
Douluo: Crow's Guiding Light

In a world where martial arts reign supreme and the divide between the privileged and the commoners is stark, Sheng Jun, an orphan born into a humble background, grows up ignorant of the ways of combat. Despite his lack of training, he possesses a latent talent that goes unnoticed until fate intervenes in the form of a dying martial master, himself a product of commoner origins. Recognizing Sheng Jun's untapped potential, the master takes him under his wing as his final disciple, passing on his knowledge and skills before drawing his last breath. With the weight of his master's teachings on his shoulders, Sheng Jun vows to use his newfound abilities to challenge the injustices plaguing society, where the powerful oppress the weak. Facing formidable adversaries and daunting obstacles, Sheng Jun's resolve is tested time and again. But with each challenge he overcomes, his determination only grows stronger. Along the way, he gathers allies from all walks of life, united by a shared desire for justice and equality. As Sheng Jun's reputation as a champion of the oppressed and a teacher for all spreads, he draws the attention of those who see him as a threat to their positions. In the end, Sheng Jun's journey culminates in a final showdown with the forces of tyranny that lasts for 30 days, where he is slain due to his only weakness being exposed. He closed his eyes in both regret and satisfaction; regret because he never really had time to enjoy his life, but if given another chance, he would still make the same choices. Still, his last thought was that of satisfaction, knowing that his goals had been accomplished. Little did he know that this was not the end for him, as he opened his eyes in the world of Douluo Dalu. ... I'm writing this fanfic primarily for myself and for those who are interested. The MC will primarily interact with the original main characters of the show, but he will not harbour prejudice against Spirit Hall or hate them in any way without a good reason (obviously since they help common people awaken their martial soul). This is not a harem fanfic, and the MC will not pursue romantic relationships with the original characters. Instead, he will focus on helping them improve in strength and character, particularly Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai. English is not my first language, so there may be many typos and mistakes. This is also my first book, as I didn't find any Douluo fanfic that suited me, so I decided to write one myself. You can't imagine how unbearable my sister and I feel when reading some fanfics. Of course, some might feel the same about my fanfic, and you're free to have your own opinion, so ignore it if you don't like it. By the way, I have no idea how Chinese names work so if you see a mistake please feel free to comment.

Aczekial · Anime und Comics
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66 Chs

Bai Chenxiang's Resolve

As Sheng Jun approached the designated meeting spot, his keen gaze fell upon a girl with purplish-blue hair, her expression tinged with nervous anticipation. With a warm smile, she greeted him "First Brother!".

Returning her smile, Sheng Jun glanced in the direction of Bai Chenxiang, who stood nearby. Feigning confusion, he addressed the purplish-blue-haired girl. "So, why did you ask me out here?" he inquired, though he already knew the answer all too well.

In truth, for both of his plans to come into fruition, Sheng Jun needed Bai Chenxiang's agreement to go absorb the Tailless Snow Phoenix he had captured, one that is at least 1000 years beyond the age limit for Spirit Masters of her level. Of course, he was not willing to let her sacrifice herself without a chance of survival. With the aid of two Heavenly Treasures perfectly suited to her: the Ice Veins Drop and High Wind Essence coupled with the Heavenly Dao Sutra, he estimated her chances of survival at around 25%. It was a risk, but one he deemed necessary to achieve their shared goals.

As Bai Chenxiang gathered her courage to speak, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she revealed the true reason for seeking Sheng Jun's assistance. "First Brother... It's about Hongjun" she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I...I love him, so I would like your assistance to win his heart!" she blurted out in one breath, her confession hanging in the air.

Listening attentively, Sheng Jun remained calm, his expression unreadable as he processed Bai Chenxiang's words. After a moment of consideration, he spoke, his tone composed. "I don't mind helping you, but let me ask you a few question" he said, his gaze steady.

Bai Chenxiang's eyes lit up with anticipation, a bright smile gracing her lips. "That's great! Please ask me anything!" she replied eagerly, her determination shining through.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Sheng Jun began his line of questioning. "You love my brother, right?" he asked, to which Bai Chenxiang responded with a quick affirmative. Satisfied with her answer, he posed another question. "So you wouldn't want him to be sad, right?" he inquired, seeking reassurance.

Once again, Bai Chenxiang nodded fervently, her commitment unwavering. "Would you do what it takes to make him happy?" Sheng Jun continued, his gaze piercing as he awaited her response.

Without hesitation, Bai Chenxiang replied with unwavering resolve, her voice steady and determined. "Yes, I would" she affirmed, her sincerity evident in every word.

