
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Fuuusion, ha!

Well, well, if you've ever wondered what it's like to be a World Tree with a dash of human researcher mixed in, let me tell you, it's quite weird.

They call me Verdalor, and my story is anything but ordinary.

Picture this: I was on the brink of becoming a fancy 100,000-year-old spirit beast, top of the power food chain.

But then, whoop, a curveball!

A new soul got injected into me, like two puzzle pieces clicking together.

Talk about a weird experience!

So now I'm this unique blend of ancient wisdom and a researcher's curiosity, which is like having a treasure chest of memories all to myself.

I know what the ancient me knew and also what the researcher me knew.

It's like playing two roles in a really cool play.

Being a reincarnated World Tree has its perks.

I get to stretch my metaphorical roots into the history of Soul Land from my researcher's memories while still being the chill guardian of nature.

It's like surfing through memories and insights that aren't totally mine but kinda are.

It's like having a backstage pass to this grand show of life.

And guess what?

As I explored my new dual existence, a lightbulb went off in my head.

Tang San, the big shot protagonist of this Soul Land saga, is a gold mine of opportunities.

No joke, this guy's life is basically a buffet of heaven-sent chances.

You know those moments when you catch a falling star and make a wish?

Tang San does that with his life choices.

He spots those lucky breaks that fate tosses his way and turns them into gold.

It's like watching a master painter turn a blank canvas into a masterpiece.

Now, I may be a World Tree, but I'm also a little bit of a detective now.

Armed with my researcher memories and this bird's eye view of Soul Land, I'm connecting dots.

Tang San's journey is paved with these gems of chances, moments where he can reach out and grab destiny by the collar.

And guess what?

I'm all in.

I want in on this adventure.

It's like being handed the script of a blockbuster movie and knowing all the twists before they happen.

Except, I'm not just a spectator – I can actually play a part in shaping how the story goes.

So here I am, Verdalor, the guardian with a dash of researcher pizzazz, standing tall in my grove.

I'm the leafy sidekick, the backstage magician who knows where the rabbits are hiding.

And with Tang San's story as my canvas, I'm ready to paint some strokes of fate.

In my world of verdant leaves and ancient whispers, I'm mapping out a plan.

How can I nudge, guide, and maybe even steal those destiny pies?

How can I weave the threads of Tang San's story into my own symphony that dances to my tune?




Alright, let's break this down.

You've got me, Verdalor, the soul of a World Tree with a twist of a human researcher.

A mix that's more exciting than a rollercoaster ride in the magic world of Soul Land.

So, remember that near-death 100,000-year-old spirit beast thing?

Yeah, that was me, about to bid adieu to the spotlight. But whoosh, new soul injected, and I'm back in action.

Imagine the best of both worlds – ancient wisdom and modern intellect, all stirred together in one intriguing concoction.

Now, what's got me all riled up?

Well, it's Tang San, the big cheese of this adventure.

See, he's got a knack for snagging fate's lucky breaks and turning them into power-packed opportunities.

If he were a recipe, he'd be equal parts talent and luck, seasoned with a dash of determination.

I'm basically diving into his life like a detective on a mission.

First up, we've got the immortal herbs.

These bad boys practically ooze power, and Tang San managed to get his hands on them.

Talk about a golden ticket!

But hey, I'm no bystander.

With my unique fusion of knowledge, I'm ready to make those herbs a part of my treasures.

Now, let's talk heist – a friendly heist, of course.

The immortal herbs in Sunset Forest are ripe for the picking.

Tang San's got his hands full, and I'm going to swoop in like a leafy ninja and snatch those herbs.

It's like fate's giving me a wink and saying, "Go for it, Verdalor!"

But wait, there's more!

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well – a treasure trove of energy and potential.

And yes, you guessed it, Tang San has a piece of this wet well too, wink.

It's like destiny's been generous with him, and I'm just here to catch the overflow of his treasures man.




Alright, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of this heist, shall we?

I'm Verdalor and I'm ready to make some friendly waves in the magical realm of Soul Land.

First things first, let's talk about size.

Now, I'm not exactly a tiny sapling here.

I'm a colossal World Tree, which is great for giving shade but not so much for ninja moves.

So, I've got a plan brewing – a shapeshifting technique.

Imagine going from tree-tall to pocket-sized. Handy, right?

It's like my own little magic trick, and I'm the magician.

But we're not stopping there.

Camouflage is the name of the game.

I mean, imagine a 100,000 years old spirit beast strolling through the streets like it's a casual Sunday walk.

With all aura that I'll give, that's like a beacon for some band of Titled Douluo to hunt me.

Not a great idea.

So, I'm diving into the world of blending in.

Call it the art of being inconspicuous.

It's like nature's version of a disguise, and I'm all ears – or leaves – for learning it.

Now, here comes the grand finale – the ultimate step in my master plan.

My inner core, my little tiny core that I've got from my ascension.

You see, as a 100,000-year-old World Tree, I've got some serious mojo hidden away in my core.

And guess what?

There's a whole world inside that tiny core of mine.

Although, the world itself is a bit small.

So, what's the deal with cultivating my innate skill?

Well, it's like polishing a gem until it shines brighter than the sun.

I'm tapping into the energy of my core, the very essence of my being, and channeling it into something spectacular.

When my inner world become bigger I can just absorb the land that encompass the immortal herbs and Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

With my shapeshifting trick, my aura camouflage mojo, and my inner world, I'm cooking up a recipe for success.

It's like getting all the ingredients ready for the best meal of your life.

And guess what? I'm the chef, and this dish is called Opportunity.

So, here's the play-by-play: I'll shape-shift into something a little less conspicuous, slip into the Sunset Forest like a leaf in the wind, and blend right in.

With my camouflage mojo, I'll be the master of hiding in plain sight.

And then, with my inner core, I'll be a powerhouse of energy, ready to seize whatever destiny throws my way.

But first thing first, I need to find a suitable spirit beast to get some idea for my shapeshifting and camouflage techniques.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it, review it and let me know.

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