
Dragon Adventures in DxD

MC dies and is reincarnated by God into DxD with 6 wishes

Dracov · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs


" " speech

' ' thought

[ ] system


After to my dimension I was floating in the middle of Void. Then I thought what plans I have in this world what I will be doing here until canon starts. After thinking for a while I decided that I will train until I will be as strong or stronger than Great Red after I will achieve that I will think about my next goals. Now I need to create place in my dimension where I will be staying. After some time I decided on what I want to create as my lair.

"GAIA I want to create an island the size of a middle size city with a giant castle. Around the castle there will be forest filled with many animals and I want the entire island to feel like paradise"

[Creation of the island will take around 4 hours when te creation will finish I will notify you]


Now that is taken care of I transform into my dragon form and I need to get used to flying and moving in my form.

After 4 hours of flying around and getting used to my form I was notified by GAIA that my island is complete. So I teleport there immediately. When I saw my island I was fascinated I was more beautiful that I imagine it will be. (pic)

"Thanks GAIA you did very good job"

[No problem Arthur]

Now lets tour the castle. After entering by the front gate you can see a grand banquet hall with a massive throne at the end of the hall.

In the castle there is a grand kitchen, any type of workshop or laboratory you would need, olympic swimming pool with a aqua park and sauna, many bedrooms and bathrooms any kind of entertainment room you like (cinema, bowling e.t.c) and on the highest floor there is a master bedroom with a king size bed and a hot spring bath. After ending tour around the castle I decided to start training.

First thing I decided to learn every type of magic. Learning fire, water, air, earth, lightning magic was quite easy but other elements like light, dark, holy, demonic, gravity, space, time were hard to understand but after some practice I could use it the hardest were rune and barrier magic. In the meantime I was fighting in dungeons developing my battle senses, after 20 years I mastered every type of magic and gathered 10 billion gold.


Name: Arthur (Alduin)

Race: Dragon God of Death, Void, Destruction and Creation

Age: 17(20)

- Strength SS

- Agility S

- Endurance S

- Magic EX

- Luck EX

- Charm EX

Gold: 10 billion


After that I bought some abilities from the shop including: ability to use haki, cursed technique, senjutsu, touki, chakra and ki.

Mastering them took 10 years but it was worth it I could use armament, observation and conqueror haki, Gojo purple hollow and I developed my own domain expansion called "Eternal Darkness" it makes enemies inside my domain lose sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste, sight, time and space they can't feel anything, weaker enemies that are under the effect of this it will cause there brain to stop working some will die other will become vegetables for the rest of their lives.

Other than that mastering senjutsu expanded my senses even further if I were on earth I could sense anything happening at the moment on the planet. By mastering touki i could reinforce my body to that level that attack from heavenly dragon wouldn't do anything to me. After that I mastered Chakra and Ki It was easier after learning senjutsu. In mastering Chakra i focused on control of my Chakra and learning "Shadow Clone Technique" that further accelerated my learning speed. When mastering Ki i focused on further enhancing my stats and creating my version of "Kamehameha".


Name: Arthur (Alduin)

Race: Dragon God of Death, Void, Destruction and Creation

Age: 17(30)

- Strength SSS

- Agility SS

- Endurance SS

- Magic EX

- Luck EX

- Charm EX

Gold: 20 billion


After that i started learning how to fight with every weapon possible from spears to swords it took me 20 years to master every type of weapon but at the end of my training I even gained "Eternal Arms Mastery". And my race changed to True Dragon God.


Name: Arthur (Alduin)

Race: True Dragon God of Death, Void, Destruction and Creation

Age: 17(50)

- Strength SSS

- Agility SSS

- Endurance SSS

- Magic EX

- Luck EX

- Charm EX

Gold: 40 billion


Next 50 years I spent mastering my Dragon God concepts and raising my remaining stats to EX with help of gravity seals at the end of training I could easily destroy or create any king of item or energy, manipulate void and I created a technique were I cover myself with void that negate any energy attack that hit me, with death manipulation I can resurrect anybody and I can kill anybody weaker than me just by thinking about killing him.


Name: Arthur (Alduin)

Race: True Dragon God of Death, Void, Destruction and Creation

Age: 17(100)

- Strength EX

- Agility EX

- Endurance EX

- Magic EX

- Luck EX

- Charm EX

Gold: 100 billion


After achieving EX rank in every stat, I got a notification that I could evolve.

[Evolution is possible. Do you want to evolve?]


After getting to the forest in front of my castle i pressed "Yes" and heard GAIA say.

[Evolution activated]

[Activating hibernation mode]

After those words I blacked out. When I was hibernating I heard GAIA say.

[Evolution complete]

[Hibernation mode deactivation]

After those words I woke up. I was in my dragon form but I had three pairs of wings.

I was confused so I asked GAIA.

"What happened to me and how long I was in hibernation"

[You spend 200 years in hibernation and host has become primordial being]

"Ok, GAIA show me my status and explain to me what a primordial being is"


Name: Arthur (Alduin)

Race: Primordial Dragon God of Death, Void, Destruction and Creation

Age: 17(300)

- Strength EX+

- Agility EX+

- Endurance EX+

- Magic EX+

- Luck EX+

- Charm EX+

Gold: 100 billion]

[Primordial beings are being that can created all universes and the primordial being that created DxD universe died]

"What happened to this being"

[It killed itself from boredom. There aren't many primordial being left most of them killed themselves from boredom]


Now I have 100 years until canon starts I am now strongest being in this universe so I don't need to train more so I will now spend some time exploring earth and underworld after that I will need to plan what to do next.
