
Dragon Adventures in DxD

MC dies and is reincarnated by God into DxD with 6 wishes

Dracov · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

" " speech

' ' thought

[ ] system


My name is Arthur. I was a normal highschool student and I was quite handsome but my grades were average, I liked watching anime, playing games, reading manga and fanfictions.

My life was good and I had normal loving family, my father was working in big international company, my mother was taking care of the house and I had a younger sister. We were living in two story house on the outskirts of London.

I was now heading home after school, when I was crossing the road I saw a truck heading my way, I couldn't even react before truck hit me and last thing I remember is feeling cold and darkness slowly enveloping my eyes.

This is how I died.


Right now I am hovering in void like space. Then I heard a voice behind me say.

"Welcome to my realm lost soul"

When I turned around I saw an old man with long beard and wearing white robes. I asked.

"So I died and are you a god?"

"Yes I am what you call a god, when you died your soul should go into cycle of reincarnation but it ended in my realm"

"And how was my family after I died"

"They were devastated after your death but after a year the got better and moved on, your sister when she finished her colleague she got married, had a happy family and she named her first son after you."

"Ok thanks, it's good that my death didn't ruin their lives and that they moved on with their lives"

"So what will happen to me"

"I will reincarnate you into world of your choice with 6 wishes. Now chose your wishes and the world I will reincarnate you into a world of your choice."

"Ok, my first wish is to have a system that display my stats, skills and have options like shop, dungeons and affection system"

"For my second wish I want Shadow Monarch powers"

"For my third wish I want to be a Dragon God of Destruction and Creation"

"For my fourth wish I want to have Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon"

"For my fifth wish I want a magic aura suppression ability"

"For my sixth wish I want to have my own pocket dimension"

"Good, I don't have any problems with your wishes now tell me mortal in which world would you like to be reincarnated"

"I want to be reincarnated into world of Highschool DxD 400 years before canon"

"Now chose how you would like to look"

After those words a game like screen appeared in front of me. After I finished. I had short white hair, golden eyes and was 188cm tall.(pic)

"Now I will send you to your new world have fun and good luck in your adventures"
