
Douluo Dalu 1 : Fire And Lightning

Shirou is a teenager who lives in loneliness and emptiness. When he was asleep in his small house, Shirou suddenly woke up in a very wide expanse of meadow with a light that said that he had good news. What's the next story? Please read directly

Enryu_2322 · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 16: Gu Rong's Shocking Information.

As soon as Shirou and Lily parted ways with Ning Fenzhi and Chen Xin, Shirou took Lily for a walk-in Tian Dou City. Along the way the two of them, Shirou bought a lot of various snacks on the outskirts of the streets of Tian Dou City until the sky slowly turned orange which began to indicate that it was close tonight.

Shirou immediately finished their sightseeing and went to find the hotel that the two of them would be staying in during their stay in this Tian Dou City. The hotel that Shirou chose was the most luxurious in Tian Dou City, the Tian Dou Hotel. This hotel is a hotel directly managed by the Heaven Dou Empire's Imperial family and is directly connected to the Tian Dou Restaurant which is behind the hotel building.

Tian Dou Hotel consists of five floors each floor has a different price starting from the first floor has a one-day rental price of 1 gold soul coin, the second floor has a one-day rental price of 10 gold soul coins, the third floor has a one-day rental price 100 gold soul coins, the fourth floor has a daily rental price of 1000 gold soul coins, and the last floor is a floor that is exclusively for the Imperial family as well as the banquet of guests who come to the Empire for diplomatic relations or political work.

Just like Tian Dou Restaurant, Tian Dou Hotel is usually used by nobles and also various rich people to stay every time they come to Tian Dou City because of the very luxurious services and facilities provided by the hotel. Shirou himself didn't care about money matters, he could even easily earn money by selling some immortal herbs at the Tian Dou Auction House if he ran out of money at all.

Shirou who had chosen the Tian Dou Hotel as his place to stay while in Tian Dou City immediately walked to the Tian Dou Hotel. Arriving in front of the Tian Dou Hotel, Shirou immediately stepped into the hotel and saw a variety of very beautiful and charming building decorations covered with various very beautiful knick-knacks.

Shirou saw that there were various guests as well who was in the front room of the ground floor of the Tian Dou Hotel wearing various luxurious clothes and chatting with their acquaintances. Shirou himself didn't care about that and walked straight to the reception desk to make a room reservation.

"Excuse me" Shirou called politely.

Hearing a call from the front desk, one of the female employees immediately got up from her seat and looked at Shirou who was in front of her. The employee smiled and said, "Hello, little brother. Is there anything you can help me with?"

Shirou nodded and said, "I want to book a room, I want to know how the rooms are divided in this hotel?"

It was different from the world Shirou lived in before. If the world that an 8-year-old child lived in was going to make a hotel reservation, surely the employee on duty would immediately assume that the child was joking. However, unlike the Douluo Dalu world, these children in front of them might have been Soul Masters.

In the Douluo Dalu world, once someone has awakened their martial soul or has participated in a martial soul-awakening ceremony, they can already be considered as adults and can exercise various rights held by adults such as booking hotel rooms and so on- on the condition that the child has the money to book a room.

The employee nodded and began to explain to Shirou about the division of rooms, the price of each room on each floor, the facilities obtained, and various other things. Shirou listened carefully to every explanation from the employee until the employee finished explaining to Shirou and said, "Has little brother decided which room to rent?"

Shirou nodded and said, "Are the rooms on the third floor still empty?"

"Wait a minute," The employee said as he sat back down immediately and saw if the rooms on the third floor were still vacant or not. It didn't take long for the employee to return and look at Shirou as he said, "Little brother, the rooms on the third floor are still empty. Is this little brother renting a room on the third floor? How many days do you want?"

Hearing the employee's words, Shirou immediately took out his Tian Dou bank card and handed it to the employee, and said, "I want to rent a room on the third floor for a whole month." The

the employee smiled and took Shirou's Tian Dou bank card and said, "Okay, please wait a moment, I'll take care of the payment first"

"Ok~" Shirou nodded.

The employee immediately sat back down and began to process the payment for the room that Shirou would use. It didn't take long for the employee to finish taking care of the payment for the room Shirou would occupy. The employee immediately got back up from his position and took out one of the keys to room number 35 and placed it in front of Shirou along with his bank card.

"Little brother, here is your bank card and the room key for the room you wish to use. Your room number is above the room key. You can see the room number will be displayed beside the door of the room"

"Okay, thank you" Shirou nodded and immediately took his bank card and put it into the storage room and took the room key, and walked straight to the third floor because of the location of the room Shirou rented. was on that floor.


Tian Dou Empire, Seven Treasure Title Glazed City, Seven Treasure Title Glazed Sect Hall.

Inside the Seven Treasure Title Glazed Sect Hall, we can see that three people are sitting on the Sect Master's seat and the Elder's seat on the right and left side of the Sect Master's seat. These three people were Ning Fenzhi who sat in the Sect Master position, Chen Xin who sat on Ning Fenzhi's left side, and an old man who was not much different from Chen Xin's age, but he had a very thin and tall appearance. its body reaches 2.5 meters.

The old man sat on the seat on Ning Fenzhi's right which was the seat for the Sect Elder. This man was one of the two Title Douluo within the Seven Treasure Title Glazed Sect who had the Bone Douluo nickname, Gu Rong.

