
Dragon Ball Super: Human Quest

A story about a human from the newly revived universe 6 and his chaotic adventures in the world of Dragon Ball. This story was originally posted on /QST so it was originally a quest. Just decided to share it here. Was Written/GM'd by: Not-Som

Leekz01 · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter Twelve

It's been almost two weeks since the whole debacle with Universe 9 ended. During this period you found little time to hone your skills as you had other, more pressing matters to attend to. Your three subordinates were... slow to adjust to say the least. Not having to worry about their food being poisonous, being able to sleep peacefully and other mundane things were just too alien concepts for them.

But one can get used to comfort surprisingly quick and it looks like that Hop, Sorrel and Hyssop are finally coming around. A good thing too as they'll need to master both gardening and cooking if they want to remain here. The small plot of land you chose to serve as your garden is still barren but with a bit of hard work and some love, you'll soon have fresh produce available. Perhaps once they see the results of their hard work they'll even start enjoying it.

However, now that things have calmed down you took some time off from supervising them and got to training. Vados notices this almost immediately and makes her way to you. "It's good to see you back in business."

"Well it couldn't be helped." You respond as you practice your punches. "Work comes before pleasure."

The angel then begins correcting your posture with her staff as she observes you. "I see you've unlocked something quite special while you were off hunting. When were you gonna inform me?"

"I just assumed you already knew."

"That is true... But you mean to tell me you managed this just by watching others?"


"Hmmm... well it can't be helped. Though it'd be ideal if you knew the basic principles behind it. I suppose we can fix that in post."

"So what's the hold-up?" You ask her, wondering why she hasn't started explaining yet.

"Sadly, there are quite a lot of things to do.

Both Hit and Lord Champa requested your presence. And... so did Cabba. But I think that's quite a bit more of a serious matter.

I mean, we could go over the basics of Ki first..."

"Hmmmm..." You start pondering on what to do.

"I'd actually like to go over the basics. I mean... I get how to use it but I'd still like to know how it works so I don't accidentally blow myself up. Know what I mean?"

"Ohohoho! I don't think that'll be an issue.

Not accidentally anyway."

Swallowing nervously you find yourself being sat down as Vados takes out a blackboard and starts drawing illustrations with a piece of chalk as she explains how Ki functions.

"What we call Ki goes by several names, depending on who uses it: Ki, Chi, Qi, Yoki or very simply energy. But they all mean the same thing. It is the life force inside every living thing that is a result of and an enabler of... existing."

She then draws a crude stickman with a big dot in the middle. "This is the life force in your body. Those who can draw it out can weaponize it by drastically improving thier physical capabilities. But as you may guess this is not without dangers. If you use too much of it, you'll simply die of exhaustion."

This process is illustrated by the stickman getting an aura, which when disappears causes the figure to go hollow and fall over.


"Indeed. So you better be careful with that."

Vados continues. "Your Ki is a pool or reserve which you can stockpile and access anytime you wish. But to increase your bodies maximum capacity for Ki you must improve yourself."

"So... it's literally my life force. The healthier I am the more I have?"

"Essentially. But being able to access it you can reach much greater heights than those who can't. Here's how to do it: Ki is made up of three distinct parts. Vigor, Mind and Courage or spirit if it's easier. In order to maximize your power your Mind, Body and Soul must be improved equally."

"What happens if I just focus on one?"

"Diminishing returns. Having the three in equilibrium is preferable. So make sure to not only exercise but read books to sharpen your intellect."

"And what about spirit? Frankly I'm still a bit taken back that the soul is a real and tangible thing. I don't even know how to improve that."

"There are no real ways to improve that.

Either you are fit for that or you aren't. As you can imagine someone who's craven won't be able to strengthen his spirit. While those who are courageous will do so without realizing it. But you are lucky. You seem to have a warriors heart!" Vados then makes the blackboard disappear and stands in front of you. "So... That's about it. I've taught everything else you need already, like sensing energy or hiding it."

"Thank you for the lecture Vados. But I don't think it'd be wise to keep Champa waiting more than necessary."

"In that case, please follow me!"

Leading you into the castle proper you find Champa sitting at the head of the dining table, tapping it nervously. "Erm..." You speak up.

"I hope I haven't kept you waiting Lord Champa?"

Looking up as if he hasn't noticed your presence yet the catman responds.

"Uhhhh... Huh? Oh Eric! Perfect timing!"

He stands up and starts walking around the table. "You see I called for you because I got something on my mind."

"What is it my lord?"

"I've been thinking about those... steamed hams you cooked last time?"

"Hamburgers sir."

"Those! I've changed my mind about them.

I don't want to present them to my brother."

"W-Why?" You swallow nervously.

"Were they not to your liking?"

"They were. But with our annual meeting coming soon I feel... anxious. I don't merely want to beat my brother... I want to destroy him! I want him to grovel before my feet, begging me for more delicious food! I want to rub it in his smug face! Think you can come up with something like that?"

"I... need time for that. Time to prepare, time to plan! Eh, there are so many foods so many spice mixes, types of meat and other ingredients. Deciding and practicing what's the best food for the occasion is time-consuming."

