
Dove's Cry The Series

Through The Silence - A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. He doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Out Of The Darkness - Chloe and Colby finally got away from his abusive gang leader father in two towns over, now Colby's in the hospital with the help of a stranger, but once the stranger leaves she's all alone in a cruel foreign world. Survival becomes more of a priority then before and now she's full of rage and full of revenge, not only against Lucey, but against Colby's father as well. Breaking The Cage - Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader?

Amanda Pearson · Urban
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37 Chs


Chloe's P.O.V

"You keep saying how it doesn't make any sense, but then you go back and say your sorry for ever doubting me, now you are against your brother who came out as gay, because he hid it for so long. Why do you think that is Colby?" I raised my voice, I didn't mean to but I was getting frustrated with coddling him, he knows what his parents are like so why put on this mask of confusion?

"You know nothing of my family Chloe, don't pretend you do, not only that but your getting your other family back so maybe you don't need me anymore!" He yelled at me, he sounded more angry and upset then I had ever heard from him before.

I didn't want to say something I'd regret so I didn't say anything at all, instead I looked out the window with tears filling my eyes.

"Are you going to give me silent treatment now, after everything I've done for you?" I had enough.

"Stop the car." I said more calmly than I felt.

"What?" He was confused.

"I said stop the fucking car, Colby." I looked at him disdainfully.

"We're on the highway, are you serious?" He looked from the highway to back on me, shifting between the two.

"Obviously, you don't care so why should I stop the car, now." He didn't, he kept driving so I did the only thing I could think of.

I opened the car door, the wind blowing my hair around as I put my leg out slowly, Colby quickly pulled me back inside and brought the door to close again.

"What are you a psychopath?" he yelled at me while focusing on the road and putting on my seatbelt.

I leaned in close to his face with bared teeth. "How about you go ask your father?"

That's when Colby stopped the car in a squealing halt. "Fine, you want to get out then fine, go."

I looked at him for a moment, and with a seething feeling going through me I opened the car door and got out slamming it behind me.

I walked down the highway crossing my arms, from the wind of cars rushing past me, some too close for comfort, as Colby drove off without me, leaving me here alone.

My heart ached, it nearly broke as I knew I had to walk another mile just to get off the highway.

I couldn't believe it, he had actually left me alone on the moraganie highway.

Colby's P.O.V

I sped off without looking back, I began to search the small glove department for the pack of cigarettes I had, I took one out and lit it between my lips.

All I could see was red as smoke filled my lungs, how dare she bring my father into this, it had nothing to do with him.

Jasper and I had always been close, to say he might not have felt safe was bullshit, I kept going straight after getting off the highway you could hear the veering of the wheels spinning in protest but I didn't slow down.

I knew where Jasper had been staying at a motel not too far from here, he didn't want to get caught by Jason's parent's but I thought that was because of the risk of getting caught, but now I know just how much he meant by it.

I had to talk to him, I had to get the truth.

I swerved the car to turn around the corner the rubber tires squealed in protest, continuing on to the next street over, it began to rain and for a brief moment I felt guilty for leaving the pregnant mother of my children on the highway with speeding cars and a risk of getting hit was pretty high but I was so close to the motel, I could see the letters coming into view on the large neon sign I took another puff of the cigarette..

"Fuck." My self-consciousness got in the way as I rolled down the window and threw the fully lit cigarette and I turned around going back toward the highway, she saved me, used nothing of mine and yet this is what I do to thank her?

I'm such a loser.

I pressed down harder on the gas speeding faster and faster, squealed back around the corner again and faster still, then stopping abruptly on the exit of the highway as I seen Chloe walking with her arms hugged tightly around her in the pouring rain, I sighed and got out of the car to meet her, we stood face to face.

"Are you ready to go home now? I tried to put a bit of sincerity in my voice as I put my hands inside my pockets.

She looked at me with pure anger as she held herself tighter and walked passed me without another word.

"Chloe, please get into the car you're going to catch ammonia out here, it could kill you and the babies if you're not careful." I turned around as I sputtered my words against the rain, and she stopped her hair dripping rain water.

"Fine." She opened the car door and got into the passenger seat and sat there with the harshest scowl on her face I'd ever seen on her before, I can't blame her for being angry and if my mom found out I treated a woman this way I know she'd let my dad beat me, and I know I'd deserve it.

I sighed and walked back to the car and got into the driver's seat but before I started the car again I looked at her.

"If you're going to apologize again, I don't want to hear it." She said, wiping the water that had been dripping down her face with her sleeve.

I didn't say anything, but instead turned on the car's heater, it sounded loud and clunky but it should do the trick til she can change.

"Are we going home or not?" She spat as she focused her eyes out the window.

Again I stayed quiet and leaned back in my seat, I waited until she calmed herself down.

"What do you want Colby, what do you want from me, I help you, I-I run away with you, I took nothing from you, I'm pregnant with your children, what is it? What do you want from me?" She leaned her back against the window and faced me, her eyes red from crying, and her cheeks blotchy and irritated.

"I don't know what's going on with me, Chloe, one minute I'm so angry I could, I could." I screamed my face blood red, and tightened my hands as if I was strangling something. "-But then, then I feel nothing, I feel, I feel numb Chloe. What, What am I supposed to feel?"

I hyperventilated, staring at her, my eyes glossing over and tears rolling down my cheeks.

"C-Colby, okay I get it b-breathe." I heard her words but I felt nothing from them.

She sniffled and sat up and wiped away a tear from my emotionless face, I should be wiping her tears not the other way around, and I didn't want to end the night this way, hurt, angry, and upset.

I closed my eyes and leaned my cheek into the palm of her hand and slowly opened them again.

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked, she slowly took her hand back and looked me in the eye.

"No.-" I cut her off.

"Please, don't lie to me." She took a deep breath.

"A little, but not that I think you will ever hurt me, it just, you sound like Allistaire and it frightens me." She whispered it but the words felt like my skin prickled at the sound of my father's name.

"I see, I don't blame you, for your fiance who was raised by your abusive captive, to sit here and think.-" I paused and looked at her pregnant stomach. "Think any of this was ever going to work out. Yet, my heart won't let me let you go, Chloe, you are my everything, and I don't know how to go back to who I used to be."

Her eyes slowly filled with tears and flowed down her cheeks and I couldn't help but lean in and kiss her gently on the forehead.

"I waited for so long for you to wake up, and the doctors never thought you would, they thought you were gone, and I believed for so long, I screamed your name as they were about to pull that plug, I was terrified, but I rather have this version of you then not at all."