

Lu yan then sit crossed legged on his bed before staring to cultivate. He asked the system to help him point out the acupuncture points as the system said it'll boost his cultivation when he does that.

So he punctured his body while the system revealed the points and assisted in stimulating his bloodline and meridians. His body felt like it's bloated while he immediately started cultivating the soul power into his body compressing and only absorbing the pure soul power from air while his pores on body all opened and started filtering out the soul power.

The impurities in it and his body are being thrown out. This method is made by the system by combining many methods. It'll boost his cultivation by 500% and also strengthens his body and fortify his mental power.

Like this he cultivated with all the needles dug into his body. He felt the sword in his mind is resonating sharply and violently while snake is hissing and jumping like it's feeling too hot.

The snake is white in colour with no particular element on it. It's poison is very lethal and that's all he knows. But then something clicked to him. Douluo continent obviously don't have this snake but he knows what this is from his memories.

The white snake with dragon bloodline. It's bloodline is stimulated but it's no where near enough for it to become a dragon. He needs the spirit ring of a dragon type sub species as dragons on the true dragon level are more than 100000 years age.

Lu Yan sighed. He needs dragon type rings for both his martial souls. Phoenix bloodline is very rare in douluo so he gave up on that as the spirit rings in shop also are expensive for Phoenix not to mention only fire can be used by the ring.

Lu Yan cultivated to level 10 in the next month by consuming the elixirs he made by himself and also using the cultivation advices from his system. When he reported to martial spirit hall about this they're baffled.

Bibi dong also got this news and summoned him to see what he really did. They at first checked his body to see if he cultivated any dark techniques, next asked some questions about how he did it.

Lu Yan didn't answer them as this information is valuable and by now word will have reached bibi dong. He waited for a man from pope to arrive. As ghost douluo took him directly to the pope when he is going to return to his room.

Bibi dong is looking at him while he bowed. She asked him," How did you break through to level 10 in two months? ", Lu yan knew he can't hide it in martial spirit hall nor he intends to hide it.

He began saying his discoveries about merdians and a way to stimulatr them temporarily so he can enhance his cultivation for a short time without any side effects along with his alchemy talent.

Bibi dong who is usually cold became silent and looked Lu Yan, a figure appeared in her teary and blurry eyes and vanished. She looked at Lu Yan and asked," Can you show this method? ".

Lu Yan nodded and started dugging the gold needles on the meridians. Little by little all the meridians and pores opened and the people felt he is attracting all soul power in air. After that he did alchemy and created a pill to stabilize the cultivation.

Bibi dong looked at him with a nostalgic expression. She clapped her hands and said," Well done Lu Yan. But don't reveal this method to anyone. This method is a dangerous one as from your discoveries deviating the meridian will cause the body to have negative effects. No one knows about meridians so don't reveal this method to others. Also do you want to worship me as your teacher? ".

She felt Lu Yan is very similar to Yu xiaogang. Except for the hair and eyes, she saw her old lover in him. Lu Yan bowed to her while she nodded. She then asked ghost and chrysanthemum douluo to arrange a room for him near Hu liena.

Ghost douluo nodded and took him away whole chrysanthemum kept staring at the kid and felt a murderous intent behind him. He saw Bibi dong glaring at him. Nervous he immediately exited the pope hall and got away.