
Draconic Evolution

A vulcanian from the star trek universe exhales his last breath in a fight to the death. This logical and pragmatical individual will find himself reborn in a world of sword and magic. An hostile new environment heavily inspired from the monster hunter universe. Fighting legendary creatures, and relying on the most illogical of things, such as magic, the mc will try to protect his loved ones in this new life of his. (As magic is a really broad term, there will be various magical elements and not only the magical weapons from monster hunter) The plot of the story is completely created by my own imagination. Don't expect this to follow the canonical fight of the game either. The story is taking place in the real world, monsters won't have a simple hp bar and MC neither. As such consider this work as a complete AU. Chapter lenght: around 1000/1200 words. --> I don't own the cover, the right are copletely of the artist. If you want me to change it, just write it and it will be done. Feel free to point out any possible mistake or expression your opinions. *I don't own any material coming both from the monster hunter or star trek universe*

book_234 · Videospiele
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"I get it! I get it! It's absolutely illogical, now shut up and decide what to do!"

From the speech where the God of creation had given Spookie two different alternatives for his next life, had already passed a few hours.

Spookie had realized that all of this, god included, must be true. However his logical and calculative vulcanian mind, couldn't just simply accept it.

"It's Illogical… It's Illogical… It's Illogical..."

As such he kept mumbling over and over either the same sentence or strange combinations of numbers. If you mixed together this broken state of his, with the fact that his cognitive capability have been slowed down you could gain a very dangerous mixture. He could go on like a broken disk for years at the very least.

"W-Wait what about I give you a kind of special gift! A one of a kind opportunity if you choose the second option within an hour."

The so called God had to put a compromise on this situation, remaining years in an empty space with a crazed vulcanian clearly wasn't a pleasant experience.

Obviously this was just a projection of the god of creation, since Spookie couldn't be the only soul that needed to be relocated. Consequentially Spookie didn't really have a time limit for him to decide what to do.

Soon after the appealing proposal, Spookie regained part of his clarity and started to actually ponder between the two proposals.

He was obviously more inclined towards the first one, he would be reborn into his home. Even if that would mean his memories to be reset, he held dear his culture and believes. While in the second option God had clearly stated that he would be transferred into a hostile and foreign environment. Here there would be wonders that shattered his sense of logic, things that should not exist.

Now Spookie was deeply conflicted, with the addition of this new benefit, inside of his mind the pros and cons were equally balanced. Then he slowly sit onto the pure white floor of the room and started to meditate.

Seeing this, God was really speechless. He didn't grant such advantages that often. He expected the expression of the vulcanian to become greedily happy, yet Spookie just continued to think about it.

If only his main self had conceded more powers to him, he could just read the vulcanian mind, or even better, manipulate it directly.

Five minutes before the end of the timeline god had set for the offer timeline, he spoke again.

"Okay! You won, damned vulcanian! I'll offer you a little extra on your gift. Now decide!"

Now, inside of Spookie's head, the scales were starting to inexorably pend toward the second option.

As such he didn't wait for God to repeat himself, and accepted the offer.

"I accept your proposal, I am ready to be reborn."

Suddenly God snapped his black smoky fingers and Spookie's soul disappeared from the room.

"Finally I managed to send this little pest away. He was sure a stubborn one, I hope not to see him again."

Soon after another soul appeared in the room, it was another humanoid. However his body was in a pretty bad shape, mainly smashed and flattened.

Yet his facial features were still partly intact, they didn't differ that much from Spookie's, only his round ears and not so pronounced eyebrows distinguished him as a human.

Then a girlish, cute and exited voice could be echoed into the room.

"Hello! You are here to be reincarnated again into your circle of life and death. But I offer you a different and special route! To be reborn as a hero into an amazing world of sword and magic!"

The new figure acted in the opposite way as spookie did. He seemed totally exited and happy, as if his most desired dream had come true.


As such God flicked his fingers once again, and the new soul consequentially disappeared.

"These ones are so easy to menage, such naivety and simplicity."

Spookie had figured out his rebirth only after his first year of life. In fact if not for the presence of his katra he would need at least another one or two years of life to really be able to remember something. As these were limits imposed from his new human body.

Spookie was now living into a little village called Savitoria, with just a few thousands of villagers currently inhabiting it.

He was currently living into a little wooden hut with his new mother Liliana, his brother Darius and little sister Claudia.

The hut was entirely made of black wood, a variant of wood that was accessible to the entirety of the population. As it could be acquired easily in the local market.

It was a really modest habitation, it had two small beds, a single wardrobe and a sole wooden table.

Compered to the living style that Spookie had in Vulcan, this new one of his was at a primitive level.

After a few days he had regained his cognitive senses, Spookie started to think that god must have scammed him somehow. Since he had yet to appreciate this 'gift' that had been promised to him.

Nonetheless, even if in a poor state he had been fed regularly, even with some meat every so often. Obviously it was carefully ground and mixed into some kind of soup. Spookie wasn't yet able to eat solid things.

Time slowly passed, Spookie's new life had been very monotonous, at least until he was able to walk with his own two feet.

Tired of lying and crawling in his crib, without doing anything else, Spookie decided to try to walk.

It was probably evening, as Liliana had come back from work. She was preparing dinner with the fresh food she had taken from the market.

His brother Darius was probably still out, playing with some friends of his, while Claudia who was basically a newborn, was peacefully lying in her little crib.

Spooky slowly crawled his way out of the little wooden cage he had been in during his first year of life.

Upon making contact with the hard and cold black wooden floor, he had been inebriated with a new feeling of freedom.

This was the most problematic aspect of his new human mind. He couldn't completely suppress his emotions as he had done with his vulcanian one. Sometimes they just gushed out, irritating him greatly.

This was such case, but he really couldn't do anything about it.

Then trying to exert all the strength that he could within his undeveloped leg muscles, he finally got up.

Finally his mother had turned around and noticed Spookie's current state.

"Severus, my dear, you have actually learned to walk! Twelve months is pretty early, well done my baby!"

New chapter released! I hope you liked it!

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