"Fenzhi, I previously heard from the Sect disciples that you were asking them to find extremely step medicinal ingredients, is all that true?" Gu Rong asked in a curious tone because he discovered that as soon as Ning Fenzhi arrived at the Sect after going to Tian Dou City, Ning Fenzhi immediately issued orders to search for extremely rare medicinal ingredients.

Ning Fenzhi nodded as he said, "That information is indeed true, Bone Man."

"For what reason are you looking for those ingredients, Fenzhi?" Gu Rong asked again in a curious tone because he knew for sure that Ning Fenzhi did things like this for a reason.

"Uncle Bones, the materials I asked Sect disciples to find have the function of being able to upgrade my martial soul to Nine Treasure Title Glazed" Ning Fenzhi said in a serious tone.

"What?" Gu Rong was very surprised to hear Ning Fenzhi's words. His eyes and mouth were open. However, Gu Rong quickly calmed himself down and looked back at Ning Fenzhi, "Does that mean you have found a way to upgrade your martial soul to Nine Treasure Title Glazed?"

Ning Fenzhi sighed as he shook his head and said, "I didn't find the way"

"Ha?" Gu Rong frowned as he looked at Chen Xin, "Old Sword, what happened? If it wasn't Fenzhi who found a way to increase his martial soul, then who? What is Master?"

Chen Xin also shook his head and sighed as he said, "Old Bone, the one who has the means to enhance Fenzhi's martial soul, it wasn't Master who discovered it. Maybe if we told that person to you, I'm sure you wouldn't believe that person found the way"

"I wouldn't believe it?" Gu Rong raised his brows again and looked at Ning Fenzhi to find the answer.

Ning Fenzhi, who saw that Gu Rong wanted to hear the answer, immediately said casually, "Uncle Bones, do you believe that the one who found a way to solve our Sect's problems was a child of the same age as Rongrong?"

"What?" Gu Rong was very surprised to hear this information, "Fenzhi, are you not joking?" Gu Rong asked again in a disbelieving tone.

However, seeing Fenzhi's face which showed no signs of lying, Gu Rong immediately turned his attention to Chen Xin and saw that Chen Xin was also showing signs of not lying or denying Ning Fenzhi's words.

"Seriously? Would you two believe the words of an 8-year-old kid? A kid who told you that he could solve our Sect's martial soul problems that even we couldn't solve?" Gu Rong said in a very disbelieving tone.

Ning Fenzhi sighed as he said, "Bone Man, it's true that if we think about it, it would be very difficult for a child of the same age as Rongrong to be able to solve this martial soul problem of our Sect even if we were unable to solve it ourselves. However, Uncle Sword and I alone can confirm that the boy is not lying from his words, that he can resolve this matter of our Sect's martial soul."

Gu Rong frowned and said, "Then, does that kid have any proof that he can do it? that matter?"

Ning Fenzhi shook his head and said, "No, he has no evidence at all."

"If that's the case, how can you two believe the words of an 8-year-old kid?" Gu Rong asked in a tone of disbelief returning.

"Uncle Bones, we don't have any evidence. However, Uncle Bones, in the course of his life, has Uncle Bones ever met an 8-year-old kid who just awakened their martial soul within 2 years of being able to hide their soul power from a Saint Soul or even a Title Douluo?" Ning Fenzhi asked in a serious tone.

"No, that's impossible. There's no way an 8-year-old kid who just awakened his martial soul could hide his soul force from the sight of a Saint Soul, even more, impossible for a Title Douluo."

Gu Rong shook his head and said in disbelief. Gu Rong suddenly understood something with this question Ning Fenzhi gave, Gu Rong quickly raised his head and looked at Ning Fenzhi and Chen Xin who had slightly bitter faces. Gu Rong's eyes opened wide and he said, "Wait!...be---"

Could it Ning Fenzhi sighed and said, "According to Uncle Bone's thinking, the child we met back in Tian Dou City and said that being able to help us in solving this martial soul problem could hide his soul power from me as well as Uncle Sword."

This news immediately shocked Gu Rong, as he didn't expect that an 8-year-old kid could hide his soul force under the gaze of a Title Douluo. Ning Fenzhi also resumed his words, "Apart from that, there are also things that can confirm that this child can assist us in solving our Sect's Martial Soul matters."

"What is it?" Gu Rong asked impatiently as he wanted to hear Ning Fenzhi's additional explanation regarding this matter.

"When we first communicated, this kid asked us about something related to information about the Sect. The information in question is about an announcement regarding the reward one will get if one helps our Sect improve our martial soul. Try to remember Uncle Bones, how long has it been since I announced this to the public?"

Gu Rong recalled the announcement issued by Ning Fenzhi, Gu Rong immediately said as he recalled, "That was 10 years ago."

Ning Fenzhi nodded and said, "That was 10 years ago. At the time I announced the information about it, this child that we met had not been born in these two because he was now only 8 years old. This made Uncle Sword and I more confident that this kid could help solve our Sect's martial soul problems. Because there was a possibility that this kid had investigated this before. Otherwise, there's no way this kid would be able to say that to me and Uncle Sword directly."

Anyone know about Gu Rong's abilities? I had a plan to have Shirou go head-to-head with Gu Rong, but I didn't get Gu Rong's ability reference on the internet site myself.

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