
The Survival Of The Last Cell Junior.

Arthur: Somewhere in a wasteland, was a pile of rocks. The rocks began to move, and a white hand came out. Then a few seconds later, a Blue spotted alien pulled itself out of the rubble. Crawling on it's hands and knees the blue alien began to stand up. Standing on it's two feet now, the blue alien had a strange look on his face.

[Midnight At Wasteland]

Cell Junior: Looking around myself, i couldn't remember where i am. So i just took a few steps forward, until a excruciating pain came rushing to my head. Scrunching my eyes in pain, i then held my head. When the pain die down, i was breathing hard. Laying my back against a rock now, i sat down looking at the night sky.

Seeing the full moon shining down on the baron landscape, i then had a gentle smile on my face. Taking a good look at the beautiful sight in front of me. My eyelids started to feel very heavy. When my eyes closed, i then fell into a deep sleep.

[4 years later in the wasteland]

Cell Junior: After waking up the second day, i then started to experience strange things that was happening to my body. Like my strength and speed, that where not normal at all. But the one thing that shocked me the most was my abilities. The way a could fly and teleport to different areas surprised me.

When i started to test out what else i can do, i then discovered different abilities that amazed me. While i was testing out my abilities, i decided to build a house and live here, because something feels familiar about this place.

While Living here for a couple of years, i grew up as a healthy young man. All i did was train and hunt for food for a living. When the day was good and done, i then cooked the food i caught and ate it before i when to bed. While sleeping, i all ways had a bad dream of a kid with spiky blonde hair chasing and killing kid versions of myself. Like this night.

Shooting out of bed in a cold sweat, i was in my fighting stance. Looking from side to side for a while, i then realized it was all a dream. Relaxing my tense muscles now, i then took a deep breath and said. "Not that same dream again. I think i should go out and get some fresh air." Leaving my house, i then flew in the night sky to let the wind wipe away the stressful night i had.

Seeing the sun rise up after flying for a couple of hours, i had bags under my eyes from staying up late. "I am so tired." I mumbled to myself. Flying for a little bit more, i then fell asleep in midair. Falling out of the sky towards the ground now, a loud crash sound was heard. Dust was now covering the area i was at. When the dust was cleared, i was asleep in a crater.