssj mk3} combined Trunks made the comment that Gochi became like a walking tank. Unfortunately for Gochi, however, Trunks was not strong enough for him to test just how far his new combination he dubbed {Super Gochi} much to the teasing of Trunks.

With as much preparation and the two felt like they could do Trunks bid Gochi farewell so that he could spend the last day with his mother before he left.

"I'll be back before you know it. Trunks make sure you take care of everyone for me while I'm gone" Gochi says

"Be careful Gochi, tell your father I said hello" Chi-Chi says wiping some tears for her eyes

"I'll make sure everything is just like it was if not better when you get back" Trunks says

"Bye guys" Gochi says pressing the button sending him back to the past


Arriving in a open plain Gochi begins sensing around for everyone's ki signatures before locking onto a gathering of large ki signatures. Blasting off towards the gathers ki signatures, Gochi arrives but is shocked to see a android he does not recognize.

"Who is this, its one of Dr. Geros obviously enough from the symbol on his head" Gochi asks

"This is the androids you warned us about is it not? You'll find the dismembered head of the other one in the crater back there" Vegeta says with a point

"I am afraid this is not the androids I was speaking of. The ones from my time were a young man and woman with black and blonde hair respectively. I'm beginning to wonder if me coming back in time somehow cause a butterfly effect." Gochi says "But before We continue talking lets finish off robofreak over there, want me to do the honors?"

"Get in the way of my kill and you will be the first to die" Vegeta says dashing towards Dr. Gero

Before Vegeta could get close enough to finish Gero off, a massive explosion happens sending a massive dust cloud blocking everyone's vision.

"Sorry Vegeta if I find him first I am gonna finish him off" Gochi says flying off in a random direction searching for Dr. Gero

"I'll be damned if i let a snot nosed brat shows me up" Vegeta says beginning his search

After spending the rest of the day searching none of the Z-fighters were able to find hide or tail of Dr.Gero or his lab.

"I don't know how he has managed to escape from under our nose" Krillin says

Resisting every urge in his body to not make a joke about Krillin not having a nose Gochi manages to say "In the mean time I am going to check on my da- I mean Goku and see how the heart medicine is working." Gochi says flying at top speed towards his home in the mountains

Arriving at the house he finds it empty and begins panic believing the worst may have happened.

"Hey kid you sure are fast" Krillin says "Once you said you were going to see Goku, I think i figured out who you are. Your Gohan arn't you from the future?"

"Close, he is my older brother. My name is Son Gochi but you can just call me Gochi. I was born the same year as Trunks" Gochi says giving a formal introduction

"Oh... uh.. well this is definitely a strange turn of events. As far I am aware Gohan is the only son of Goku's" Krillin says

"wait what" Gochi says "Did me coming back in time mess up the timeline that much"

"Don't freak yourself out come lets go see Goku and Chi-chi" Krillin says gesturing for Gochi to follow him

Arriving on Kame island, Krillin calls out to Chichi asking for her to come outside so he can introduce her to someone.

"so Chichi remember the guy we told you about that brought the heart virus medicine from the future for Goku? This is him and oh boy are you in for a surprise" Krillin says

"Thankyou for bring the heart medicine for my Goku you really are a hero. Hey now that I get a good look at you, you look just like me" Chichi says

"You did always say I took after you a lot more than I did after dad" Gochi says

"Wait I said that in the future? Oh wait that must mean" Chichi begins

"Yep your my mom, and Goku is my dad. I was hoping that giving the medicine to him would change the future and bring him back but unfortunately time travel doesn't work that way" Gochi says with a melancholy look on his face

"My poor boy you must have had a tough life up to this point. While in this timeline my only son is Gohan, your still my son all the same. Come lets go introduce you to your dad" Chichi says bringing him to his dad "we hope he will wake up soon"

Being led by Chichi up to the room that Goku was resting in, the tears that Gochi had been holding back burst forth one he saw the state his dad was in with Chichi giving him a comforting rub on the back letting him know that everything will be ok.

As always let me know if any attacks from anime/comics/cultivation stories you can think of that could do well.

Thanks for reading and let me know if I have butchered any grammar or anything like that anywhere!

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts