
Douluo Dalu: Ōtsutsuki?

Dying, he awakened in a world different from his. A world of where one could cultivate their 'soul' with some capable of reaching the rank of Godhood. The world of Douluo Dalu. There was nothing that really bothered him about his reincarnation except the fact that he had reincarnated into the body of a six-year-old GIRL! "Why?" He mumbled, reaching under his gown to search for his family jewels. Nothing ____________________ This is my First Fanfiction, and I'm writing for fun. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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34 Chs

Chapter 34: Don’t Leave Me!

Wong Yazhu considered her options for a long time before deciding that just using the technique was the better choice. Yun Ho would definitely notice, but she doubted he'd be foolish enough to tell anyone. Besides, once she purged her impurities, the changes in her body would be so obvious that he couldn't possibly miss them. Sure, she could lie, but why go through all that trouble?

With that, she closed her eyes and decided to begin the Rinne Sharingan Preparation Technique as the moon had reached its peak, marking the time for it. When the moon dropped, she started the Ōtsutsuki Cultivation Method.

The first one had taken over an hour, the second just under fifty minutes. With each successive circle, her time decreased, eventually stabilizing at around ten minutes per circle. By the time she had completed seventy circles, she knew it wasn't enough, so she pressed on.

Time passed, the sun rose and fell. Rain fell, and the moon rose. And then, in total;

A thousand circles were completed. 

It was as though a dam had burst within her and her eyes shot open, only to be blinded momentarily by the bright sunlight that streamed in. She squeezed her eyes shut, her other senses returning with a vengeance. The smell hit her next. It was awful. No, it was worse than awful—it was unbearable.

The stench of impurities filled the air. It reeked of feces, rotting eggs, and decay, the overwhelming scent making her stomach churn.

Through the haze of her senses, she barely heard Yun Ho's voice. "Wash it off in the pool," he instructed, his voice calm but distant. "A maid will clean—"

Before he could finish, she shot up, the gooey, foul-smelling liquid dripping from her body with a loud plop. With her eyes still closed, she raced down the familiar path to the pool into the building and dove straight into the water, submerging herself entirely.

The water muffled everything—the sounds, the world, even the unbearable stench. She began to sink and for a brief moment, it felt like she couldn't feel the water against her skin, as though the impurities had been an invisible barrier. Then the impurities began to float off her skin in oily layers, the cold, soothing water touching her skin.

She quickly removed her soiled clothes, letting them drift. She lingered underwater, savoring the sensation of being free from the disgusting mess that had clung to her, before kicking up to the surface.

Her head broke through the water, and she swiped a hand across her face to clear her vision. She blinked down at the pool, watching as the black, foul impurities sank slowly to the bottom.

"Impurities," Yun Ho's voice rang out, drawing her attention. He stood nearby, an ankle-length blue bathrobe covering his otherwise naked body. In his hand, he held a golden kiseru pipe, the thin line of smoke curling lazily upward.

"That black stuff came out of your body," he remarked, his eyes never leaving her as she floated in the pool. "It usually only happens with special herbs and medicines—stuff that even I or the heirs of top clans can barely get our hands on."

'Ah, so impurities do exist in this world.' Won Yazhu thought, 'It is a cultivation world, after all.'

"The second and most common time it happens is when someone absorbs their seventh ring to become a Soul Saint." He paused, taking a puff from his pipe before continuing. "Clearing your impurities before that level would not only improve your bloodline and refill your blood essence, it can double your cultivation speed, help circulate soul power more efficiently, and allow your Dantian to hold more soul power. All these benefits depend on how much of your impurities you cleared, and if more than 90% of your impurities are gone, there's even a small chance of a martial soul evolution."

Wong Yazhu could feel the changes in her body already. She felt lighter, as if she had been carrying an unfathomable weight for years and had just dropped it. Her pores seemed to open and breathe, her Dantian had expanded to almost twice its capacity while retaining its size, and then there is her meridian. 

It had thickened and smoothed out, like a bumpy, pothole-ridden road had been freshly paved. Even her Soul Power Furnace was working faster, converting worldly Qi into soul power at a quicker rate. Though, nothing seemed to have changed about her spiritual sea.

But her eyes... there was no change in her Sharingan. The time dilation remained the same, and she knew instinctively that no further changes had occurred in that regard. 'I guess I wasn't lucky enough for a martial soul evolution.'

