
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime und Comics
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90 Chs

East sea academy (Part 2)

Half 'n' hour drive later the bus finally arrived at the east sea academy. Nero woke up to took a look out of the window and saw rows of cars dropping off students.

After receiving his uniform Nero went towards his assigned dorm which was empty as he already paid extra money to get an empty dorm.

" So how far has your research gone in battle armor design and the so-called secret project " Nero asked Aria after sitting on the study table as from the past few months she has been spending most of her time in either reading about soul technology or researching a secret project which she is refusing to utter a word about. [ I have all the knowledge to assist you till 3-word battle armor and the secret project is still in its initial phase ] . " Do you need any help with .. " [No, it's fine you just have to focus on cultivation] Aria interrupted Nero before he could even ask anything related to the project. Nero sighed as he failed to get anything out of Aria and went out to take a look around the school.

The next morning Nero got ready to attend the opening ceremony even though he knew it was gonna be boring. After a wait of an hour the dean who introduced himself as Long hengxu arrived and gave a speech about how grand the school was,etc or in simpler terms a torture to all the students for one hour. As the teachers arrived to take their respective classes Nero who almost fell asleep finally saw probably the most tragic character in the original story Wu Zhangkong.

'Wu Zhangkong is probably the only person i respect and can't judge in the whole Douluo Dalu novel as not everyone has the guts to leave a world renowned academy for the sake of a woman. He may have had some flaws in the original story but regardless he was a person who dedicated his life to the people he deemed precious ' Nero thought while thinking of Wu Zhangkong's ending.

A purple haired woman took Nero and some other students to their classroom as he was in class 1. The purple haired teacher who introduced herself as

Ye ying luo made everyone introduce themselves.

Among them were also the three students who became Golden dragon king claw's first victims Zhang Yangzi,Wang jinxi and Wei xiaofeng. Nero asked Aria for their status as he didn't remember their martial spirits clearly.


Name: Zhang Yangzi

Age: 9

Martial soul: Shadow phantasm eagle

Rank: 22

Soul ring: 🟡🟡



Name: Wang jinxi

Age: 9

Martial soul: Bone dragon king

Rank: 22

Soul ring: 🟡🟡



Name: Wei Xiaofeng

Age: 9

Martial soul: Green shadow snake

Rank: 22

Soul ring: 🟡🟡


' So he is Wang jinxi the most sentimental and stupid person at the same time. I mean he turned down a chance to evolve his martial spirit because of martial fusion skills. Yes it seems noble that he didn't leave his friend but at the same time if their friendship is dependent on martial fusion skill then the situation is doomed from the very beginning plus life isn't as bright and cheerful as it was shown in the novel. Not all soul masters are like Tang wulin's group who will put their lives on the line for each other. Wang jinxi may feel proud for choosing to leave but after growing up and

not being able to advance any further in strength will make him regret his choices . Wu Zhangkong told jinxi about spirit evolution and the benefits of it clearly because he has felt that powerlessness by watching his lover die before him ' as Nero was thinking about Wang jinxi his turn for introduction came.

Coming out of his thoughts Nero introduced himself and sat down.His introduction didn't cause any commotion as his spirit rank wasn't outrageously high but if they knew his spirit ring configuration then perhaps the situation would be different.

After the last student was done with the introduction Ye ying luo announced that a competition will take place the day after tomorrow to finalize the students for the class promotion tournament and dismissed everyone. Thinking of the class promotion tournament Nero had a mischievous and slightly serious smile on his face as he was planning to defeat the whole class 1 and get a chance to fight the protagonist team alone. Yes alone, this was a decision Nero came after getting stuck in his Swordsmanship he needed only one breathtaking fight to fully master the phase 1 of legacy.

Although Nero could find Wu Zhangkong it won't give him the desired effect as no matter how much Wu Zhangkong suppress his spirit power the physical strength and combat experience that he has will never change but he will spar with Wu Zhangkong to make him train and strengthen class 5 than the original storyline.

" Well let's find Wu Zhangkong as he should already be free after destroying xie xie " Nero muttered while thinking of a certain idiot ( because he used to do some idiotic things and he is the one who got beaten the most ).


" I also need some advice do you have time Mr. Zhangkong " After hearing a voice Wu Zhangkong who was about to go meet with Xie Xie and Tang wulin turned around and found Nero who raised Yamato towards Wu Zhangkong in Vergil's style

(photo in comments )and had his two purple spirit rings out.' Aria his status ' Nero asked inwardly as he knew this won't be easy.

