
Chapter 44: Envious of Such a Decadent Life~


After receiving the money from the Spirit Hall, Zeng Yi immediately sold the jade stones he had dug up in the Sunset Forest and made a significant amount of gold soul coins. This made him extremely excited.

Money, money, money! Having money feels great! Hahaha!

Walking on the streets of Soto City, Zeng Yi stood tall and confident with the newfound wealth. He said with a smile to the Xioa Ju sitting on his shoulder, "It's already evening. Let's find a high-end hotel, have a good meal, rest for the night, and explore the city tomorrow, what do you think?"


The Xioa Ju meowed, seemingly agreeing with Zeng Yi's idea.

"Alright! Let's head out now!"

As for why there were hotels in the Douluo Continent, Zeng Yi didn't know. Anyway, he saw signs on the streets with the word "hotel" written on them.

Finding a seemingly nice hotel, Zeng Yi walked in.

Upon entering the hotel, Zeng Yi was captivated by the elegant interior. The silver-white decoration style, some green plants, and a small fountain in the middle of the hotel created a tranquil atmosphere with the soothing sound of water.

This hotel shouldn't cost much, right? No, no, it should be quite expensive.

Now Zeng Yi hesitated a bit. Although he had money, he couldn't just spend it recklessly, right?

Oh well, let's consider it as rewarding myself once! It has been fifteen years without enjoying a good life.

Thinking that way, Zeng Yi walked towards the hotel counter.

"Sir, how may I assist you?" The young lady behind the counter smiled respectfully as Zeng Yi approached.

Seeing the beautiful girl smiling at him, Zeng Yi couldn't help but think to himself that high-end hotels indeed have attractive staff members who are dedicated to their jobs. But come to think of it, why haven't I encountered any snobby and condescending waiters like in novels? Seems like novels are just deceiving!

Looking at the young lady, Zeng Yi smiled gently and said, "Give me a room."

"I'm accompanied by my pet. Is that alright?" He glanced at the Xioa Ju on his shoulder and added.

"As long as it doesn't cause any inconvenience to the hotel, it's not a problem." The attendant looked at the cute Xioa Ju and smiled at Zeng Yi.


"Sir, please wait a moment." The young lady smiled and said, lowering her head to prepare the check-in procedures.

"Give me a luxury suite!"

A sudden voice intruded, and Zeng Yi turned to see three people walking towards the counter.

Those three individuals, one man and two women, with the man holding one of the women's hands, were approaching the counter. The two girls seemed to be seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed provocatively, and had tall and beautiful figures. What surprised Zeng Yi the most was that these two girls looked exactly the same.

Twins! Interesting!

As for the man, he seemed to be around the same height as Zeng Yi, about 1.8 meters tall, appeared young, broad-shouldered, handsomely rugged, with long golden hair flowing down to his waist.

But Zeng Yi still thought he looked better. His golden hair seemed more fashionable. It's better than black hair.

However, what surprised Zeng Yi was the man's eyes, which looked very odd. He had bifocal pupils, the most striking feature.

Bifocal pupils? Is he a dual-pupil bearer?

Upon seeing these eyes, Zeng Yi couldn't help but recall the web novels he had read before, where there was an extraordinary constitution, something incredible.

But in the Douluo Continent, is there such a thing as a constitution? It seems like there isn't, right? Maybe it's a genetic mutation.

"Oh, so it's Young Master Dai. I'll prepare it for you right away." The attendant raised her head and quickly responded, realizing it was Dai who had spoken.

Hey hey hey, I was here first, you know?

Zeng Yi felt a bit disdainful after hearing that and glanced at the attendant, silently mocking her in his heart. But from what the attendant said, this person seemed to be an important guest here. Well, it couldn't be helped. Rich people always enjoyed certain privileges. They had money, after all!

Zeng Yi then turned his gaze towards those three individuals, not focusing on the man this time because what's so interesting about him? It's the twins next to him that captured Zeng Yi's attention as he scanned them with his eyes.

These two really look alike, in terms of height, clothes, and hairstyle. But I still found something different. The girl on the left has a small black mole near her collarbone.

Indeed, I'm good at spotting differences. Hahaha.

The golden-haired lad, Dai, also noticed Zeng Yi, as there was only him left in front of the counter apart from himself and the two girls. Moreover, the attire of this person, wearing a green shirt and carrying a long sword, stood out in the hotel lobby and was hard to ignore.

Dai glanced over and saw that this person's gaze had been fixed on the two girls beside him. It made him a bit angry, but he realized the person's gaze didn't have any desire or ill intentions. Instead, it was an appreciative look. Still, it wasn't acceptable.

"Brother, have you seen enough?" Dai said coldly to Zeng Yi.

"Not... um... hehehe, sorry about that." Zeng Yi was momentarily stunned, then reacted and laughed awkwardly, apologizing to Dai and shifting his gaze away.

"Hmph~ Ruffian!"

The twin girls heard the conversation and noticed Zeng Yi. They looked at him disdainfully and uttered a low hum.

It twitched the corner of Zeng Yi's eye.

Wasn't it just a glance? Did I do anything to you that deserved being scolded like this? If you don't want others to look, then don't come out of your room!

Zeng Yi inwardly cursed.

"Dai, here's your room key." The female attendant finally spoke up and handed Dai a delicate card, successfully ending the awkward situation for Zeng Yi.


Dai responded indifferently, taking the card and putting it in his pocket. He then wrapped his arms around the two girls and headed towards the hotel staircase. While going upstairs, his gaze shifted to Zeng Yi by the counter, deeply looking at him with a meaningful smile on his lips.

How interesting! I never expected to encounter another freak today. It seems that the new students this year are becoming interesting.

When Zeng Yi was at the counter just now, Dai observed him and even used his soul power to oppress him. However, Zeng Yi's aura remained steady and unaffected, flowing naturally. It was as if Dai's soul power had fallen into a quagmire, having no impact on Zeng Yi whatsoever, which astonished him.

This person is a powerful soul master, stronger than the Blue Silver Grass soul master I encountered today.

Dai was certain in his heart.

Truly worthy of being a noble! Playing with two girls directly, and they're even twins. What a decadent life! I can't help but envy it.

Watching the person walking away with the two girls in his arms, Zeng Yi couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Sorry! Sir, that was one of our hotel's high-level members, so I had to assist him first." The attendant apologized to Zeng Yi apologetically and then handed him a room key.

"I understand, I understand." Zeng Yi smiled and took the card.

"How much does it cost per night?"

"Five gold soul coins per night," the attendant answered.

Uh... It's that expensive?

Hearing the price, Zeng Yi's smile became a bit stiff, but he obediently took out the money.

I hope it's worth it.

Zeng Yi silently thought as he walked towards his room.

However, that golden-haired guy, could he be an important character in the Douluo Continent? After all, his eyes seemed quite extraordinary. Could he have some special ability, like the Sharingan?


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