
Bibi dong

The next day he is summoned again to the throne room and Bibi dong said to him," Since you reached level 10 in soul power, you can attach a ring to one of the martial souls. Save other soul for later so you can add a ring at a particular situation. So which one will you choose ".

Lu Yan looked at her and said," I'll choose the sword your majesty", Bibi dong thought for a second and asked," Why not choose the snake? ", Lu Yan then said," I want to test something your majesty. Although the white snake can be a choice I want to study my white snake further. And from what I have read in the books in library beast martial souls are prone to mutation so i want to further study this and try to evolve my martial spirit. Until then I'll choose my sword".

Bibi dong looked at him up and down and muttered," Why? Why are you so similar to him? Do the gods cursed me to become sad again and again? ", she held back the tears and just nodded at him.

She herself will take him to the star dou forest. They both boarded the carraige while Bibi dong asked," Yan'er, teacher wanted you ask you something? ", Yan nodded while Bibi dong asked," If, if one day the one who took care of you from your childhood to now did something unforgivable to you when you tried to leave from him and took the most precious thing away and threatened to break it if you leave. What will you do? ".

Yan looked at her and sighed inwardly," I don't know teacher. everything that I have is from the spirit hall. Even if they threatened to take the most precious thing from me. I won't leave spirit hall. If it wasn't for the spirit hall i would've died or become a beggar outside. Spirit hall gave me everything, in my eyes the spirit hall is the most precious thing along with the girl who saved me. No matter what I won't leave them in any situation and become ungrateful to spirit hall even if it's for love Or anything, I won't betray the spirit hall".

Bibi dong's eyes widened. She looked at him in disbelief. What he said is true. Without spirut hall nurturing her what would she be? A beggar or a slave to spirit master or even something more horrible. Yet there is still a trace of something inside her that is telling her it's spirit hall that ruined everything.

She asked," Why? You're a twin martial soul holder. You'll be accepted by anyone. Why spirit hall though ", her doubt since the start. What is spirit hall although she awakened the martial spirit thanks to spirit hall but that didn't give them the right to bind her here.

Yan looked at her and said while shaking his head," No teacher. If I joined other sects they'll simply use me as a tool for hunting and breeding. I'm only that much worth in their eyes. Sects only think about the benefits and losses. They don't care about anything until it threatened their foundation. A twin martial soul holder without any affiliation is equal to seeking death and becoming a breedinv machine".

Tears streamed down her eyes as she started to remember her days in the secret room. Yes, if she is really outside beasts worse than that Qian Xunji will definitely found her and use her as a bredding tool.

She looked at Yan and hugged him, crying her out while Yan stayed like that and patted her back making her laugh. She pinched his cheeks and pulled them while Yan looked at her with teary eyes. Smiling she ruffled his hair and started looking out of the window.

Yan rubbed his red cheeks and looked at Bibi dong who had a small smile on her lips. He is dazed for a second at the beautiful woman and then Bibi dong again asked," Can't your eyes off me?", Yan blushed and turned away while Bibi dong smiled and thought,' a chance to redeem my mistakes or a more despair event in future. I don't want sink more deeper into the sadness'.

She looked at Yan with almost years rolling in her eyes and shook her head before slapping herself with both hands to get that messy thoughts away like what her teaher did to her. Yan flinched and asked with concern," Teacher are you okay? ", Bibi ding just smiled and didn't reply. She just looked outside in a deep thought.