
Dou Po: I will have many wives

I will have many wives who will bear me many children and I will dominate the nine heavens. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

"Shocking Revelation: Amethyst Winged Lion King Serves as Mount Yun Yun and Xiao Bai"

Yun Lan Sect.

The long mountain road is shrouded in clouds and fog. Above the clouds and mist is a huge plaza. The square is completely paved with monolithic rocks and looks simple and grand.

Looking around the square, there are thousands of people sitting there.

These people were sitting in a semicircle, without exception, they were all wearing moon-white robes, on their sleeves were long swords in the clouds, floating in the wind, like living beings, with some faint swords hanging from them.

At the top of the square, there are some imposing stone pedestals. The steps go up gradually and the force becomes stronger as you go up. The stone pedestal on the highest floor is empty at the moment and there is no one sitting on it. Below, there are more than a dozen old men in white robes sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and concentrating!

Although there were almost a thousand people in the square, total silence reigned in the square, except for the howling of the wind, no other sound could be heard.

From time to time, a strong gust of wind blew across the square and suddenly, as far as the eye could see, white robes fluttered like clouds falling from the sky.

Such a scene, at first glance, is quite shocking.

At times, there would suddenly be a sound of wind breaking in the air, and figures would immediately appear in the towering treetops. Looking over the camera, I realized that there were actually many figures standing on the tops of some giant trees around the square. Not only were they practicing, among these people was Fa Ma, the president of the Alchemists Guild, and even Jia Xingtian, the ancestor of the Jia Ma Empire, came.

From the imperial capital also came the heads and young men of some important families.

You can see how great the impact of today's events is!

Almost all the prominent figures of the Jia Ma Empire have come here!

"Alchemy King Gu He is a unique sixth grade alchemist, I really don't know why this young master of Yun Lan Sect dares to challenge Alchemy King Gu He!"

"Perhaps there is some personal grudge between the two of them. The young sect master is young and energetic, so it is inevitable that he would act impulsively."

"The fact that Dan Gu He can accept this young sect leader's challenge so formally, from my perspective, is probably for the sake of Sect Leader Yun."

"Hey! It's true that you are young and energetic, but if you don't have the ability, you'll just make people laugh!"

Many important men in the imperial capital were discussing quietly.

They are willing to come here, of course, not to witness a top-level competition.

Just to give King Dan Gu He and the Yun Lan Sect a face!

After all, no one would believe that a teenager has the ability to challenge a sixth grade alchemist.

"Welcome Alchemist King Gu He!"

Many alchemists suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully before the high platform.

Everyone heard this and stood up.

A green-robed man flew out of the palace.

His face was calm, but his eyes looked down from the stone platform on the highest floor intentionally or unintentionally, as if to see if Yun Yun was present.

When he saw the empty stone platform, a trace of imperceptible loss shone in his eyes.

Arriving at an independent position next to the high platform, he slightly clenched his fists towards the crowd and then quietly sat down, waiting for the arrival of the young sect master of Yun Lan Sect.

He is also not very interested in this battle.

I just want to see Yun Yun and talk to her.

It's a pity she hasn't come yet.


The scorching sun is in the sky.

Time passed gradually, a few hours later.

Yun Yun and Xiao Bai still did not appear in front of everyone.

This inevitably aroused discontent among many people.

"Young Sect Master Yun Lan! It's a pity that you haven't appeared even after making us wait for so long!"

"Why hasn't the young master come yet?"

"The sect master and the young sect master have been missing for several days. They haven't come here yet. Could it be that something happened and they were delayed?"

"What nonsense? In my opinion, he must be afraid of being embarrassed, that's why he didn't dare to come out."

Although the crowd's discussion was not loud, Gu He, who was on top of Dou Wang, could hear it clearly.

Although he was very patient, he couldn't help but frown at that moment.

If it wasn't for Yun Yun's sake, he would have left right now.

Yun Ling coldly snorted and said dissatisfied, "This kid is really too reckless and rude. Impulsively he wanted to challenge King Alchemy, but now he doesn't dare to show up out of fear. He has no sense of responsibility!"

As soon as these words came out, he immediately got the approval of many elders. 

Because they have been waiting for several hours!

Anger has already built up in my heart.

"In my opinion, this farce ends here!"

Yun Ling slowly stood up and said coldly.

As long as this matter ends in such a hasty manner, when Xiao Bai returns to the sect, a meeting of elders will definitely be called to accuse and remove Xiao Bai from the position of young sect leader!

You can even throw a bowl of dirty water at Yun Yun!

"That's right, let's end this farce!"

Some people shook their heads slightly and said impatiently.

After waiting in vain for several hours, anyone who came would be angry in their hearts.

When someone took the initiative, everyone in the place stood up and prepared to leave the place.

 "Wait a little longer!"

Gu He suddenly spoke. Although he didn't believe Xiao Bai, he believed in Yun Yun.

Even if Xiao Bai really didn't dare to come, Yun Yun would definitely come.

After hearing what Gu He said, everyone stopped and looked at each other before returning to their original positions.

Yun Leng's eyes were a little cold, but he didn't say anything.

After all, it is not profitable to offend a sixth grade alchemist over this matter.

In this way another hour passed.

One after another, people left with excuses.

Because I really can't wait any longer.

Besides, no one knows when this will end.

Even Gu He's face was extremely gloomy at this time.

He was actually let go by a brat!

At this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded in the distant sky.

 "No good, there's a sixth level monster that wants to attack the mountain!"

Some Yun Lan Sect disciples said in horror.

In the sky not far away.

Purple flames surged across the sky, like a vast sea of fire, burning the entire sky and melting it.

A huge lion king with amethyst wings and an extraordinary aura came out of the sea of fire, flying through the clouds and mist.

This terrifying impulse really scared a lot of people.

"Get ready to activate the sect protective formation!"

Yun Ling stood up fiercely, roared and prepared to call everyone to form a formation to defend against the enemy!

But an elder at the side was startled and said, "Wait a minute! There seems to be someone on the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King!"

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place immediately went into an uproar.

There is actually someone who can control this Dou Huang level Amethyst Winged Lion King!

Simply unheard of!

This person's strength must be beyond everyone's imagination!

Just as everyone was facing a formidable enemy, Long Aotian said in surprise from the observation platform not far away, "It's Sect Leader Yun and Xiao Bai!"


When Yun Ling heard this, her pupils shrank and she stared in disbelief at the figure on the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

When she clearly saw the figure's face, she was instantly shocked.

"It turns out it's the two of them!"

At this moment, the entire Yun Lan Sect was boiling!

Standing on the back of a sixth level monster, this is a historical milestone!


Tomorrow is my birthday, if you send me many congratulations I will upload more chapters, and before Sunday I will upload a new story.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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