
Douluo continent: Thief Boy

Tang San: Thief, Return my External Spirit Bone, Eight Spider Lances! Also, Return Immortal Herbs! And why can't I Awaken Blue Silver Emperor Bloodline? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my Heavenly Fire? Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am trying to impress her in every way, but she still is indifferent to me! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again? Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Uchiha Sasuke: Return back my Nissan’s Mangekyō Sharingan ......... A certain Plant Earth otaku, by chance, reincarnated to the Douluo Continent, bound to steal the system! From then on, not only the treasures of the dimensions and the world, and the techniques... let him steal it! He can also travel through the different dimensions. Disesaimer: I do not Own Soul land or this Fic.

Nameless345 · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 1

  Emperor Village is located in the south of Notting City, Fastino Province, with a population of more than 100 households.

   According to legend, many years ago, Emperor Soul Village was not called Emperor Soul Village,

But only because one of the soul master cultivators reached the Soul Emperor level, out of respect, they named their village Emperor Soul Village.

Now ....

A child who was about five or six years old a year, with a blue silver grass in his mouth, was lying on the grass with his eyes closed, enjoying the sun.

  With his head resting on his hands, Erlang kept tapping his legs and humming a nursery rhyme.

The village chief, Tom, from Emperor Soul Village, in the distance, seeing the child being lazy again, rushed towards him.

"You are lazy again, and have you forgotten the spirit awakening ceremony? It's only one month away. Without good physical fitness, how can you become a soul master in the future? See if I don't beat you to death," Village head Tom angrily yelled.

The kid started by suddenly shouting and waking up from napping. When his gaze fell on Elder Tom, he hurriedly ran away from Tom.

"Don't chase me, Grandpa Tom. What's the use of exercising every day anyway? I can't become a Soul Master!" the child yelled at Village Elder Tom while running away.

  "Boy, don't run!"

Old Tom yelled, out of breath, and chased him.

"No, I wouldn't stop; you will punch me again."

He doesn't listen to this old man. If the old man catches him, he knows that without punishment, he wouldn't let him go. Thinking about the punishment, he felt a chill.

After half an hour, he collapsed to the ground out of breath

Old Tom grabbed the child's calf, breathed in the fresh air quickly, and said solemnly: "Finally caught your kid! Will you dare to be lazy in the future."

This time, the child's strength to speak is almost gone, and a child under six is forced to run at full speed for half an hour. It's normal for him to exhaust after those running.

The boy lay exhausted on the gourd, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He had been running for hours, his legs burning and his lungs screaming for air. But he couldn't run anymore. He had reached his limit.

He closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. The sun beat down on him, and he could feel the sweat dripping down his face. He thought about all the reasons he had been running. He thought about the fear that had driven him, the desperation that had fueled his flight.

But now, all that was gone. He was too tired to be afraid. He was too tired to care. He just wanted to rest.

Old Tom was exhausted from all the running, and as he lay on the ground, he spotted the naughty brat who was usually mischievous. The boy, known for his impish behavior, was perched on a nearby fence, a mischievous grin spread across his face.

Tom glared at the boy, his breath ragged from exertion. "You little rascal," he muttered, "always causing trouble."

The boy, unfazed by Tom's stern gaze, hopped down from the fence and approached Tom. "What's the matter, Grandpa Tom?" he asked, his voice laced with mock concern. "Can't keep up with the young ones anymore?"

Tom's annoyance grew. "I'll have you know, I'm still spry for my age," he retorted. "It's just that these newfangled running shoes don't provide the support I need."

The boy chuckled. "Oh, come on, Grandpa Tom," he said, "you're just making excuses. You're getting old, and that's that."

Tom's face turned red with indignation. "I am not old!" he exclaimed. "I'm just...experienced."

The boy laughed outright. "Sure, grandpa Tom, whatever you say," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Despite his annoyance, Tom couldn't help but crack a smile. The boy's infectious laughter was hard to resist. "Alright, alright," he said, "you got me. I'm not as young as I used to be."

After that, Village head Tom sat down with the Boy there for a little rest, while after recovering, both returned to the Village.

Old Tom and the child walked side by side on the trail.

Grandpa Tom, why are you so obsessed with making me a Soul Master?"

The child asks a question that has been perplexing his mind for a long time.

Old Tom sighed and said, "Ah! It's just that the old Jack in the next village has always said that there is a strong soul sage in their village. Our Emperor Soul Village follows the trend of them, and we are faking the whole Soul Emperor thing.

Humph! That **** old man. Is the reason why Grandpa Tom is so dead set on making him a soul master. Boy, curse on his head!

But if your brat can become a Soul Master, I will proudly face him, and then no one will dare to mark our village in future.

Thinking about Old Jack being unable to face him in the future, old Tom burst into laughter.

