
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul (Transferred)

(A/N: This book has been transferred to my first account, That_One_Dead_Ali, go read it there.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

CH 25: Flender

<So I forgot to post the pics last chapter early. So here they are for those who missed them and don't wanna go to the previous chapter.

Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul:

Abyssal Centipede Possession State:

Xiao Wu's dog shit appearance before the redesign lol:

Also, Nightmare Sickles got one more ability! There's four of them, so might as well make it 5 since it's my lucky number with 3 and 7.

5) Ultimate Corrosion: an Ultimate Attribute belonging to the Nightmare Sickles. The attribute that is directly connected to the attribute of death. This Soul Skill, while active, ignores all defenses and directly destroys the target.


"Shit! 1st Soul Skill: White Tiger Shield Body Barrier!" When Ah Li rushed towards him, Dai Mubai immediately activated his Soul Skill, hoping to stop the noiret from getting close. After all, with him being intangible, what was he supposed to do to him? Punch him?

However, his activated Soul Skill was also useless. After all, Ah Li had turned intangible and could pass through solid surfaces as well. So even with Dai Mubai's defensive Soul Skill in front of him, Ah Li simply passed through it before he smiled evilly :"1st Soul Skill: Abyssal Hold!"

The moment his Soul Ring lit up, it felt like an unbreakable lock had been placed on Dai Mubai, completely rendering him immobile as Ah Li's barrage of attacks came. A left hook, a right hook, a roundhouse kick to the face using the momentum from the right hook, a spinning roundhouse kick using the momentum of the roundhouse kick, before delivering several punches to the face and then uppercutting Dai Mubai to the air! (DMC 4 Devil Bringer attack on Blitz, the thunder enemy)

The attacks came way too quick and hit too quickly, not even letting the blond to notice before it was too late to fight back. And even if he did notice, the Soul Skill was simply unlockable and unbreakable. Whoever was faced with this Soul Skill would simply become a sandbag.

Not only that, the damage was simply devastating. With a smirk, as Dai Mubai flew down upside down, Ah Li simply kicked him in the head and sent him flying away. As the older boy rolled on the ground a few times, he spat out a mouthful of blood. <XD>

Not only did the Soul Skill currently belong to a 10,000-year Soul Ring, causing the damage itself to be extremely powerful, but Ah Li's Martial Soul had also evolved to the point of reaching the same Grade as the Hao Tian Hammer and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon! A 10,000-year Soul Ring's Soul Skill belonging to a Super Martial Soul was not something to scoff at.

That point was proven when Dai Mubai could barely stand up after getting disrespected. In fact, he stumbled and was about to fall, if not for the twins quickly helping him up. However, Dai Mubai wouldn't sit still after such a humiliating fight.

"Let go of me!" He shouted at the girls, pushing them away and glaring at Ah Li :"I-I can still fight!" But Ah Li simply snickered :"With those wobbly legs? Buddy, I'd recommend you to back off before I do something worse. I was pretty gentle now, you know?"

'Hmph, you'd be crying even without fighting if I brought up my real heat.' He snickered mischievously in his heart as Dai Mubai continued to glare. But after a moment, he just snorted and let the girls assist him in walking away.

Feeling extremely aggrieved for not even getting the chance to use his 3rd Soul Skill, his real trump card, he couldn't help but look back over his shoulder and glare :"This isn't the end. I will get my revenge." Causing Ah Li to scoff with smirk :"That's what they all say. Including those two. But they still become my bitches when I throw hands."

Not willing to argue, the blond boy simply snorted and walked away. The twins helped him in doing so. After the three walked out, Ah Li turned to Tang San and Xiao Wu, making them flinch :"So? Are you two gonna fuck off, or should I assist you in doing so? You saw how good I'm at teaching that."

"You!" Xiao Wu glared angrily, but Tang San quickly took her hand and walked out without a word. Unlike Xiao Wu who didn't think about anything, as a result of not having a functional brain, Tang San was somewhat rational. While analyzing the fight, he knew that he wouldn't stand a chance against Dai Mubai unless he used his Hidden Weapons.

After all, unlike the original where he could put up a decent fight against Dai Mubai, his current Blue Silver Grass was a true waste and ruined Martial Soul. Not only did it not have any poison, its toughness was nowhere near what was in the original. Something that would surely make him truly resent Yu Xiaogang if he knew about.

Going against Dai Mubai without Hidden Weapons was a guaranteed loss. So how could he fight against Ah Li, when he was sure about losing against Dai Mubai who Ah Li beat so effortlessly? While they both glared at the handsome boy, they quickly exited the hotel and went to find somewhere else.

"Hahahaha, now that's what I'm talking about! Good job, Li'er." Bibi Dong praised with a smile. Seeing Tang San and Yu Xiaogang suffer or get humiliated was something that would always brighten her mood. So whenever Ah Li did something like this, she would always praise him happily.

"(Of course, of course.)" With a smug smirk, Ah Li answered before walking towards the receptionist desk :"Hey, Mr. Can I get a room now?" As the receptionist got up, he immediately nodded :"Yes! Yes! J-just give me a moment!"

After he booked the room and Ah Li paid, Ah Li got the key. But instead of going to his room, he put the key in his storage ring, something that he got after killing an Evil Soul Master who wanted to kill him.