As if reading her thoughts, Yun Ho added, "Martial soul evolution from impurity cleansing usually happens with weaker martial souls." He pointed at her with his pipe. "Yours seems to be a high-level one. It'll likely only evolve at higher ranks or under extreme circumstances."

Wong Yazhu nodded again, already knowing that the Three Great Dōjutsu were not ordinary. 

'Three Great Dōjutsu,' She thought. It felt like that was her true martial soul, not just a skill from the God Tree. 'Is the God Tree even a martial soul? Or is it just a spirit beast like Tang Hao said, one that manifested within me? It doesn't seem to need rings, but produces them, so it is most likely the latter...The fuck is it? A spirit ring farm?'

Pushing those thoughts aside for later, she asked, "You're curious about how I cleared my impurities, aren't you?"

"Obviously!" He blurted out. "Do you know how important it is to cleanse impurities before becoming a Soul Saint?" He was almost shouting. "Your chances of martial soul evolution skyrocket, and it makes absorbing higher-age rings easier. Not to mention, your cultivation speed will shoot through the roof!"

He was practically shouting now. "It's insane! An opportunity you can NOT miss!"

Wong Yazhu blinked at his outburst before clearing her throat awkwardly. "Ahem, I understand, Master." She swam toward Yun Ho, her expression calm. "First, let me explain my story," she began. "After you gave me those five cultivation methods, I tried one and... then I vomited."

"Eh?" Yun Ho mumbled in confusion.

Wong Yazhu continued, "I realized the cultivation method I made was much better than the trash you gave me."

"Trash?" Yun Ho almost coughed up blood. 

"Then I figured I could turn trash into gold." She reached the edge of the pool and started walking out. "Using my intellect, talent, and the time-slowing abilities of my Sharingan, I merged my cultivation method with the six you gave me, creating the ultimate cultivation method." She stood before Yun Ho, grinning. "One circulation and I was already clearing impurities from my body."

"Don't fuck with me." Yun Ho's tone was dead serious now, his face hard. "You expect me to believe that six of the highest-grade cultivation methods are trash? And that you—a seven-year-old—managed to create one that clears impurities just from using it?"

"Yes," she smiled, "Oh, I forgot." She lowered her head slightly. "Disciple greets Master."

A vein popped on Yun Ho's forehead as the pressure in the entire room suddenly descended upon her. Behind him, three spirit rings appeared: two yellow and a purple in the middle, flowing behind him like a halo. The atmosphere became suffocating.

Wong Yazhu responded by releasing her single ring—purple. Yun Ho's eyes widened in horror.

"What the fuck?" He stared at her in shock.

"Oh, I never showed you my ring, did I?" Wong Yazhu said casually. 

In the month they had lived together, Yun Ho had never asked to see her spirit ring, always assuming it was something in the tens. But a millennium? As her first ring!?

Yun Ho grinned, the pressure in the room increasing as her ring began to tremble under the force. The suppression was overwhelming. The rank difference was simply too vast. Her purple ring shattered as she fell to her knees, the weight crushing her down to all fours.

Yun Ho watched her struggle for a moment, then sighed into his hands, removing the rings with a tired motion. "Who was your first master?" he asked.

"Eh?" Wong Yazhu blinked up at him in confusion.

"It's impossible for a spirit master to kill a millennium-old spirit beast alone, especially with your support martial soul." Yun Ho dropped his hands. "So who helped you kill it?"

'I just ate it,' She thought, but out loud, she said, "A Title Douluo."

Yun Ho showed no reaction. "What rank?"

"Rank 97."

"A Super Douluo," he muttered, with Wong Yazhu nodding. "Do you know something special about those with the rank of Titled Douluo?"

She shook her head.

"When someone becomes a Title Douluo, they announce their true name to the world." He pointed his pipe to the sky that could be seen through the glass ceiling. "Whenever that name is spoken, they can instantly sense who said it and where that person is. However, they can stop themselves from receiving feedback from random people and only receive from close ones if they wish."

Yun Ho continued, "At Rank 96, when a Douluo becomes a Hyper Douluo, they can instantly teleport to whoever speaks their name. When they reach Rank 99, a Limit Douluo, even a mere thought of their name will notify them."

"Ah," Wong Yazhu realized, "That's why Title Douluos go by their titles instead of their real names."

"That's where the rank name comes from." Yun Ho puffed from his pipe, releasing it to form four Chinese character that read;

'Titled Douluo.'

