
Chapter 173 Secret Technique, The Goddess's Full Jealousy, Successfully Absorbing the God Rank Torso Soul Bone [Second Update]_1

The cold and alluring beauty Zi Ji helped Luo Yu remove his clothes.

She extended her pale and delicate arms and embraced him.

A purple-black wave of energy released from her body, quickly enveloping them both.

An inverted purple-black light shield hid their figures.

Gu Yuena's eyelids twitched, and her lips tightened.

After a few moments,

A pained groan of Zi Ji, unable to bear the suffering, came from within the light shield.

No one knew what had happened, but the agonized roar of Luo Yu, tormented by the Mountain Dragon King Soul Bone, subsided.

Inside the light shield, Zi Ji was using a Secret Technique to help Luo Yu absorb the Mountain Dragon King's Trunk Bone.

Outside, Gu Yuena grew extremely irritable, clenching her small fists tightly.

She bit down hard on her teeth, her voice squeezing through them.

"This woman has got the upper hand."

"If it weren't for the need to keep my useful body to help him absorb that thing,"

"It would never have been your turn."

The light shield was brimming with vitality.

Outside, it was full of jealousy.

The beautiful and cold Zi Ji was diligently performing the Dragon Clan Secret Method automatically.

Luo Yu, however, was completely unaware of it.

The pressure from the Mountain Dragon King's Torso Bone was simply too much for him.

The piercing pain that radiated from his back to his brain made it impossible for him to spare any attention to sense his surroundings.

In his suffering, he suddenly felt a hint of coolness.

As if enveloped in warmth.

A gentle, purple-black energy penetrated his body, full of vital energy, quickly repairing his damaged flesh and sharing the pressure the Dragon King Soul Bones exerted on his body.

With the aid of this power, the soul bone gradually fused with his torso.

His entire spine was undergoing a fundamental transformation.

The feeling of pain gradually receded, replaced by a comfort that went deep into the marrow.

Was it an illusion?

Waves of surreal sensations surged in Luo Yu's heart.

Because of that tingling sensation, it felt as though his soul might also start drifting away.

It was too stimulating.


At this moment,

Zi Ji had already changed into a fresh set of black gauzy long dress and stood to the side; the remnants of the torn cloth on the ground had also been burned to ashes by her flames, as if nothing had happened at all.

But her coldly beautiful face now bore a sense of charming allure unique to a young married woman.

The man still sat there, already out of danger, his absorption of the soul bone nearing its end.

Gu Yuena watched Luo Yu without straying her gaze.

She asked casually,

"How are you feeling?"

Zi Ji's beautiful eyes trembled, seemingly recalling the scene that had just occurred.

She blushed and lowered her gaze to her chest.

Timidly, she said, "It feels... really..."

Gu Yuena was initially taken aback.

Then, suddenly turning her head, she snapped angrily, "I'm not asking how you feel about him, I'm asking how you feel!!"

Zi Ji's skin tightened as if a killing intent had singled her out, her brain went blank for a moment, and she nervously said: "I feel... I feel..."

"Numb... so numb."

"Swish!" A silver Firewood Knife materialized in Gu Yuena's hand, "Speak properly."

"Numb, really completely numb," Zi Ji responded, her face losing color.

Gu Yuena spat coldly,

"I didn't ask about that nonsense, does your body feel anything else?"

"Other feelings?"

Zi Ji was initially bewildered but soon realized what the other party was asking.

Her face turned so red it looked like it was about to drip water.

"The 'Long Li' that Lord Luo Yu transferred into my body is deeply changing my bloodline, it's just not too apparent right now, and it requires time to manifest the effects," she said.


Gu Yuena responded dryly, her mood obviously sour.


A bronzish golden light exploded.

Luo Yu straightened up, his body soaring as he let out a long howl towards the sky.

His spine glimmered brilliantly, as if the shadow of the Mountain Dragon King was moving within it.

His upright figure, with vigorous blood surging forth, seemed to possess boundless strength.

Gu Yuena and Zi Ji stepped forward to offer their congratulations.

"Congratulations on your success," they said.

Luo Yu smiled and replied, "I owe the smooth absorption to your Dragon Clan's Secret Technique."

"Otherwise, I would have likely been in great danger."

No sooner had they mentioned it than the expressions of both women turned awkward.

The air grew oddly quiet.

Zi Ji's cool demeanor became somewhat coy.

Luo Yu asked, "What exactly is this secret technique of yours?"

Zi Ji replied, "Secret."

Gu Yuena said, "No comment."

Luo Yu sheepishly scratched his head.

"Since it can't be disclosed,"

"could you perhaps perform it on me one more time?"


Both women stared at him with wide eyes, shocked.

"You want to go through it again?"

"That feeling was too unique, it was thrilling to the bone," Luo Yu expressed with some regret, "I was too busy absorbing the Dragon King Soul Bones earlier to fully savor it, so I want to try again."

Seeing that the women remained silent.

Luo Yu boldly said, "If performing this secret technique requires any treasure, just let me know, I should be able to provide it."

"No, you can't,"

Gu Yuena rolled her beautiful eyes, at a loss for words.

It didn't cost any treasures.

It was just a bit taxing on the dragon.

And it had to be a pure and untainted female dragon.

"How do you know I can't provide it if you don't tell me?"

Luo Yu, having developed a taste for it, yearned to experience that feeling again, but couldn't understand Gu Yuena's evasiveness.

Just as Luo Yu was about to speak again, Gu Yuena cut in, "Enough, let's not talk about this. With your current strength at the Soul King level, you can still absorb two more Soul Bones and Soul Rings."

"Let's not waste time."

Luo Yu raised an eyebrow, "Will you still be using the secret technique to assist me this time?"

Gu Yuena snorted, "Dream on, now that you have absorbed the Mountain Dragon King's Trunk Bone, your physical endurance has greatly increased, and there's no pressure in absorbing the limb Soul Bones."

Luo Yu chuckled awkwardly.

Because Gu Yuena was right, if absorbing the Water-Fire Dragon King Soul Bone earlier had required enduring great pain and ultimately needed the help of Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling,

Now, with his completed transformation thanks to the Trunk Bone, he could absorb the limb Soul Bones easily.

It seemed Gu Yuena had already planned ahead.

As soon as Luo Yu was ready, he burst into a silver radiance, unleashing his mental power to communicate with the depths of the valley, as if sending some signal.

"Ao, ao!"

From a distance outside the pit, two distinctly different dragon roars echoed.

One profound black beam shot towards them, followed closely by a dazzling white light...