
Ch. 635 New and Old part 1

Dawn may have been on the horizon, with the first golden rays shining through the trees, but other than a select few none of the secretive expeditions second phase's members could be found around the campsite's tables or where Treow Stonebark stood happily soaking in the sunlight that fell onto his leaves.

After all, even bacon, eggs, and coffee can only encourage someone to emerge from their slumber so much.

It was not like anyone would chastise them for sleeping past the hour of dawn on this day. The only ones that had the right to even do so were fast asleep with their heads buried underneath their pillows attempting to get what little sleep they could before the next major events played out.

With it being closer to dawn than not when they arrived after having hacked their way through the Great Forest of Gagaree in close to total darkness, it was understand why the mixture of witches, warlocks, and solders that could also be called explorers chose sleep over breakfast.