'How the fuck did he write that with smoke.' Wong Yazhu stood up, meeting Yun Ho's eyes as he took a long drag from his kiseru pipe. "So, I guess you are telling me this, so I will summon my second master?"

'Second master?' Yun Ho thought, raising an eyebrow but nodding. "Summon that Super Douluo."

"I honestly don't want to summon him..." Wong Yazhu sighed, "How about I write down my cultivation method for you to try first? If it doesn't work, I'll summon him."

Yun Ho stared at her, nodding softly. "Alright, I'll bring a scroll for you to write it down." He turned to leave but added, "You can shower in my bathroom."

As he walked away, Wong Yazhu let out a long sigh of relief. 'Holy shit!' She wiped sweat from her forehead. 'Just his pressure almost made me faint.' The power gap between them was so large.

And he's only two major ranks above me.

Then it hit her like a brick. Tang Hao is not to be messed with. 'A thought from him, and I'll cease to exist. Holy fuck!'

She rubbed her temples, as Yun Ho returned. He casually pushed the towels from a table to the ground and then placed a scroll on it. Wong Yazhu walked to it as he left, returning with a dip pen and an inkwell.

Without waiting for his instruction, she took the pen and dipped it in the well and started writing. Almost twelve minutes later, she stepped back. "Finished," She gestured at it, "I even drew a diagram for you?"

"Yes, I'm graceful." He said sarcastically. "Shower. I will be expecting to meet your 'second master' soon."

He didn't believe it, but she didn't care. He would soon.

Wong Yazhu left the poolroom, entering Yun Ho's room and heading to his bathroom, where she began to shower. A long shower of over an hour. Stepping out, she took a new towel from the closet in the bathroom and cleaned herself. Then, while walking past the full body mirror, she noticed;

"Eh?" She stared at her reflection, "Was my melanin part of the impurities!?" She almost shouted, dashing to the mirror to stare at herself.

"Why the fuck have I been whitewashed?"

Her skin had become lighter. 

Almost porcelain! 

'Ah, aren't all Ōtsutsuki white?' Literally. 'Will I become white and only gain the third eye after eating the Chakra Fruit—if the God Tree even creates one.' However, that wasn't the only problem.

Her body retained its height of 140 cm with, with lightly toned muscles on her arm, legs, back and abdomen. However, she had notable become more feminine. Her facial feature was 'softer,' with smooth and blemish-free skin and her once notable jawline had softened, rounding out just slightly to give her face a more delicate shape.

Her round brown eyes still held the same intensity as before, but her double eyelids now gave her a more serene, almost doll-like look, with her eyelashes appearing longer and fuller. Her straight nose with its high bridge was still there, but it too seemed more refined, as if smoothed out by an unseen hand.

And then her hair, once black with a few white strands, was now almost evenly split between black and white, the black still being more. 

Just then, the bathroom door burst open, and Yun Ho rushed in, his eyes wide with excitement, sticky black impurities oozing from his pores, covering a bit of his body.

"It worked!" he bellowed, his voice filled with exhilaration. 

He barely noticed—or didn't care—that Wong Yazhu had just finished showering before he grabbed her into a tight bear hug, his laughter booming through the room.

"It worked! HAHAHA!" He spun her around like a rag doll, her small frame dwarfed by his sheer size. "You're a genius! A child of heaven!" he shouted, holding her up like a prize. 

"Holy shit! HaHAHA" His laughter filled the bathroom as he spun her again and again. "You are a bean birthed by the gods themselves!!!"

After a full minute of laughter, Yun Ho finally stopped, noticing the silent tears streaming down Wong Yazhu's otherwise stoic face. "Oh, you're crying for your master?" 

He let out another boisterous laugh. "Hahaha!" 

He set her down on her feet, patting her head affectionately. Her naked body was now smeared with his impurities, the black sludge clinging to her pale skin. He didn't care.

"Cry tears of joy, my student!" he declared, laughing as he skipped out of the bathroom like a child, his excitement still bubbling over.

As the door closed behind him, Wong Yazhu collapsed to her knees, as tears silently flowed from her eyes. 

"My dick." She mumbled, reaching towards the light with trembling hands as she saw her dick flying away with an angel wing. "No, don't leave me!!!" 

"NO, DICK! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" Noah cried, leaping off the ground to catch it but it vanished and 'he' fell onto the tile.

"Don't leave me, dick." Noah whimpered on the ground. "WAAA!" He cried like a little bitch.

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