"I'm going to buy something. I'll come back in a while." He informed and walked away, the receptionist quickly nodding meanwhile :"Yes, yes! Have a pleasant day, sir!" As he walked out of the hotel, there was no sight of either the two pedophiles or the royal jackass :'Hmph, they sure run away quickly.'

But he didn't care. He simply started walking to a certain shop he saw on the way. "Li'er, where are you going? Don't you want to rest a little?" His guardian goddess asked curiously, and he smiled in response :"(I saw an interesting shop in the way. I didn't want to lose sight of those two, so I didn't go in. But now that the matter is solved, I wanna take a look.)"

"Hm? Which one?"

"(Hahahaha, I think you were too busy on waiting for the drama to notice, Sister Goddess.)"

"*Playful eye roll* Hahahaha, real funny, little guy."

"(Little guy? When will I ever lose that title, Sister Goddess?)"

"Hahahaha, never, kid. No matter how old you get, you'll still be the same little guy in my eyes."

"(*Playful pout* Yeah, yeah, whatever.)" '*Smirking internally* Hmph, I'll see if you'll continue calling me little after seeing my "little" fellow.'

While chatting, he continued to walk while looking around the city as well. There was nothing to do indoors here, so just going around outside was all that he could do. So might as well do that. After a while, he finally reached a shop. Compared to the other shops, it looked rather dirty and unkempt.

"Hm? Is this it? What's interesting about this place?" Bibi Dong asked with interest. But Ah Li just smiled :"(We won't know unless we take a look, right? Let's see what they've got.)" And walked into the shop.

"Hello, excuse me." As he entered, he greeted. Not because of any special reasons, but just to be polite. Just walking into a store without saying anything was really awkward for him. Something that he kept from his previous life.

"Welcome." The owner of the shop, sitting on a rocking chair, said lightly without looking away from his book. He was a middle aged man with a somewhat muscular figure and black framed crystal glasses. He was obviously Flender, the dean of Shrek Academy, and the former teammate of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong.

Without bothering him, Ah Li just looked around the shop. It wasn't anything fancy, seeming to be only selling antiques and weird stuff. The noiret obviously had a reason for coming to Flender's shop, and that was to prevent Tang San from getting his hands on the hair crystal with Dragon Beard Needles on it.

After having his Spiritual Power empowered so much thanks to Nightmare's attributes getting absorbed into his Orbs, not only had his perception of the world gotten extremely stronger, but his memory also had a massive improvement. Remembering names, even the ones from his past life, were nothing to him now.

Despite him being shit at remembering names in his past life.

And not just that, but also because of another reason. A reason that made him want to not just not let Tang San get his hands on it, but also to own those treasures himself. The same reason that had made Tang San and his Hidden Weapons even more useless against him.

However, it wasn't hard to find it. Not when he used his Purple Demon Eye and the memories he had copied from Tang San. How had he done that? Simple, Biomass Absorption! An ability that was unlocked after Abyssal Centipede evolved into a Super Martial Soul!

An ability that not only made it extremely easy to get rid of bodies by just absorbing them, but also had a hidden ability that let him absorb the memories of individuals. However, the absorbed memories wouldn't just mix with his own. Instead, they would get inside a "library" of memories in Ah Li's Spiritual Sea. A library that Ah Li could always look into. Also, he could control what memories he wanted to absorb, and just delete the extra. He used that method to only copy all of Tang San's knowledge and techniques.

Including his previous life's Tang Sect's Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record that had the Mysterious Heaven Skills, Purple Demon Eye, Mysterious Jade Hand, Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, Hidden Weapon Knowledge and Creation, Hidden Weapon Techniques, Poisons, Herbs, Medicines, and Medical knowledge and techniques, Blacksmithing knowledge, and also the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer taught to him by Tang Hao!

He just didn't use them much, since he didn't have any need to. He would train in them though. Why? Simple, to get on Tang San's nerves in the future. With his arrogance, there was no way he would let anybody who isn't a part of Tang Sect know any of these techniques. So of course Ah Li had to not just learn, but also master them. But anyway, after finding the hair crystal with the numerous Dragon Beard Needles in it, he didn't just geek out.

If he acted suspicious, an asshole and cunning person like Flender would definitely know that he had found something amazing. And naturally, he would put up an unreasonable price on it on the spot. After all, there was no price tag on the simple, rock-like crystal. He could just say a random number, and that would be its price.

"Hey, Mr, what's this?" After a little bit of looking around, he finally reached the hair crystal. Looking at it curiously, he turned it a few times with interest :"Why do you have something like this either?"

"Hmm?" Flender raised an eyebrow, and after seeing that Ah Li was just looking at it and didn't seem to be planning to buy it, he just returned to his book :"Nothing much, just a simple rock that I couldn't find any use in. I thought it was something interesting or special when I found it, since I had never seen it. But I never found anything specific or unique about it, and nobody has ever found any interest in it. So it has just been collecting dust there. Why? Are you planning to buy it?"

'Bwahahahaha, so Tang San really did get scammed! Or well, it should be the opposite.' Ah Li laughed internally without a change of expression :"Didn't you just say that it's useless? It's basically trash, isn't it? Since you couldn't identify it, did you ever have a Soul Master check it out?"