
Douluo V: I, Huo Yuhao, won't be a Coward

Transmigrated into the world of Soul Land II, I became the protagonist Huo Yuhao, accompanied by a system. The White Tiger lineage is fated for destruction. And Tang San, the ice-cold, pure, and noble figure, who relishes in controlling the fate and destiny of others, is, in his own words, digging his own grave. ... This is a translation, and a version of Soul Land II's "What If?" The Synopsis is vague and quite a bit meaningless but should be simple for the experienced ones. Also, this is not a fanfic of Soul Land V, it's a fanfic of Soul Land II. So yeah, don't expect..I don't know why the author named it "V". Peace~

Karma_shi · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 11: The Red Figure

Outside the Cafeteria.

"That was such a satisfying meal. It feels great to have money," Huo Yuhao said, a toothpick in his mouth, looking completely content as he walked out of the cafeteria. Thanks to the gold soul coins thrown by Xu Sanshi, he was feeling quite good.

"You are something else," Wang Dong said, looking at Huo Yuhao with a bit of exasperation. He didn't seem at all like a genius with twin martial souls.

"What kind of look is that? Is that how you look at your boss?" Huo Yuhao teased, throwing an arm around Wang Dong and ruffling her hair roughly.

"Let go of me," Wang Dong protested, her face turning red as her body trembled from Huo Yuhao's actions.

"Alright, alright," Wang Dong pushed Huo Yuhao away, her face flushed as she turned her head shyly.

Seeing Wang Dong's embarrassed look made Huo Yuhao feel even better. The playful hair-ruffling seemed to reveal a different side of Wang Dong that he hadn't seen before.

"Let's go," he said, patting Wang Dong on the shoulder and taking the lead towards their dormitory.

Wang Dong watched Huo Yuhao's back, biting her lower lip with a complicated look in her eyes. "That idiot!" she muttered, before running to catch up.

As they walked along the lakeside path to the dormitory, they continued to playfully bicker.

"By the way, what is your second martial soul? How did you manage to defeat Xu Sanshi in one move?" Wang Dong asked curiously. Over the past few days, Huo Yuhao had been eating the Xuan Water Pill from Xu Sanshi, making it impossible for her to stay in her dormitory. Today, she finally had the chance to ask.

Although she looked down on Xu Sanshi and disliked his behavior, she had to admit that he had some skill. Reaching the level of a Soul Elder at such a young age, and possessing the top-tier beast martial soul, the Xuanming Turtle, was no small feat. Yet, Huo Yuhao had managed to defeat him in a single move, freezing him into an ice sculpture.

"My second martial soul is a beast martial soul, Arxia," Huo Yuhao answered truthfully, knowing that no one on the Douluo Continent would know of it.

"Arxia? Is there such a martial soul?" Wang Dong had never heard of such a beast martial soul and thought the name was strange.

Seeing Wang Dong deep in thought, Huo Yuhao extended his mischievous hands.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Wang Dong cried out in surprise as Huo Yuhao pinched her cheeks, angrily swatting his hands away.

"What's with you today?" Wang Dong finally voiced her confusion, not recalling having offended Huo Yuhao in any way.

"Nothing, I just think you're pretty cute sometimes," Huo Yuhao said with a sheepish grin, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Cute my foot," Wang Dong huffed, rolling her eyes at him. This guy was acting strange today.

Seeing Wang Dong getting annoyed, Huo Yuhao decided not to tease her further and said, "Alright, I was just joking around."

"Who are you calling a little woman? I'm a manly man," Wang Dong retorted, blushing as she tried to kick Huo Yuhao, but he blocked her.

"Okay, okay! You're a manly man," Huo Yuhao said, catching her leg and pulling her into a hug, their faces nearly touching.

Leaning close to her ear, he teased, "But you have a waist as slender as a little woman."

Wang Dong shivered at his touch, her face turning redder than ever. She clutched Huo Yuhao's hands tightly, embarrassed and angry. "Let go of me, you jerk."

Huo Yuhao, seeing he had pushed enough, quickly released her. He didn't want to take it too far. He had already teased Wang Dong a lot these past few days.

"Let's go, we're almost at the dormitory," he said, turning around and heading towards the dormitory.

Behind him, Wang Dong took a deep breath, her eyes showing a mix of emotions.

"That's a red dot... could it be Ma Xiaotao?" Huo Yuhao suddenly noticed a red figure on the other side of the lake. It was too far to see clearly.

"Don't change the subject," Wang Dong said, still upset and not believing Huo Yuhao. She jumped at him, punching him lightly.

"I'm serious, look," Huo Yuhao explained. He was certain it was Ma Xiaotao, even though playing with Wang Dong was enjoyable.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Wait, there really is something!" Wang Dong still doubted him but turned to look in the direction Huo Yuhao pointed. Her eyes widened.

"That direction is the inner court. It's a person," Wang Dong said, observing the red dot more closely. It was indeed a person and getting closer.

"It must be a senior from the inner court," Huo Yuhao confirmed, recognizing Ma Xiaotao and noting her rapid approach.

"Yuhao, I feel something's not right," Wang Dong said, feeling increasingly hot as the red figure neared them.

As Wang Dong spoke, the red figure had almost reached them.

"This is bad!" Wang Dong sensed danger and quickly summoned her Bright Goddess Butterfly martial soul. Her blue wings spread as she grabbed Huo Yuhao's shoulders, ready to escape.

But the red figure moved faster than Wang Dong anticipated. Before she could take off, the figure was already in front of them.

"How is this possible?" Wang Dong was shocked. The terrifying heat hit her, and an immense force knocked them both away.

"Ugh!" Wang Dong grunted, cushioning Huo Yuhao as she fell unconscious.

"No problem, I just need to use Arxia..." Huo Yuhao wasn't worried. With his Arxia martial soul, suppressing a little evil fire was easy.

But things didn't go as he expected. Before he could summon his martial soul, Ma Xiaotao was already upon him. The intense heat from her body incinerated his clothes instantly.

"Give it to me!" Ma Xiaotao's blood-red eyes were filled with desire, having lost all reason.

"Something's wrong," Huo Yuhao thought, stunned by the sight of Ma Xiaotao advancing on him, forgetting to summon his martial soul.

Ma Xiaotao lunged at him, biting down without any hesitation.

"Damn!" Huo Yuhao's mind went blank from the shock.

"What am I doing? Where am I?" Huo Yuhao was bewildered, his eyes unfocused.

Ma Xiaotao continued her actions, not caring about anything else.

"This isn't right!" Huo Yuhao regained his senses and summoned his Arxia martial soul.

Grabbing Ma Xiaotao's head, he channeled the extreme ice power of Arxia, sending a powerful chill into her body to neutralize her fire.

Ma Xiaotao began to regain her clarity but didn't stop her actions.

"No!" Huo Yuhao, unable to hold on any longer, intensified Arxia's power, completely suppressing Ma Xiaotao's rampant flames.

At that moment, both he and Ma Xiaotao fainted.


KarmaN: I was motivated by this random guy to post two chappies.

Tahnk You Os Uchm..Time_Walker?