

Time travel of Huo Yuhao from god realm DD4 to DD1, 1 year before Tang san Disclaimer: douluo dalo series belongs to Tang his San.

Navid_line · Krieg
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 Snatching from future Tang san and the sudden gift of the family happiness

Chapter 13 Snatching from future Tang san and the sudden gift of the family happiness

Like in his previous life, Huo Yuhao is most hardworking like his previous life. Instead of sleeping at the night, he meditates by cultivating heavenly technique, revolving and concentrating the spirit power further and further.

But unlike in his previous life after every three to five-week, he spends the whole day with his father and mother taking meals discussing and covertly teaching them. Every bit of day or two without even proper sitting meditation position he spends his time leisurely shopping and eating in central spirit city and sometimes visits the developing east city. But he has an advantage from the passive automatic cultivation 24 hours continuously from the heavenly version of the mysterious heavenly technique.

After returning and reporting to his teacher bibi dong he spends two days with his mama and papa, Huo Tina and Huo James, eating, talking, shopping and peaceful sleep starting from 9 pm like a regular kid. As the experience from his previous life and later in god realm his knowledge gains, tribulations and enlightenments later. He comes to research results if he makes the same routine of relaxing after every few weeks his speed was one-tenth times faster despite shitty tang san version of mysterious heavens technique.

Noticing the changes in his mother's body he comes to realize the delighted news, that after two and half months he gets his sibling. As it makes him anxious as he was a lonely child in his previous life without parents or siblings, his mother died at a young age due to evil eye tiger clan matriarch and as for his shitty father, the clan patriarch has not had too much rule in his previous life. With the exception of his half-brother, whom he met later on in the military with a mutated tiger martial soul, whose mother treat him and his mother with respect.

Upon realizing he start making a blueprint of a machine based on principles of sound waves (version of ultrasound machine of planet earth). This machine wills going to make a breakthrough in the field of mother and child care. This is another money-making technology, which increases health tourism from noble and rich businessmen families to the east city in the future.

After that he goes to his master bibi dong, listening to successful missions based on his suggestion they get ma xie, a mutated fire chicken size phoenix, to join spirit hall. He put the suggestion of cultivating the spirit power but without adding the ring for 1 to two years.

The delay in the ring addition increases the knowledge of Ma xie about fire element. This delay also gives grace time to Ma xie, to cultivate a heavenly version of the mysterious heaven technique along the purple eye technique. Results will be in the increase of Ma xie's spiritual power and the purification of his darkness element. As he add his enlightenments of sacred element (which he classified as sub-element or variant of light elemental according to his understanding) which is possible because of his reading libraries of many gods including the fallen god seat of angel god.

Talks with ye clan and joining of ye ling ling to spirit hall were smooth as her parents don't want their daughter's future to be mobile healing pill for nobles and royalty assholes. In stages, they will secretly start shifting in the east city and slowly wrapping up and sell their state and shops in heaven dou empire, with only a few members staying in the empire as spies and to prevent suspicions of the royal family immediately.

Fire, ice, and other elemental academy infiltrated by spirit hall single attributes experts who were educated by teaching materials of Huo Yuhao. They will show a bit of their knowledge to promising staff teachers and clan-less students and smuggle them to the east city in name of visit and their subsequent joining to spirit hall with little exposure to technology and promises regarding their family safety free home and free education till intermediate in the east city.

For the principal of mental attribute, 72 level assassin was dealt with by combined hidden sneak attack by ghost shadow and chrysanthemum douluo, replacement of principal by spirit hall person. This will ultimately lead them to join the spirit hall. The Bonus is spirit hall gets its hand on precious mental attribute 10,000-year-old skull spirit bone with soul skill of unbreakable dream skill.

This spirit bone is not more powerful but most suitable for Hu leana. This spirit bone which was prepared and reserved by bibi dong for future spirit hall saintess is of 60,000-year-old mental attribute skull bone. This is the same spirit bone that gets into the hands of tang san after winning the continental spirit master competition. Now this bone is given in hands of Huo Yuhao by bibi dong with a smiling face. This smile is the recognition of his efforts in uplifting the image of spirit hall in the whole continent