With a satisfied smile, Sheng Jun began "From childhood, I had taught Hongjun to only have one partner in his life, to die together and live together... Are you willing to take that oath with him once the time comes?" he asked, his tone serious and probing.

Without a moment's hesitation, Bai Chenxiang responded resolutely. "I will" she declared firmly, her determination shining through.

However, Sheng Jun's expression suddenly shifted, feigning anger as he unleashed a barrage of questions. "So what do you think he will do when the love of his life loses all memories of him? Becoming an entirely different person! Do you think he will be happy? Do you think he can live on knowing his lover is no more?" he demanded, his voice filled with a mixture of 'anger' and concern.

Caught off guard by Sheng Jun's outburst, Bai Chenxiang flinched, her heart pounding with uncertainty. "First Brother, what do you..." she began, but then realization dawned upon her. The happiness she felt during the past year and her time together with Ma Hongjun has made her forget about the weight of her forgotten goal, the purpose she had left her clan to pursue, and the "blessing" that she carried.

As the truth sank in, Bai Chenxiang's face drained of color, her voice trembling with fear and regret. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, her voice barely audible. "The ritual..." she murmured, her words heavy with the weight of her newfound understanding.

"You should know about the 'blessing' of your clan and the ritual needed to bypass it" Sheng Jun stated calmly, as he addressed Bai Chenxiang. "As for giving up on cultivation? Don't even think about it. Not only is it impossible due to your identity as the granddaughter of the current Patriarch, but do you really plan to let Ma Hongjun die of loneliness without you after you die of old age?" he pressed.

Trembling slightly at Sheng Jun's questions, Bai Chenxiang felt a rush of emotions swirling within her. She wanted to ask how Sheng Jun knew all of this, but then realization dawned upon her. Coming back from the business, the recent rise of Shrek, a mysterious faction behind the Academy. It all pointed towards him. He was the driving force behind the faction supporting their Academy.

As the truth settled upon her, Bai Chenxiang's heart felt heavy with uncertainty. Why did he bring this up? Can he help her? or would she have to keep her feelings buried deep within her heart for the rest of her life?

"It seems you've figured it out, but don't worry" Sheng Jun reassured Bai Chenxiang, his tone gentle yet resolute. "I didn't bring this up just to let you give up on him" he continued, his words carrying a note of certainty.

"You said you would do anything it takes, right?" Sheng Jun pressed "I can guide you to overcome that curse of yours. But beware, this challenge will likely take your life. Don't worry, I will naturally do everything in my power to help you succeed. But even then, your chance of survival is low".

"And even if you manage to overcome it, the chances of your Martial Soul evolving into a top-tier Martial Soul, which is the threshold I calculated as the requirement to overcome the curse, is under 10%" he cautioned, his voice tinged with solemnity.

Despite the grim odds, Sheng Jun's offer held a glimmer of hope for Bai Chenxiang. The prospect of breaking free from the shackles of her curse and finally being able to pursue her feelings for Ma Hongjun filled her with a sense of determination.

With a resolute gaze, Sheng Jun pressed on. "You have my word that even if your Martial Soul doesn't evolve into a top-tier Martial Soul, I will use everything in my power to find the Immortal Herbs necessary to successfully evolve it" Taking a deep breath he continued "Additionally, if you survive, I want you to promise me something".

"I want you to promise that you won't give up on Ma Hongjun or reject him, even if you fail" Sheng Jun urged, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with the stunned Bai Chenxiang before him.

"Until the very end, when your grandfather wants to force you back to the clan to perform the ritual. After all, a Spirit Douluo of pure Agility System, even some Titled Douluo, can't stop him if he wants to take you away forcibly...can you promise me that?" he asked, his voice carrying a sense of pleading.

"Why would you go so far..." Bai Chenxiang asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Why? It seems you underestimate your own weight in Hongjun's heart" Sheng Jun replied, shaking his head slightly. "Even though that kid doesn't realize it yet, you are already one of the most important people in his heart, I naturally can't give up on someone like that" he explained, his words carrying a weight of certainty.

Bai Chenxiang's gaze met Sheng Jun's, her eyes reflecting a newfound resolve as she clenched her fists. "If it means I can stay with him, if it means I won't forget him...I will do it!" she declared, her voice filled with determination.

A smile tugged at the corners of Sheng Jun's lips as he nodded in approval. "Good!" he said simply, while praying silently in his heart for the best.

Let's pray for her success in getting a top-tier Martial Soul everyone.

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