[ Here take a look and while trying to fight him do try to touch him i want to scan his Battle Armor]


Name: Wu Zhangkong

Age: 23

Martial soul: Sky frost sword

Rank: 69 {74} (it is a special case as he has the required spirit power but due to a heart knot he can't advance)

Soul ring: 🟣🟣🟣🟣⚫⚫


Wu Zhangkong stared at Nero for a few seconds then suppressed his spirit power at Rank 23 and summoned his sky frost sword as he knew that Nero was there for a fight and nothing else.

After staring at each other for a few seconds Nero and Zhangkong both disappeared from their places and crossed their swords in the middle of their previous location distance. Wu Zhangkong cold eyes changed after seeing a slight crack in his martial soul and after acknowledging Yamato's sharpness he displaced Yamato and quickly followed up with high-low whip ( Anakin aka Darth vader signature move) but the attack went right through Nero who split up into three Dopplagangers and attacked Zhangkong . Wu Zhangkong defended against the first Dopplaganger but it dispersed in a mist of Spirit energy just after contacting his sword. Not knowing whether the remaining two Dopplagangers were real or fake Zhangkong thrust his sword on the ground spreading an ice element wave as facing Yamato head on would be stupid. The last Dopplaganger which turned to be Nero retreated backwards dodging the ice wave. Nero raised his head to look at Wu Zhangkong who dashed towards Nero in a ghost like track and it was at a speed which Nero couldn't react to leaving with no other choice Nero finally activated his second spirit ability " Second spirit ability Demon Prowler"



Nero was seating cross-legged on the ground cultivating when suddenly a wave of spirit power radiated out from him. " Phew! Finally reached level 20 " Nero said in relief after opening his eyes as took him two years and 2 months to achieve level 20. This happened because most of Nero's time was spent in sword practice and foundation building. [ Congrats you took your sweet time] " congratulations Master " Iblis and Aria both congratulated him. " Thanks you two. Iblis get ready for second soul ring absorbtion" Nero thanked both of them and asked Iblis.

After stretching himself Nero got ready to absorb the second soul ring. Iblis and Nero stuck their forehead against each other and after a few moments a purple soul ring surrounded them. It didn't take long for Nero to absorb the soul ring as a 10 minutes later he opened his eyes.[ Iblis gave you a good spirit ability take a look] Aria showed Nero his second spirit ability.


Spirit ring skills

1st spirit ability 🟣: Demonic Assault

Demonic Assault: It is a passive ability which activates during combat. It grants Nero the ability to recover demonic-spirit energy,physical strength and mental energy during combat. The initial ability was to recover all the above mentioned things by taking hits but due to Iblis's bloodline purification it evolved

Rate of recovery is proportional to user's attack and spirit ring age.

2nd spirit ability 🟣: Demon Prowler

Demon Prowler: It sends out a shadow like entity similar to Iblis which can either be controlled to engulf multiple people or instantly engulf a single target from its feet. Once hit by Prowler the enemy gets nearsighted ( those who know fade from valorant should know this ability but those who don't

it makes the vision go dark and senses dull ) and slowed down. The effect duration is dependent on spirit ring's age (photo in comments)


*flashback ends*


" second spirit ability Demon Prowler " before Wu Zhangkong could react a shadow engulfed him and his vision got dark for 1/2 second. Although it was only half second Zhangkong felt like someone slowed down time for him as his senses felt dull and he felt terribly slow. Seeing his ability affecting Wu Zhangkong Nero quickly touched Wu Zhangkong and backed off and sure enough just after he retreated a ice wave far colder than previous one emitted from Wu Zhangkong.

" It is your win as i used spirit energy more than i should have. What is your name if you don't mind me asking" after recovering from Nero's spirit ability Wu Zhangkong admitted his defeat and asked Nero curiously as he was impressed by Nero." My name is Nero a student of class 1 and you don't have to give credit to me by admitting defeat i know that you could have defeated me easily by using your spirit ring abilities " Nero replied while shaking his head as he knew that Wo Zhangkong could have finished the fight just with the first spirit ability.

" It seems like other classes won't be able to defeat Team Class 1 with you in it " Wu Zhangkong said to Nero acknowledging his strength over his peers.

" Maybe Mr. Zhangkong's class has a chance after all you have one rare twin dragon spirit soul master and a extraordinary guy with an Unawakened golden dragon bloodline. A heads up I am also gonna fight alone " Nero replied while giving spoilers to Wu Zhangkong and went back towards his dorm.

This was the plan that Nero came up with to make Class 5 stronger than the original timeline. By giving

Wu Zhangkong information about Tang wulin's bloodline and real potential and the dragon nature of Xie Xie's martial spirit.
