

I opened my eyes to see old jack looking down on me with a frown. I could literally see the tick mark on his forehead. I sighed and wondered what my angelic self could have done to deserve such an angry expression pointed my way.

" wake up. I have been yelling at you to wake up for over an hour. you can't skip out on shan leí's reading and writing basic class. I know it's not a real school but you need to learn these things so that you won't be cheated out of your money in the future."

after he ranted for a few more minutes about the importance of basic knowledge needed for my future he turned and walked out mumbling to himself.

"sigh why couldn't he be more like tang haos kid. I swear this child is going to end up a lazy mucher with a pretty face if I don't whip him into shape now."

after ge shut the door to go attend to the village I sat up off my bed. beautiful jade strands of hair fell into my field of vision and I smiled.

" exotic coloring mean im not some background character that will die at the first sign of trouble."

while I smirked at my discovery memories of the last two years slowly manifested in my head. with a bored look on my face I reviewed the memories that mainly consisted of eating and pooping as all babies do. I deadpaned at the totally unnecessary memories presented to me. after a few more minutes memories pertaining to itachi and his fighting experiences as well as training regime emerged. this was followed up by orochimaru, neji, byakuya, and Yoruichi. once all of that information settled i could physically feel the difference in my hand eye coordination.

I could not suddenly go off and challenge people and expect to win with theoretical skill alone so I had to plan for and adjust a training regime that will accommodate all the different styles of fighting. luckily all the people I chose from focused on speed, agility, and decisive blows that look elegant and beautiful. compared to people like the green beast of konoha or kenpachi I prefer the more refined styles to highlight my beauty.

I walked towards the door instinctively silencing my footsteps based on the techniques passed on from my predecessors. good thing that this did not need muscles that I did not already use when I walked normally.

I was heading toward the door already planning my week, month, and eventually years leading up to my spirit awakening when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and had to do a double take. standing before me was an angel with vibrant jade green hair beautiful cute refined nose. eyes of deep ocean blue with flecks of gold shimmering on the surface of the sea were framed by beautiful big doe eyes. my rose colord lips and flawless ivory smooth skin really finished off the cute angel falling from heaven look I had going on. I could literally see the people falling head over heals for me in the future. I took a momentary pause and reached down and pulled my pants open to take a peak. I sighed in relief that my little brother was still there. thank God he didn't make me a girl or non gendered entity that has no private parts like I read in some weird fanfiction that turned that guy into a living maniken with no privates.

after taking a while in front of the mirror i made my way outside and over to basic education lessons headed by the bakers housewife to all the children of the village who were of age to learn.

I slowly reviewed my knowledge on exercises appropriate for this age of development and made a regime for the next couple months focusing on flexibility and stamina since strength training would negatively affect my development or worse turn me into a massive ball of muscle like body builder. thankfully all the people I chose relied on speed and precision to effectively cut down their enemies and while strength will be necessary it will come in the form of nice compact and lithe muscles rather than those of the body builder variety.

after a boring hour of memorizing the alphabet with the bakers wife, I set off to practice those stretches and building up stamina. and thus my new life began with an easy transition but what else would you expect from my excelente self.