
Before we start

Hey guys! I know you might be thinking "Ugh! another dd fanfic? Don't these guys run out of ideas?", but, hear me out... well, who am I kidding, this is just another dd fanfic. But, don't worry, it's gonna be great!😝😝😝😂😂😂😂

The reason I kept the name as just 'the fanfic' is because, 1, I don't have a cool name yet, and 2, didn't wanna give away anything related to the mc. He likes his privacy 😝😝😝. But I'll tell you guys some basic things though. also, I need your opinion on something.

Our MC is gonna be in dd1 timeline and also, it's not a reincarnation per se. He already has a beast spirit, but I'd like to add one and make it dual spirits for the story's sake. However, I am torn between whether to make him have 2 beast spirits or a beast and a tool. I have already got a beast spirit to give him, but would also love to receive your COOL new spirit suggestions. Tool spirits are more appreciated because I tried so hard to think up some cool tool spirits, but in vain. But, if you are suggesting tools, make sure they're at least as awesome as CSH (hammers are so cooooool). And please don't suggest katanas or something. Albeit being a sword guy myself, I just don't like swords as spirits. But if it's as mind blowing as the asura sword, feel free to tell me!!!!!

Oh yeah, while suggesting, please tell me what they'll be capable of as well, like the first and/or second spirit abilities.

Now please don't ask me for something tooooo op like triple spirits or billion yr spirit rings. That's just.... well, you know. But I assure you our protag will be OPM level op. And.... I haven't decided about harem or not. We'll leave that for later.

So, let me know of your suggestions through comments and have a great day minna-san!!!!

Oh yeah, btw guys, I'll only be starting the novel after a couple weeks because thats when my spring break starts and I can invest more time into it. ????

Omnipotent_monkeycreators' thoughts