
DouLuo Dalu: Legend of Wang Wei Feng

Check out my other Fan Fic, DC: Path to Immortality. Also, this is a side project so I won't be posting on a regular schedule. ~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: The MC is a self-centered, narcissistic bastard who thinks the world revolves around him and thinks he is a God amongst men. He WON'T change in a few chapters like other books but takes more than 50 chapters as he slowly changes. This is called Character Development, not some kind of instant change kg personality. Now, I shouldn't be seeing any bad reviews about MC personality. ~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis: Well, I died and got transported into a new world. Everyone will be my stepping stone to the top. Nothing will stand in my way.

AntiNoob · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 16

After Wang Wei was done eating, he immediately started packing things that will be a necessity after all he wouldn't be returning to the village. The first thing he took was all the money from Jack. He is extremely thankful for Jack taking care of Bai Feng and him, but Jack is of no use anymore. Except for his money.

Placing the small sack of money inside his pocket, Wang Wei quickly processed what the money will get them before deciding. Food won't be a problem for about a week. Although he wanted to take clothes, most of them were tattered.

'Wearing them in the city would just be asking for trouble. Best if I use some to buy clothes for myself... and Bai Feng.' Wang Wei thought, closing his closet and walking into the living room.

"Wang Wei, Bai Feng, follow me. Let's go pick up Little San." Jack shouted a broad grin.

'He is so excited to go to the city.' Wang Wei thought, shaking his head.

Quickly following Jack through the Village, they arrived at Tang San's home. Looking at the blacksmith shop, Wang Wei stood many meters away from the door. No need to anger a level 96 boss character.

"Little San, let's leave since that idle bum father of yours can't get out of bed." Old Jack called to Tang San, opening the door to the blacksmith.

Making a silencing gesture, Tang San whispered, "Grandpa, please be quiet. Dad dislikes having his sleep disturbed the most." His eyes then scanned the group, stopping at Wang Wei, who was currently looking at his status. 'Him...'

"Good Morning, Tang Tang." Bai Feng said, giving a wide smile.

"Hello, Bai Feng." Tang San said, smiling at Bai Feng.

Seeing their interaction, a frown briefly appeared on Wang Wei's face. 'Hoho. This relationship needs to end.'

He went back into his house before coming back out minutes later, with a cloth bundle on his back. Jack began to walk, Tang San and Bai Feng on his right, chatting with each other. Wang Wei stayed in the back, forming a plan on how to separate the two. Suddenly, he felt a sense of dread wash over him as he turned around to see Tang Hao watching him from his house. His yellowed eyes stared deep into Wang Wei's soul, causing him to shiver.

Turning around, Wang Wei clenched his fist as he continued walking. 'I need a strong backup.'

"Little San, do you hate to part with the village or still hate to part with that drunkard old man of yours?" Jack patted Tang San's head and asked with a smile.

"A bit of both." Tang San replied in a low voice.

Jack smiled slightly and said, "Compared to those many good-for-nothing grandsons, you, my child are far more intelligent. It would be so good if you were my grandson. Tang Hao that drunkard truly is fortunate. Do not think too much; outside, heaven and earth are very vast. At the academy, you can get to know very many friends. You can learn very many things. After you have become a spirit master, the country will grant a monthly stipend, and at that time your family will also be able to live well."

Hearing this, Wang Wei snorts. 'Please. I will make his time in the academy hell and make sure he doesn't get past level 50.'

"What kind of place is the Academy?" Bai Feng asked, looking up at Jack.

Jack then proceeded to tell them what he knew about the Academy. Wang Wei was once planning to find a job when he got to the academy, but after hearing that students can work in the academy to earn money, his plan went through a massive change. He decided to just take money from the working students.

'it should be easy.' He thought, sighing. Now, one of his problems has been taken care of.