"As long as it gets completed before my little "competition" with my brother I don't care.

Take as much time as you need."

You nod and thank him for his patience before leaving for the kitchen where the crew are reading cooking books at the moment. They flip through the pages in confusion and wonder how could there be so many types of foods and ingredients in a single universe, not to mention a single planet.

"Hey gang! We got a job! An important one at that. Lord Champa wants a meal that can make a God of Destruction cry. And we gotta make it."

"What like... right now?"

"No. But not for the heat death of the universe either. Now come 'ere. I'll need your help to figure this out. I see you're already browsing my cookbooks, good."

Sitting down you have yourself a little brain storming session. It's not exactly easy to coordinate the lads and lasses and research all at the same time but it goes surprisingly well. Slowly an idea formulates inside your head and with your tact manage to perfectly instruct the universe 9 guys to help you realize it. Before you realize it you are on fire and managed to create the plan for a perfect meal.

You settle down with a simple three course meal, each dish within complementing the others to give one perfect experience when consumed as a whole. For the appetizer you go with something simple: Sliced tomatoes with Mozzarella cheese with an anchovy, seaweed, basil, white wine vinegar, lemon juice, salt and pepper dressing to unify the whole thing. For the main course you want something a bit more hearty, Beef Wellington with rustic potatoes baked in their own skin.

And for the desert you want something incredibly light and fluffy: Vanilla pudding with a light caramel sauce.

Panting you stand up from your note and look down on the words you've scribbled down and smile. "Perfect!"

You look to the side and see the girls and Hyssop laying on the table, half asleep from the exhaustion. "Noooo moooore boooks!"

Sorrel moans.

But while they are practically knocked out you still feel like your brain is on fire.

You won't stop now! Not when you're on a roll!

Originally you planned on doing this over the course of a great deal of time but now?

Now you're not so sure about that.

Rolling back the sleeves of your shirt you got to work. Preparing the ingredients alone took a great deal of time and attention. You won't be satisfied with only something "decent" after all. But after the preparations are complete and your tools are ready, you get to work.

The heat began to rise in the kitchen and the sound of steel filled the air. Soon enough the enticing aroma of the ingredients coming together woke up your groggy assistants who couldn't help but stare. Feeling yourself lost in the moment your battle power slowly starts to rise as the intensity of your cooking increases. Glowing with energy you twirl your utensils around and pour your passion, your feelings and even your life energy into each dish.

By the time the deed is done the meals are practically glittering before your eyes like polished jewels. Handing your little chefs each a plate before heading into the dining room, you present your creation to Champa.

"Hnnnng! What is this glow?" He asks as you show him your creation.

"It's the appetizer my lord. Please try it!"

Champa approaches the dish cautiously before giving it a little bite. He chews the food thoroughly, rolling the tomato and cheese around his mouth. "Not ba- URK!" He drops his fork and swallows in his surprise. As he involuntarily looks down you see Champas shocked expression. "I... I'm afraid to eat more..."

"W-Why my lord? Is it not to your liking?"

"I... I don't know if I could stop! This is... this is terrifying Eric! Next dish!"

Bowing you lift the lid of the main course.

"Beef Wellington with rustic potatoes."

This time the God of Destruction takes a bite out of the food with shaking hands and a quivering mouth. His eyes snap open and he begins to talk with his mouth full.

"By Zeno... It's perfectly cooked and juicy.

And the seasoning of the appetizer is amplifying the flavors! VADOS! You must try this!"

She does as her lord orders to and first tastes the appetizer before biting into the meat wrapped in fine pastry. Raising a hand to her mouth she too can't resist the urge to speak with her mouth full. "Oh... oh my!"

You sigh with relief and present them with the last piece of the puzzle. The pudding.

The fluffy, jiggly goodness is so light and bouncy that it begins moving around at the slightest touch and it will not, will NOT stop bouncing around. If it weren't for its super stickiness the caramel would fly right off of it.

"Look Vados! Is this thing alive?!"

"I don't think so my lord."

You hand each of them a spoon and ask them to give it a taste. Their reactions are mixed.

While Vados completely forgets about herself and lets out an uncharacteristic moan Champa appears to be in some sort of trance. Cautiously you prod his mind and feel him drifting away in some distant memory. His mind is impossible to decipher but you do pick up fragments of his memories, words like "brother" and "boys" pierce the veil, probably because these are his strongest memories. He appears to be lost in his own childhood.

But eventually he snaps out of it and quietly places his spoon on the table and takes a deep breath. "Vados. Prepare the machine.

I want at least six full courses put into stasis for when the competition comes."

"Right away my lord!"

"As for you Eric!"

"Y-Yes my lord?"

He gives you a mischievous grin. "Capital work! You may have the next week off."

"W-What about your meals sir?"

"I decided not to eat for a whole week.

I wouldn't want to sully the taste in my mouth!"

With a bow you excuse yourself from the premises and go back in the kitchen.

"Phew... Well guys, I think we did pretty well. Though I WAS a bit scared shitless... Guys?" Your crew appears to have passed out.

"Oh well."

After putting a blanket on each of them you take off your apron and head outside. Cracking your neck you start thinking about what to do.