The corner of the child's mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes at Old Tom, and said, "What! Didn't you say that my dead father and mother's martial arts are blue silver grass and also don't have soul power? So, how are you sure, Grandpa Tom, that I am able to become a Spirit Master?

If the children didn't fit the atmosphere, Old Tom's laughter came to an abrupt end

Raised the hand knife and knocked it on the child's small head

"It hurts, it hurts..."

The child squatted on the ground with his head in his hands and screamed .

   Seeing the funny performance of children, old Tom shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Don't howl, Brat, I didn't try to hit hard at all." After thinking about it, Old Tom said again: "Last year I asked Master Su Yuntao, wouldn't Wuhun occasionally have something... what? Yes? Yes, the martial soul mutates. Maybe you can mutate a good martial soul?"

Old Tom's words made the child no longer pretend to be in pain, he sighed, got up and walked back to his little house!

Before leaving, raised his little hand to say goodbye to old Tom.

Spirit mutation? Where is it so easy to mutate? What's more, it was Blue Silver Grass; after all, he didn't have the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor like Tang San had.

That's right, this child is a reincarnated person.

In his previous life, he was a big otaku. He didn't know how, but after watching "Douluo Continent" all night, he suddenly died in his house unknowingly the next day.

When he wakes up again, he finds himself in this unknown world.

As I grew up, I spent 2 years learning the language of the Douluo Continent and knew that I had a very domineering and awkward name - the family name, the ancestor of the big name. Oh no, that was just a joke; his name was just Zhongli.

Every time Old Tom introduces his name to others, he feels complicated. Due to Old Tom's bad habit of often calling him "Smelly Boy" or "Brat," everyone forgets what his real name is!

At first, knowing that he had reincarnated to the Douluo Continent in the same year as the protagonist, Zhongli was very excited. His otaku heart couldn't contain itself and he ran to the Holy Soul Village just to see the protagonist, Tang San.

want to see what this protagonist,how he look like on Real life

I want to see what this protagonist looks like in real life.

As a result, bah! He looks really ordinary. (Author: It seems like you are an ugly rascal.)

But he still intends to make friends with him.

If he wants to become a Spirit Master, he can only achieve it by learning the Tang Sect, Mysterious Heaven cultivation technique.

But who would have thought that, by chance, Zhongli saw Tang San practicing Tang Sect skills. He tried to mimic him. When Tang San saw him trying to copy his Tang Sect technique, from then on he avoided Zhongli or hid away, even though Zhongli didn't understand anything.about those techniques.


In the empty thatched house, lying on the shabby bed, looking at the familiar ceiling, it shouldn't be said that it is a thatched roof, the Zhongli kept sighing.

First, I thought when I arrived on the Douluo Continent, I would kick Tang San and create a big harem of beautiful girls.

However, reality is something else. Even after practicing all those years, he feels progress is too slow even with all those practices with old Tom and the spirit of martial arts. It will be awakened next month. His destiny seems to have already been decided.

Suddenly, a voice rang in the Zhongli mind.

   [Dip, feel the host's unwillingness, steal the system and start loading, the countdown is 10, 9, 8...]




  Zhongli excitedly shouted "Bad Word" three times in a row.

Haha! This young master is finally going to counterattack. Just you wait, Bastard Tang San!

[Steals the system loading completed, bound, or not?]

Quickly, let me bind

  [Steal system binding is complete! ]

Zhongli, who had been familiar with all kinds of isekai routines, did not speak like an idiot again. Instead, he silently shouted in his own mind, "System, what is the function of the stealing system?"

[Host, the main function of the stealing system is to steal all kinds of treasures from the heavens and worlds, including techniques, geniuses, bloodlines... and even more! ]

Haha, finally my golden finger has come!

[Dip, the host should not be too happy too early. Stealing is restricted and risky. It can only be stolen once a year. Each level of soul power can also increase the chance of stealing. However, if the user steals someone else's things, if the target's hatred value reaches its full value, the host will be randomly teleported to within one mile of the stolen object for an hour.]

Oops! Isn't that dangerous? If I accidentally stole the stock of Bibi Dong and she finds out that it was me who stole it, his life will surely end.

[Ding, the host is not worng, He surely be Death this happened.]

"You don't have to remind me," Zhongli yelled at the system in his mind.

[Dig, the host's stealing opportunity this year has not been used. Does the host steal it now?]

Zhongli took deep breaths and determinedly said, "Steal.

[Ding Dong, the system is stealing...]

[Congratulations to the host for stealing the bloodline of Blue Silver Emperor from the protagonist of "Douluo Dalu," Tang San, and also the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit.]


To continue....

Disesaimer : I do not own soul land or this Fic.

Nameless345creators' thoughts