As they walked, Jack told them more about the Academy, which Wang Wei listened closely. From Holy Spirit village to Nuoding city was not far and by afternoon they could already see the city walls in the distance. Even though the city was small, it was massive and lavish compared to the small village they came from. While walking towards the Academy, Wang Wei inspected the city. More specifically, the stats of most of the city people he walked past.

'Most of them are weak level 0.' Wang Wei thought. 'I thought there would be a hidden Old Monster like that Tang Hao, but it seems like I overestimated this city. It is just a beginner city.'

"Brother. We are also going to the Academy, right?" Bai Feng asked, falling back to stand beside him. This caught the attention of Tang San as he looked back.

Wang Wei nodded, remembering something they were missing. 'Fuck. We don't have our papers. This is bad. Really bad.' Their paper was in the bag he left behind at his home village. 'Since grandfather recommended us to the Academy and he seems to be a higher-up in the spirit hall, we should be allowed in. If not... many things will have to change.'

Distantly, they could already see a large gate arch. The arch was twenty meters wide, and its height was over ten meters, made of solid rock. Below were two iron gates, jet black. The main road led directly inside, lined with trees on both sides. In the middle of the arched gate were four large characters, "Nuoding Academy". In front of the gate was a guard, holding a spear.

The guard scanned them, disgust and disdain clearly visible in his eyes. He was going to drive them out, but of course, he wasn't stupid. If these poor country bumpkins dare to come to the gate of such a prestigious Academy, there must be a reason.

"What bring you lots here?" He asked, a mocking grin on his face. "Came to beg for an admission."

Old Jack said with an apologetic smile, "This? Little brother, we have come from Holy Spirit village. This child is our village's working student for this year, you see. We need to go through." He said, holding out the certificate written by that spirit hall attendant, handing it to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper took the proffered certificate, and looked it over from top to bottom, bursting into laughter. "Spirit is blue silver grass? But still innate full spirit power? This is too fake. At least if you want to make a fake certificate, make it sound believable." The gatekeeper sneered, which was pretty understandable. After all, no one has ever heard of someone with such trash spirit haveing a full innate spirit.

"I-it isn't fake." Jack stammered, his face turning red in embarrassment.

"It isn't? What kind of bullshit are you spouting?" The gatekeeper snapped, his grip on his spear tightening.

'This gatekeeper talks a lot for a weakling at level 15.' Wang Wei thought, tapping his foot on the ground. He just wants to get into the Academy to find out if he is allowed or not. This Guard is currently a hindrance to his plan.

Bai Feng looked over to the angered Wang Wei, feeling like she needs to do something. The last time he was this mad, he ended up killing someone. She doesn't want to see her brother kill anyone again. Looking back at the guard, white particles appeared around her palm as two red swords with the hilt being black appearing in both her hands. Tang San saw this, his eyes widening in surprise. To his knowledge, Wang Wei and Bai Feng were just children whose village was destroyed. Who knew one of them had such a dangerous spirit.

Wang Wei looked over to Bai Feng, giving her a nod. Seeing this, she dashed past the shocked Jack and striking toward the neck of the guard. She planned to scare him, not kill him. The gatekeeper wasn't just a gatekeeper in name as he quickly handled his spear like a pro, tripping Bai Feng.

"You dare attack me!" He shouted, striking towards her neck.

Tang San suddenly appeared by his side, delivering a palm strick to the back of the gatekeeper's right elbow, causing him to stab the ground instead of Bai Feng's neck. Wang Wei sighed in relief, seeing as Bai Feng wasn't dead. The thought of the guard almost killing his weapon angered him as he dashed forward, his Samsara pen appearing on his hand.

"You little runts!" The gatekeeper shouted. Using his left hand, he grabbed a knife from his belt and stabbed it towards Tang San.

Just then, a slender figure appeared in between the three of them. The figure stepped on the gatekeeper's left arm before grabbing hold of Wang Wei's arm holding the Samsara pen. The figure then tapped Tang San's forehead, causing him to fall back.

"Alright. That's enough." A slightly hoarse voice came from the figure. "Someone explain to me what is happening here."