
Dragon Ball Revised

In an alternate timeline where Paragus reacts more passionately to Broly's execution, he and his friends band together and flee Planet Vegeta! What will this do to the timeline? How will the change in upbringing affect Broly? Find out in Dragon Ball Revised! https://www.patreon.com/EveryLittleHelps - Please consider tipping if you like the novel, I really appreciate it The Fanfiction is written so that even if you are not a fan of Dragon Ball you can still understand what is happening. DISCLAIMER: Broly isn't the main focus until chapter 40! Broly is the main character but there are 40 chapters worth of backstory! Broly however will still be doing Broly things! Also! There are many OC's! The main cast of the story will be made up of the main character in the anime and manga but more than a few OC supporting characters will be introduced! Bare with the wait! DISCLAIMER PART 2!!!: I am a Broly fan as much as the rest of you so I can assure you that Broly will be wiping the floor with the frost demons and stomping his enemies into the dirt, however! My Broly will not a cruel and heartless MC that kills his enemies excessively. Broly, by all means, seeks peace but rest assured there is no shortage of people for him to overcome. Announcement: This novel is not dropped but currently under reconstruction I didn't like the trajectory the story was following so changed it, if some of the plot around the 120-140 chapters seems jumpy, this is why.

LOLRIP · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Bonding (115)

Queen Vegeta sat at the lunch table, meeting Broly who was already descending onto his third bowl of noodles.

"How much food do we have?" she asked, satisfied but slightly worried about their rate of consumption.

"About 3 months worth, I'm planning on raiding most of the Planets under Frieza's control," Broly said confidently.

Queen Vegeta smiled, seeing Broly's decisiveness.

"Really? I thought you'd be the type of guy to try and make peace with him," she said honestly.

Broly put down his chopsticks and looked Queen Vegeta in her eyes.

"Fuck Frieza," he said determinedly.

A wider smile blossomed in Queen Vegeta's face.

"Fuck Frieza," she said back to him, looking at her own plate of food.

She picked up her fork and knife and cut up a portion of steak, moving a small chunk into her mouth. Her eyes closed and her expression lightened, becoming much more cheery as she ate the food.

Broly stole glances at her appearance, trying not to stare but attracted to the faces she was making.

"You've spoiled me Broly, I don't think I can go back to eating anything else," she said with a joyful expression.

"How was the food on Vegeta?" Broly asked bluntly, unfamiliar with the cuisine.

"Tolerable at best," Queen Vegeta said concisely, going back to eating.

'Think Broly think! This is a really good opportunity to get to know her better, enough time has passed and she doesn't hate me anymore. The right conversation starter, what could it be?'

Broly wracked his brain, not knowing how to talk to girls at all.

"Do you ever miss your husband?" he asked gently.

Queen Vegeta's face fell, her eyes turning harsh and her elegant expression hardening.

'Could I have asked a more intrusive question?' Broly thought, rebuking himself.

Queen Vegeta sighed, putting down her fork.

"In the first year I did, I hated myself for how I took everything on Planet Vegeta for granted and how I wasn't appreciative enough for my husband," Queen Vegeta said, an indifferent expression on her face.

"But as time passed I realised more and more that I didn't really like him, I only married him in the first place to escape being used as a warm body on the front-lines for the Frieza Force and I only grew to like him after a few years, I had to kind of convince myself," Queen Vegeta continued.

"If he wasn't the father of my son I probably wouldn't care about him at all," she concluded, resuming with her meal.

Broly's mouth fell open.

"You have kids?!" he said, a bit louder than he would like to have admitted.

"Can't you tell?" Queen Vegeta said, smirking at Broly.

Broly's face reddened but he kept silent.

'His aura is definitely different, in his base form he's such a cute little pansy but when he transforms he takes a lot less shit,' Queen Vegeta concluded.

Broly seemed to be quite stoic in general, quiet and unreactive until a serious event happened which only moved him slightly. However, when he was in Super Saiyan the story changed.

It was clear for her to see as well.

