
Dragon’s Ascension Leveling System

A original waebnovel Zhu Fang is a young celestial dragon, who one day dreams of ascending the grand dragon highiditarty to become the supreme dragon of the celestial planes…but first he must climb the metaphorical “trans dimensional ladder”.

Bwillis2099 · sci-fi
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1 Chs

A new king is born

Alone figure sits solitary in the trans dimensional Hatcher of the dragons-the grand celestial plane where all dragons born…and where they return to when they inevitably die.

The humanoid looking woman somewhat idly combs through hundreds of millions of dragons-each one a unique gem in it's own right on the the glass like surface of holographic screen in front of her-eventually she settles on a beautiful silver and golden colored one.

"Ah this one will do splendidly…begin hatching process!"the woman ordered a type of artificial intelligence like system.

A"Beginning hatching process…1%…5%…10%…17%…25%…"

By the time-the artificial and robotic sounding voice reaches a hundred percent the creamy gold colored dragon egg began in animating a rainbow like arura.

"Mana levels have super seeded ordinary and hatching has been greatly accelerate far beyond normal perimeters!"the AI like entity alerted the woman-who's silvery eyes widened in utter shock!

"Oh dear-"the woman says almost disbelieving as she quickly looked over the building spiritual energy levels of the hatching dragon-egg,it's silvery-golden surface slowly beginning to crack with shimmering golden glow seeping with each crack line appearing along the egg's scale like surface as it slowly cracked with spiderweb like crack lines that seemed glow brighter and brighter with each new crack in the egg's stone like surface.

Soon enough the shatters apart like a video game-in place of the scaly-stone like egg sat a young boy with long silver hair and golden colored sclera eyes with silver irises-the young boy was naked with obviously visible that had the same silver and golden scales as the dragon's egg.

"…Why hello there little one!"the humanoid woman says gracefully descending from above with large bat like wings that shined brightly with a rainbow like hue that even though he had been born literally just a few moments ago…knew was the most beautiful thing he had ever-the humanoid woman gracefully descends from the heavens with an almost angelic golden aura visible around her;she gently touches down right in front of the young dragon boy, who's eyes glazed with awe and child like curiosity.

"Who are you?" The young child asked with no apparent regard for formalities.

The woman gave a soft and friendly smile,"I am called Ling Ring…but you will call me Ling Sensei!"she said with a certain warmness in the tone of her voice.

"oh-Kay Ling sensei!" The child like dragon says still curiously looking the woman over.

The woman soon folds her arms-one finger puzzlingly place under her lower lip."As for you little one let us see?"she says begins to ponder over a quick mental list of possible names."uh huh yes that will do very nicely-"the woman soon pointed to the young dragon somewhat dramatically.

"…From this day onward you will hasten forth be known as Zhu Fang!" The woman says with an air of pride and semi-reverence.

Name Granted…

"Wow?!?" Zhu Fang states plainly as a rainbow colored aura begins to radiate from his body.

"Uhh Ling sensei…what's happening?"Zhu Fang asked just as a rune like tattoo begins to appear in the form of a long blood red serpent coiling around his right arm.

"…Do not fear Zhu Fang-"she assured just as the tattoo finished appearing on along his arm.

"Wha-what is this?" Zhu Fang asked staring awestruck at the winding serpent tattoo on his arm intentionally.

The woman's lips soon curved upwards into a faint grin."it is called a star brand…it will to drew celestial energies through the cosmic ether!" The woman plainly explained."…now let's begin a little basic training shall we!"she says quickly changing the world around the two of them.

Zhu Fang marvels at the circular shaped walls of the massive gladiatorial like arena but with no bleachers or anything really resembling an observation area; the eight pillars supporting the marble-stone walls with strange and alien runes elegantly carved into the walls and statues of four warriors clad in gladiator styled armor.

Zhu Fang quickly to the one of the armored stone figures-the young dragon quickly turned his head to face the much older woman."will I have to wear armor?"he asked curious.

Ling sensei laughed lightly-her head cocking back slightly,"oh No no…well at least not now!" The woman says.

Ling Ring soon collects a small build up of golden mana,"wow?!" The young dragon says as she soon uses the swelling energy.

"Uh sensei what are-"Zhu Fang began to ask before instantly seeing Ling Ring create four rock Golems.

*Grunt* *Grunt*

The two hulking earth golems abruptly appears at either side of the woman.

"What are those?" The young boy asked greatly curious by the four earth based creatures that the woman had summoned seemingly out of thin air.

The woman chuckles at the young dragon's question! Ling Ring's lips quickly curved upwards into a faint grin as she answered the youngling's question:"these are training golems…I want you to fight and defeat all four of them as best you are able!" Ling Ring explained with a slight air of uncertainty."…do you understand Zhu Fang?"she asked not fully sure if the young dragon could truly understand what she was saying to him…though it was completely reasonable…he was just born no more than a few hours ago.

"Yes sensei…bring it on!" He says eagerly cracked his knuckles.

"Ha alright tough guy…just don't get too over confident!"Ling Ring said activating the four golems.

The eyes of the clay like earth creatures abruptly began to glow with life.

"Gruuggh!"one of the golems grunts before it's arms launch towards Zhu Fang,who easily leaps out of the way of the golem's attack.

"Hmm impressive…but I am afraid you'll do a little better if you wish to best my golems!"Ling sensei said just as one of the golems grabs onto Zhu Fang's right leg.

"Uh oh?"Zhu Fang says before quickly being Lightly slammed into a nearby wall."aaugh?!?" The young dragon groaned lightly as he gently rubbed his slightly sore head.

"Well I suppose that was to be expected…do not be disheartened Little one-"the woman says reassuring the young dragon."…you are still very young and have yet to even slightly tap into your latent abilities…you simply need long and hard ,and I have no doubt you will make legendary class in no time at all!"

"'Legendary class'?"Zhu Fang repeated with his eyes beginning to glow excitedly.

"Ah yes…there seven distinct classes a dragon can achieve-"Ling sensei said beginning to the various classes and sub classes that a dragon could achieve:with the seven main classes being normal dragon ,arch-dragon,grand dragon,tempest dragon,celestial dragon and legendary dragon…with the sun classes named after the metals-iron,copper,platinum,bronze,silver and gold.

"The legendary is most highest ranked a member of the dragon race could hope to achieve…say one other!"Ling Ring hinted striking Zhu Fang's curiosity to its limit.

"What is it what is it?"Zhu Fang asked excitedly

"…it is called 'the grand celestial dragon'!"