
Ch. 174: Chores

Now that Noah was on board, I left her in the Core mansion, so that the girls could train her. I'd remade her body into something that looked human but had the potential of a Kai. That didn't automatically make her strong, but I figured that in the thirty Core years between now and the Android's arrivals, she'd probably make it to the point where she could fight a Core Girl on equal footing. After all, there were a few things that we could give her to boost her basic energy levels to the point where her base power level equaled that of a Super Saiyan after she learned to control her energy a bit.

I'd taken away all of her Saiyan traits, though, including both the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, her tail, and her Oozaru form. They were great crutches, but her new body was geared solely for growth potential, making her ability to get stronger even better than Frieza's had been during his three-month period of intense training that'd resulted in him unlocking his Golden form. After she'd managed to master Spirit Control, she could turn herself into a Saiyan if she really wanted to, but it didn't really matter all that much.

But after leaving her to train, there were quite a few things that I needed to take care of. Looking at the list that the Core Girl had given me in the Axis of Time, I decided on my first stop.

In the original canon, the timeline had split quite a few times, leading to what was technically four distinct timelines. 

There was the original timeline, then Trunks's timeline for starters. Those timelines were linked intrinsically, you couldn't have one without the other, so I didn't have any plans to stop Trunks's timeline from being originally created. 

But then that stupid Kai trainee, Zamasu, came in. He'd seriously messed up the timeline, creating the timeline where he'd switched places with, then killed Goku, Chichi, and Goten. Surprisingly enough, their deaths hadn't really changed much in that timeline, long-term. He'd simply left the planet after killing them, fearing an encounter with Beerus and Whis, so Earth's Dragon Balls had ended up resurrecting the three of them, and they'd managed to gather the Super Dragon Balls later to get Goku his body back. Since it was a stable timeline, I didn't need to do anything to it.

But I had every intention of dealing with the second timeline that Zamasu's actions had created. Opening a time rift and walking through it, I found myself in the center of a destroyed city. The very sky was painted over black, and the sky was electric with divine energy.


"How dare you! Strike a god...! And retaliate against justice!!!?" Merged Zamasu screamed as a light erupted from his torso after he'd managed to barely wrench Trunks' sword out of himself. But Zamasu was done for. Trunks had been protecting his world for over a decade, all by himself. To the people of this broken future, Trunks was the embodiment of hope, and Trunks always did his best to live up to that. That resonated in their souls now, amplifying the energy flowing into him from every living being on the planet a hundredfold, more, giving Trunks enough pure power to unleash his own Divine Aspect, Protection, amplifying his energy in response to all of the hopes that had been pinned on him. Zamasu's power was close to Jiren's in terms of pure force, but his divine aspect, Bigotry, was one of the weakest aspects out there, which made it easy to extract the full force of, but useless in a battle against any other fully-unleashed divine aspect. 

Now that Trunks's Divine Aspect had been fully unsheathed, the fight for the future was over. 

"I don't give a damn about you, or your so-called justice!" Trunks shouted as he cleaved through Zamasu's body once more, slicing his entire body into two equal pieces.

"No! It can't be!" Zamasu shouted as he died, but the regenerative factor that his original body had gained from the Super Dragon Balls had been weakened too much to make up for the power difference this time, thanks to his merging with Goku Black. Nothing could stop his body from erupting into light and scattering to the wind. 

"A righteous god, defeated by a mortal... It's sacrilege. It cannot be!" He screamed as his essence scattered.


"Nice work!" Goku congratulated, "You got him."

"Course he did. That guy's soul was about as strong as a toothpick. Without Goku's body, there wouldn't have even been a fight." I suddenly appeared beside Trunks and explained, causing him to jump back five feet in surprise. 

"Who are you!?" He asked, immediately on edge. As I shrugged, the time machine landed behind me and Mai came out and ran towards the four of us.

"Trunks! You really won?! It's really over?!" She asked, barely able to believe it. 

"Well, he's definitely dead." I observed, not mentioning the fact that his soul was already beginning to creep back, thanks to the Super Dragon Balls cutting his soul's path from Otherworld and binding it to his body instead, which was now gone, completely freeing the dumbass.

Apparently less wary of me now, Trunks hugged Mai as Bulma came up to congratulate him on a job well done. 

"I gotta say, I've never seen a Spirit Bomb in a sword before." Goku noted. I decided to give him a little hint.

"The Spirit Bomb wasn't what changed the tides there. The people gave Trunks their energy, sure, but Trunks's base desire was to protect them. Since he didn't care about anything else, his soul resonated with their energies and amplified them immensely. You'd have been sunk, otherwise." I noted. 

"Alright, seriously, who are you!?" Vegeta asked me, more than a little annoyed by my play-by-play. In response, I shrugged, annoying him even more. 

"Well, whatever it was, it couldn't have happened without everyone working together. The entire planet." Trunks said, realizing that I wasn't going to say anything, and not sensing any danger from me. Meanwhile, the Supreme Kais from the seventh and tenth universes landed by the Time Machine. Clicking his tongue at me, Vegeta handed his Potara earring to Gowasu, alongside Goku.

Then, what I was waiting for happened.