"You're cute," she said softly.

"What?" Broly said, missing what she said.

"Never mind," Queen Vegeta said quickly.

Broly looked at his plate awkwardly, before going back to speaking.

"I used to miss my family a lot when I first moved out," Broly said, still looking down at his food.

"But ever since you came on it's been a lot better," he said honestly, looking up at her.

Queen Vegeta's face reddened considerably, looking at Broly for a few seconds before regaining her cool.

"What are your parents like?" Queen Vegeta asked, unable to look Broly in the face.

"My dad's a real meathead, anytime he doesn't spend in the gym or sparring he spends cooking or researching cooking so that he can make tastier food, a lot of the stuff I can make comes from him and he's a much better cook than I am," Broly said honestly.

'That doesn't sound very...Saiyan,' Queen Vegeta thought surprised, slightly confused with Broly's description.

"And your mother?" Queen Vegeta thought passingly, wondering who could have given birth to such a musclebound god.

"I never met her, she died on a mission shortly after I was born," Broly said softly, not really bothered.

"Unlucky, the same thing happened to my father," Queen Vegeta said, sharing something on the topic.

'That killed the mood really quickly,' Broly thought, downing a jug of mineral water.

"You said you grew up on...."

Queen Vegeta tried to remember but she just couldn't get it.

"Sythis," Broly said gently.

"How were things over there?" Queen Vegeta asked, genuinely interested.

Perhaps that place was responsible for Broly's pansy nature.

Broly chuckled.

"Compared to Planet Vegeta, it's a miracle land, the dominant species over there are the Tuffles and although their bodies are really weak-"

"They're super smart," Queen Vegeta said cooly, finally connecting the last puzzle piece.

'Out of all the planets he could have landed on, he got onto one that directly contradicted his Saiyan nature, no wonder he's s soft,' Queen Vegeta nodded finally understanding.

"I knew guys on Planet Vegeta that would kill their own family just to move up a rank in Frieza's empire, compared to those people, you're super soft," Queen Vegeta said honestly.

"I'm not that soft!" Broly protested, standing up for himself.

"Memory foam," Queen Vegeta said, slipping another piece of steak into her mouth.

Broly laughed even louder.

"Was it really that bad on Planet Vegeta?" Broly questioned, no longer interested in his own food.

"Before Frieza life, for the most part, was good, we were building libraries and schools, we had just won a war that killed off the neighbouring species, the future seemed to be sunshine and rainbows," Queen Vegeta said cynically.

"And then?" Broly said in an apprehensive voice.

"King Cold came and beat my husband to a pulp, disgracing him in front of our entire race and only stopping when he swore his allegiance to him. He wouldn't leave the castle until I-"

Queen Vegeta stopped.

'He doesn't need to know that yet'

Broly waited, his eyes locked on Queen Vegeta's.

"He took a lot of convincing, then he grew delusional and started cheating on me"

Queen Vegeta's eyes narrowed.

"A lot," she said, still somewhat annoyed as old memories resurfaced.

"But as time passed tensions only grew, you already know how I was able to escape and the rest is history, here I am getting beaten senseless by you every week," she said somberly.

"I'm sorry," Broly said sincerely.

Queen Vegeta stared at Broly for a few seconds before picking up her crystal knife and slashing his forehead with it powerfully.

"Why?!" Broly asked, bringing his ki to the wound.

"Stop apologising for things that aren't your fault, it's unbecoming of a Saiyan"

"If you say so," Broly said softly.

Queen Vegeta smiled and looked down at her plate only to see that she had finished everything.

Without blinking she moved her own plate to the sink with telekinesis, moving it in one short step.

"Thanks for the date," she said, getting up.

Broly's face scrunched, confused.

"Like the fruit?" he said, not getting it.

Queen Vegeta opened her mouth to correct him but held her tongue and smiled, leaving the dining room.

When will Broly become more Alpha?

Chapter 125 specifically

From that point onwards he's a new man!

LOLRIPcreators' thoughts